/yys/ is back, baby!

Greetings, fellow YuyuShin! It's that time of week again, so let's get this show on the road!

I want to start things off by apologizing to everyone who has been waiting to read chapter 29 of the Yuyushiki manga. We really were ready to release last Tuesday, but internal conflicts cropped up and have literally been victims of sabotage since then. We've cleaned house, so this won't be an issue anymore, and I'll give you guys the whole story when I post chapter 29.

I'm working to get this chapter done as soon as I can. The rest of the work between now and release is totally in my hands, so I'm not waiting on anyone. Just keep an eye on the JSB blog for the most current updates, and please try to find it in your comfy hearts to forgive us.

Other urls found in this thread:



Sounds dangerous.

Everything's fine now, thankfully. We're on track to finish off volume 2, AND to start off volume 3 with an increase in quality. We're still short-staffed, but at least we're not at this point yet. (pic related) lol

Shit, I could have sworn I erased that name.

Not like it's the first time my newfaggotry has shown in /yys/, though.

I wish I could help but I only know basic kana and can't really do anything else.

Looking forward to when you release stuff though. Keep up the good work.


>I wish I could help but I only know basic kana and can't really do anything else.

I appreciate the sentiment, regardless!

I think it's appropriate to have a name, Jim-san.

Sorry I haven't emailed to help yet. I do follow updates and have it in the back of my mind. I have to get other priorities in order first.

Honestly, I didn't even notice, Jim-kun.

Yeah, it was deliberate for the OP, but besides that I usually don't use it unless it's needed.

People haven't been too touchy so far, thankfully. Probably because the YYS community is made up of some pretty cool dudes.

Oh, and FYI: We're going to rescan this so you (hopefully) won't see the other side of the page in our future releases.

Well as long as you are not being a ファゴット, it serves as a purpose to put a name on when posting relevant scanlation information.

Thanks for the Monday /yys/

I love you, /yys/!


And I have, in the past, jumped back into my tripcode mid-thread if a discussion about the manga came up and it was productive to do so. I just want to be tactful, since /yys/ is about Yuyus and comfiness, not about me and JSB.

Well, it was Tuesday here and in good ol' Nippon. That's gotta count for something, right?

Ahh, Tuesday.
The comfiest day of the week.

Just put the name on when you need to post those little announcements. It would be helpful for people who even want to highlight filter so they can find your posts easily. A trip isn't necessary unless you really need the security.
This can be useful for anyone who is interested in following your progress. I do this with the few notable people who contribute great stuff. You can be on that list too!

The ED reminds me of a certain song but I can't remember it. This has probably been mentioned a million times before or something.

Every time until you love it Sup Forums


why are they so gay Sup Forums?

I picked up yuyushiki in part due to this thread's weekly reminder.

I've always loved it!

Wouldn't you be if you were in their situation?

Considering that even /yys/, a thread discussing the Yuyus, tends to turn people momemtarily gay, I can only imagine what the real thing would do to people.

I wish /yys/ could turn me gay, maybe I'd be happier then.

But if you were gay you won't be able to fully appreciate all the yuyulewds out there

I'd be willing to sacrifice that, however difficult it may be.

[x] Pinch cheek

Very cute. I want everybody in the Yuyushiki cast to pinch my cheeks.



All at once?!

Even the men that sometimes appear in the background?

If the user who made this shows up, please make one with the labels (You) You (You).

Sorry I missed you last thread.

I literally just saved that pic to post here today, you're quick user.

It's amazing to see people still using my edit. I couldn't even get the blue out of Yukari's outline in that image.

If they have zero members, who posted the flyer and why were they recruiting?

I really like this kinda thing, no matter how bad the edit is.

Okaasan-sensei most likely posted the flier, since she expressed a desire for the club to not shut down. Maybe because she'd have to turn in that computer if it did?

Morning /yys/.

good fucking morning

Why is there more yuyulewds than hidamarilewds?


I can think of a couple good reasons.

Hidamaris are not for lewd! The Yuyus lewd themselves so it's okay for them.

>Hidamaris are not for lewd

what kinds of secrets are hidden in okaasan's computers?

who Ai-chan here

in the front page?

Her conversations with her boyfriend

Hidamari is so cute... sometimes. I still have trouble getting into this (and it's used SO DAMN MUCH!)


Getting mixed messages form you there, user.

JSB weekly blog post is up. Pretty much just tells you what the OP told you, but I translated this comic drawn by Mikami-sensei as extra motivation to check it out.

Maybe consider volunteering?



lol Ain't even mad. Thanks for visiting, regardless.

Don't worry, ' Jim ', I went to your website and found the translated comic before that user posted it.

why's Fumi's pinky wet

Why don't you post the untranslated chapter here?

I'm not worried, regardless. I translated the comic so people would read it, not just to blackmail you guys into coming to the site. lol This place is too comfy to stress about stuff like that.

Real talk though, thanks.

It's actually already available from Yuri house if you wanna check it out.


You never know with Fumi. She's just the kind of girl who ends up with wet fingers.

Damn, /yys/, lookin gud.

Are they still scanning the newest Kirara stuff?

No, they stopped after volume 2. I'm scanning now. Going to up the resolution a lot starting with volume 3.

Volume 3 and on will be hosted on Batoto, with hi-res downloads available in a Mega folder. I also told Dynasty they could mirror all of our releases when they reached out to me. And anyone else can feel free to do the same, as long as you leave our credit pages intact.

I've always loved this one.

Put me in column A, baby!

Though, 買った would be more accurate.


All Yuyus are equally Osaka-like. Yukari is simply more equallier Osaka-likieriesterererererererererer. Er.

It always bothered me that Yui wasn't in this picture.

All of them are squishy.

Whenever I need a break from working on the manga, I just stop and do another one of these.

>What is it, user?


I've seen some cosmic shit.

ded yuyus

I love Yukari's pantyhose. Pls give me more

Yukari's pantyhose is as dead as the barren, scorched soil of this fanbase.

What do you mean?


That time already? Week went by fast.

It's dangerous

>answering no
wow how rude. how could anyone possibly say no?

I'd trace that stack if you know what I mean.

CS student here, I don't know what you mean. Could you explain it to me?


A stack trace is a trace of the function calls that led to the current location in the code, in simple terms. To apply this to yuyus, Yuzu is the current function, which was called by Yukari, which was called by Yui.

To apply this to "if you know what I mean," it's meaningless. However I would inspect yuyus given the chance. The stack pictured probably wasn't compiled with debug info anyway.

user, if you were a teacher who used Yuyus as examples to explain concepts I would take your class.

Does anyone remember the picture with the Yuyus' heads in a stack and Yukari popping off the top saying "POP"?




I've been so busy I've missed maybe a month of Yuyu threads, but I'm back in time to post this.

Trust /yys/ to have good taste in vidya. But let's not derail our comfy thread.

Dat array, mang. Would shift.

Hallo /yys/

I want to die

function i_would():String{
var a:Dynamic;
while(stack.length > 0){
a = stack.pop();
return "aww yeah";

I just want to get out of my chest that my fave char has woefully little fanart. ;_;

dont be a debby downer.
we're trying to be comfy here

Have you lovingly bullied your Yuzu today?

I know the feeling user. Wish I could draw.