Why do boys make the best girls?
Why do boys make the best girls?
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Because you're a faggot.
Better at everything women are supposed to be good at, maybe?
Including and not limited to making babies.
More traps please
nahh it's this but sometimes being a faggot is fine if you only nail 10/10 traps.
Ask yourself what is your limit, 10/10 trap or a 7/10 girl.
Some people it's lower, the more gayer they are, some none, but they'll never nail a 10/10 girl anyway.
Also this is real logic, in 2D anything goes really.
they don't you are just a raging homosexual
There's nothing gay about wanting to dominate and fuck a trap. Wanting to get fucked by a man is gay.
They've got a higher sex drive in general
Plump trap asses
gibe sauce
What if I am both demographics at once?
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara
Is this the one off Topple The Flag?
Megu is the only trap I didn't absolutely despise getting screen time. Having the macho complex while wanting to fuck was hilarious in a spoof harem like that.
>actually saving this shit to justify your gayness
Because you're gay. And there's nothing wrong with that, but you should just be honest with yourself.
I mean, they just drew a girl and gave it a penis, therefore appealing more to you.
I have talked to both bi and gay people about this, and they have told me that I am neither gay nor bi unless I want a dick in my ass. There is nothing wrong with finding femininity attractive.
Its still gay
Whatever you say. I love traps and women
Only man knows how to please a man.
>expecting some kind of validation from head cases
This, dick > vagina
Women are bad at everything so there's that
To be honest i just wish i were cute, traps are escapism, just like some live their power fantasies through dragonball
im not gay for real boys no matter how feminine they appear. im only gay for 2d "boys" who are voiced by girls, look like girls, and act like girls. i dont like looking up their porn though. i like non lewd anime with trap characters because they dont show dicks or bulges. therefore, the confusion that such character is actually male or female is never resolved. i call it schrodingers trap
name please? image search gives no results
They're not men, they're traps
>tfw you tried anal masturbation for the first time
i've never met a trap irl that i would actually see myself falling for, but i fell hard for lukako in steins;gate
That's pretty gay user.
>tfw you'll never experience a full body orgasm for the first time again
G-Spot's in your ass for a reason.
It just feels so much better than fapping.
>Suck dick
>Put dick into something wet and tight
>Masturbate the dick
Males are fucking easy to please.
Doesn't make it any less gay though.
There is nothing wrong with being gay.
dog, you'd get called gay as an insult on a yuri forum.
Need sauce m8
Well this isn't a yuri forum
I'd rather become a trap than be a man.
I've actually tried it and felt nothing. Different strokes for different blokes, I guess.
Cause they are not boys, they are girls.
Drawing a girl and calling it a boy doesn't make it an actual boy.
I can feel it with more intensity. You need to hold back and ride it. Its all about being gentle and edging along the way.
Because you're a closet homo. Clearly you're gay as shit, but you try to make up excuses by calling boys "girls".
you guys get me
I have it, what are you offering?
Fuck you shlomo, I`ll shit on your mass grave.
To anyone interested, it`s a doujin of something something Laplace.
I tried it, but I prefer stuffing traps than being one
Y'all faggots gotta do your part
Maybe you were doing it wrong? When I did it it felt great and my cock was leaking tons of precum, after a while I got very tired however due to the heat and had to stop.
No, I didn't do it wrong. I just didn't enjoy it.
I've never been able to cum from anal masturbation. In fact the whole extra movement breaks my focus and makes me lose my boner more often than not. Still feels pretty nice though.
Thanks user, for looking out for us
I get a picture of a panda. How about giving the real sauce?
Do you know why 2D is the best? Because it isn't real.
The logic applies here as well, because boys can never be girls so they are the best.
Its not real. It's just a troll link when you want to pretend to give sauce
>He's never been pandaroll'd
At least Sup Forums and reddit gives the source without being dicks.
I figured after seeing several anons saying the same in other threads for a while. This is even less funny than the decade old rick rolling.
>falling for this
Oh boy
Best I can give.
>Our year of 2024 -8
>Pretending to still get pandas
Now go whine on /qa/ about it.
Why are his balls coming out his asshole?
I want a girl (male) to lock up my tiny thing and constantly tease me about it while I orally service her (him).
They don't.
You can't replace a real woman with some shitty imitation.
Ïf the imitation becomes better than the real thing then it becomes the real thing
No, cause if you do that, you won't be what you seek. You simply fail to ever be either.
So Trump supporters are prancing lala homo men?
Girls are objectively inferior to males however.
Did we ever actually determine that Megu was a dude?
I mean he insists on it, but he's gay as a maypole, more attractive than some of the girls, and never once gets a chance to prove it.
At least Hideyoshi sounds and acts like a man, and we see Hatsur shirtless. Megu is forever unable to prove it.
Why do you want to invert the laws of nature? Why not just be a girl (male) instead?
In 2D/fiction: Probably because you like the idea/aesthetics of women generally but you think vaginas are icky.
IRL/regarding traps: Probably because as men/boys themselves, they know exactly how male minds work and what people want to see from a girl and they always play to that tune.
Because I'm a sph/ntr fetishist who also happens to like traps.
So am I, but all that leads to with me is fantasizing about traps getting cucked while they're humiliated about their tiny useless trap penises.
I want to fuck submissive little sissy boys while they wear girl clothes to please me.
Please share your technique. I want to train myself so I can cum anally so my bf can keep me in chastity forever.
I always come back to this one somehow, even though I don't save the name or anything because of the shame.
You're a faggot and you know it
You absolutely did do it wrong. There is nothing subjective about prostate stimulation.
>liking a feminine trait
You know what's a real faggot? Liking tomboys.
The ass is all a gay man looks for.
t. Homosexual
It's more like taking the good parts of something (a female) and implementing them on a much better base (a male).
You end up with something that is neither female or male, but better than both.
Also known as harem matrix.
I'm trying to cut off from asanagi stuff for a bit and you go and post this
fucking shit
It's not really a technique, you just gotta try until you know how to do it because it's different for everybody.
How long does it normally take you to cum?
Do you use just your hands or toys?
Is there a specific spot you aim for?
Well I said it was just my first time and I didn't finish because I got tired, but I believe you just have to find where your prostate is (you'll really feel it if you touch it).
I suppose it's personal preference if you want to use your hands or a toy, I just used a banana and that was good enough.
Source for this hasn't been posted yet only the parody title.
Nothing shows up on sadpanda but two galleries.