America when it was 90-100% White = Roman Empire

>America when it was 90-100% White = Roman Empire
>America when it's 50% White = Brazil, Yugoslavia, South Africa, other "Diverse" societies that are failures

How accurate is this?
Keep in mind the recent demographic decline only got this dramatic relatively recently so we haven't seen the full decline yet.

Other urls found in this thread:

>make america brown again

Is a nigger saying it? Then it's not accurate.
The Crisis of the Roman Republic - an extended period of political instability and social unrest, from about 133 BC to 30 BC.
Social War (91–88 BC), between Rome and many of its Italian allies - Roman victory.
Sulla's first civil war (88–87 BC), between Lucius Cornelius Sulla's supporters and Gaius Marius' forces - Sullan victory.
Sertorian War (83–72 BC ), between Rome and the provinces of Hispania under the leadership of Quintus Sertorius, a supporter of Gaius Marius - Sullan victory.
Sulla's second civil war (82–81 BC), between Sulla and Marius' supporters - Sullan victory.
Lepidus' rebellion (77 BC), when Lepidus rebelled against the Sullan regime.
Catiline Conspiracy (63–62 BC), between the Senate and the dissatisfied followers of Catiline - Senatorial victory.
Caesar's Civil War (49–45 BC), between Julius Caesar and the Optimates initially led by Pompey - Caesarean victory.
Post-Caesarian civil war (44–43 BC), between the Senate's army (led first by Cicero and then by Octavius) and the army of Antony, Lepidus, and their colleagues - Truce results in union of forces.
Liberators' civil war (44–42 BC), between the Second Triumvirate and the Liberators (Brutus and Cassius, Caesar's assassins) - Triumvirate victory.
Sicilian revolt (44–36 BC), between the Second Triumvirate (particularly Octavius and Agrippa) and Sextus Pompey, the son of Pompey - Triumvirate victory.
Perusine War (41–40 BC), between the forces of Octavius against Lucius Antonius and Fulvia (the younger brother and wife of Mark Antony) - Octavius victory.
Final War of the Roman Republic (32–31 BC), between Octavius and his friend and general Agrippa against Mark Antony and Cleopatra - Octavius victory.

This is relevant and should be discussed further.

(OP) #
>white people stay colonizing
Are ebonics and emoticons acceptable in the classroom in burgerstan? Also is that a high school or uni? Either way, why the fuck do they not have a whiteboard?

What will happen when Mars get colonized by whitey?



whiteboards be racis

Https:// steep

>liberal academics will defend this

dem injuns deys niggas too

may I aksk you merican people, watchu thiknk about dis

You really have no idea about it, do you?

American white birth majority is back. Thankfully the Slavs learned from Yugoslavia that the fucking mudslimes can't be accepted, also fuck the niggers. They stay in the cities and keep killing each other down south because they'd get shot if they came out of the city, fucking niggers.

Average iq is one factor. Not only that, homogeneous societies tend to have higher community trust, charity, cohesion...

It's true. Next superpower will either be China, Russia, or Japan.
Go ahead and laugh at my Japan prediction. They aren't letting in low-IQ sub-humans like the West though. And what good is military strength in a world of nukes, especially when we're providing Japan with defense? Economics will be the mark of power in the 21st century.

All that being said, nobody has taken our spot yet. Maybe the God Emperor will save us. Doubt it though.

wite boi wite boi wite boi!

Didnt that thing say white mothers were the majority? If so, how do we know if their kids are white

Yugoslavia was working just fine.

External influences fucked them up. Looking at you, murrica.

>white woman has to live an unhealthy life to gain ugliness
>a nigger fed an extroardinary diet that exercises every day still looks like a nigger


Fuck that, you Europeans can't get along. You people could rule the globe with an iron fist if you'd just work together for once.

yeah you don't want that

there is no one white race. a slav, an irishman, an anglo, and an aryan are about as suited to rule the world as one big kumnaya race as an abbo, an eskimo, a saharan, and a brazilian monkey.

I'd rather die than associate with Hungarian slime

yugoslavia wasnt a shithole because it was diverse, if you can call cousin nations diverse by the left's standard, it was a shithole because of communism


>90-100% White = Roman Empire
Nah. You are the Roman Emire NOW. Rome BROUGHT JEWS TO EUROPE and created the concept of civic nationalism

Syrian sandnigger Caracalla (Roman Emporor WAS A SANDNIGGER) certainly did a number on ahMeds

In Roman Era by the way even niggers were equal citizens;) many of them moved in. and mixed with local degenerates

Free movement and equal rights without anti-miscegenation laws = mud blood

The Edict of Caracalla was an edict issued in AD 212 by the Roman Emperor Caracalla, which declared that all free men in the Roman Empire were to be given full Roman citizenship and all free women in the Empire were given the same rights as Roman women. Before 212, for the most part only inhabitants of Italia held full Roman citizenship. Colonies of Romans established in other provinces, Romans (or their descendants) living in provinces, the inhabitants of various cities throughout the Empire, and a few local nobles (such as kings of client countries) also held full citizenship. Provincials, on the other hand, were usually non-citizens, although some held the Latin Right.

Name other non-mongrel nations other than Slovenia and upper Croatia in that region.

there are none, but if you consider the 'people' in america, they are not that bad