Accusing everything of being fujoshi pandering when it usually pretty clearly isn't sounds pretty gay to me, Sup Forums. Perhaps it's a sign of basic insecurities?
Accusing everything of being fujoshi pandering when it usually pretty clearly isn't sounds pretty gay to me, Sup Forums...
It's just paranoid manchildren who are so used to being pandered to that they're shocked and appalled when a series isn't an all girls cast or full of panty shots and cleavage.
It's fine if they miss out on good shows though, they aren't likely to improve the threads.
The reaction to Tanaka-kun has been pretty absurd.
It has both male AND female characters, just look at the omnipandering! This is clearly somehow different from just having a bunch of characters on your cast.
If anything Tanakakun is yurishit
Tanaka-kun is actually pandering to fujos. But it's also pandering to yurifags and there's a good dose of het too, and it's all done in a very innocuous, enjoyable way so there's really nothing to complain about.
This is a manga adaption guys.
It's not like an anime where a committee decide what to make to pander to the most people to maximize profits.
It got serialized because an editor liked it and decided to publish it. And it got an anime because it was popular. Simple as that.
You and anyone calling it sexualized or pandering are just looking at it through goggles. I went in fully expecting gay, I got cute shit.
The only reason its even contested at all is because the MC is a guy and not a trap character. If Ohta or MC was a girl user would be all over this shit saying its cute like Sansha Sanyou.
There's not even anything else to discuss about the show because its that simple.
>I went in fully expecting gay, I got cute shit.
You don't find the constant references to Ohta being Tanaka's wife gay? Pandering doesn't have to be overt sexualization and it isn't inherently bad, it can be done in cute ways. Change the phrasing to 'tries to appeal to' and it carries the same meaning, it tries to appeal to fujos, yurifags and hetfags all in one.
>You don't find the constant references to Ohta being Tanaka's wife gay?
If you took your yaoi goggles off for five minutes you'd be able to acknowledge that it's a running gag about their platonic life partners status being so strong they're practically married.
You have heard of jokes, haven't you?
This is probably one of my top three favorite shows of the season.
Sup Forums has always had a kneejerk reaction to being a homo haven, given it can't get over that a homo created this place.
You really don't get what pandering is, do you? It's often done through jokes, because that keeps it light and suggestive without becoming a serious, canon aspect of the series. And I can assure you that jokes like that are what establishes the relationship dynamics and gay subtext that fujos need to ship a couple.
You've never considered that a show could possibly not be pandering, I see.
Went in with zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Then again this is Silver Link and most of their works have been fantastic and are probably my favorite studio as of now
It is understandable why people would think its a fujo show especially the artstyle and having two male leads. For me personally I don't really feel any male homosex, or at the very least it isnt played in a sexual manner. The yuri (which is very blatant) also doesn't seem too sexual in nature and at best sort of reminds me of NNB's komari/hotaru relationship.
Sadly the first episode is probably the weakest one as of now and probably turned off alot of people with it since it seems like the show will revolve around the two male leads, which it does but not overly so.
Regardless the show is pretty fun to watch and relaxing, I just hope it does well in nipland.
Actually, OP is right this time.
When you keep accusing everything of being fujopander even when it isn't (more than Tanaka, people did this even with Kekkai Sensen last year and Bungou Stray Dogs this season) is in reality insecurities projections.
You see, if you look at two men and call they gay/fujo when they aren't you JUST imagined both as a gay pair so you are just voicing your fantasies.
>I just hope it does well in nipland.
It doesn't. Let's not blame the male characters here, it's not even popular among fujos.
>people did this even with Kekkai Sensen last year
That's not the thing I remember about kekkai sensen, I remember the four months of funposting over the delay, I'm surprised you didn't bring up Rakugo getting called fujjoshit for the artstyle alone, and it was literally impossible to bring up in threads untill the last week without people spamming that it was fujoshit.
Oh shit, that's right.
Rakugo was so amazing, don't know how I forgot about it.
Sup Forums can't handle male relationships that aren't the GAR bro type.
I think the minority of people who make up the majority of posts are just idiots and don't actually watch anything. I swear when I read posts its like some robot typed them.
I have no idea about what nips really like anymore. But fujos probably dont like it because its not a homosex show.
Was just blogposting about what I think would be the West's perspective on it and my opinion.
But I really do like the show alot and the cute relationships/interactions. I'm still glad that Silver Link is putting out alot of shows since they tend to do stuff that isn't AS generic.
If you seriously think that repeat references to the boys being an old married couple isn't supposed to appeal to fujos you are delusional. This is an obvious example of LOW KEY, HARMLESS pandering in the sense that it aims to appeal to certain groups of people. It's no big deal and there's no sense in denying it just because the word pandering has negative connotations.
The anime is much less fun compared to the manga for some reason.
Or maybe the author just thought it'd be funny and didn't have a strategy session with his editor to figure out how to best pander to certain groups.
I don't think the author sits there, arms croased thinking ways to omnipander/please everyone, simply because this show doesn't try too hard to omnipander. The author just goes "oh this joke is funny".
Or the author is really good.
Robots?Dont give those crossboarders the satisfaction of having any sort of intelligence, including artificial.
Bungou Gay Dogs is gay as fuck.
This man is wrong. Anime is better.
>It's just paranoid manchildren who are so used to being pandered to
Are you ever going to get tired of doing this fucking shit? Just fuck off already you obnoxious retard, you're not impressing anyone,
>Accusing everything
nice hyperbole, perhaps it's a sign your argument is full of shit
I guess some of you have not read the recent chapter. It's obvious that the author is shifting towards Tanaka x Shiraishi
This smooth motherfucker.
and yet here we are
Pretending a show isn't fujoshi pandering despite clearly targeting that demographic is more insecure than people calling it what it literally is.
Tanaka appeals to fujos due to the relationship between the lead and his friend having gay undertones. Many fujoshi like Tanaka. Tanaka is explicitly fujo pandering. Many people also have no interest in fujo pandering. Don't get butthurt about the truth.
Not really, the yankee girl has crushes on both Tanaka and Ohta. You'll see it in the next episode.
>Silver Link
they did get better over the years, but their beginnings were... rough, to say the least.
I don't see anyone saying dragonball or paprika or lucky star is fujoshit so I guess not everything is being accused and your argument is dumb
Who fujoshi here?
Typical Sup Forums. Filled with beta waifufags getting triggered at the mere mention of male friendship.
That is a bad thing if anything. Waifufags, husbandofags, hetshitters, yurifags, and fujos never get along when occupying the same space.
Ecchan vs Shiraishit fight to the death fucking when?
This is why omnipandering doesn't work. Fujos repelled by the het stuff. Male viewers repelled by fujo fanservice. Nobody wins.
All of them should realise this is a SOL series and none will progress beyond improved friendship.
Brocon sister wins by default.
But they're all on Sup Forums
Silver Link surpasses Shaft frequently, it should be no surprise when they impress.
It's true though. Anime and manga is ridiculously riddled with tropes and cliche's. There is a reason 95% of anime takes place in highschool or has 14-16 year old protagonist.
Using that image as a guide Tanaka is haremshit with a bonus male option. Looking at the manga Shiraishi and Ecchan like Tanaka. Haremshit confirmed.
The tropes, man. Like fucking clockwork.
Some of Sup Forums says traps are gay, so I am not surprised.
Hence why this is flopping
Plenty of haremshit, yurishit and fujoshit flop all the time anyway.
So many people don't know how shit works. Take Rakugo for example, it was ranking high in last season's stalker charts but the BDs didn't sell well at all. That doesn't seem to matter as it's getting an S2 anyway as the anime promoted the series successfully.
Surpassing Shaft is hardly a feat.
Right, but Silver Link likes to ape their visual style sometimes.
Holy shit, I might actually come to really like this.
Now we just need to find someone worthy of Ohta.
They're just shitposting so they can get fucktards like you to react like this. Ignore, report. etc.
It's next week episode but I going to tell you the truth that there's not much progress in the manga as it isn't a shoujo romance series.
Somehow doesn't stop Gundam from making all the money for Bandai.
Nope, it's just memes.
Not fujo. If you're looking for something to yell fujoshit at, then go make a stray fags thread.
That show is pretty straight as the MC get paired off with a girl.
Pull out your dick and I'll show you how insecure I am.