Does Sup Forums like this? I think it's okay. Better than SnK

Does Sup Forums like this? I think it's okay. Better than SnK.

>Sup Forums is one person

It's a shitty SnK rip off and SnK isn't even good.

Sugoku umushiroi anime, CAPTAIN.
RIDE no kawari ni miteru

>le not a hivemind meme
Stop taking things so literally, user.

I don't like it immensely but I think it's fine, and I hated SnK.

Sup Forums here, I'm enjoying it. The 12 year old girl is nice.

Sup Forums-senpai here, disregard Sup Forums-kun.

Mumemi is a femdom shitter.

Shit show with a ripped-off premise from SnK and Claymore, shitty characters, every action anime trope known to man, terribly written female characters, and forced tragedy for the GoT/SnK audience

Dropped after first 2 episodes.

Dead Kabaneri

SnK really only started to shit the bed around episode 10. Kabaneri could go either way.

>liking ultra edgy retarded shit
go back to your fucking cave

Attack on Steam train is pretty meh the only thing making it not complete trash is the art and animation.

It's better than Snk that's for sure, it's also better than everything else currently airing, which is why literally everyone is watching it.

Sup Forums-buchou here, don't let my nakama fool you.
Everyone needs a little habanero in their life.

It's good

It's alright.

Feels really manufactured though. Like "let's put a bunch of things that are popular and put it in one show" kind of thing

It's AOTS you moron
Unless you are one of those losers who think schoolgirls in a battleship is a good plot.

>SnK really only started to shit the bed around episode 10
But the arc after that was really good though.

>what is Luluco
>what is Sakamoto
>what is Kuma Miko
>what is Flying Witch
I'm not saying habanero is bad, but all of those are better.

There are other shows that I like this season user. Reacting so harshly like that indicates your problem, not everyone else's

>what is Luluco
Yet another Trigger's artsy-fartsy garbage with no substance.

>what is Sakamoto
Hugely overhyped mediocre comedy.

And yet both are better than Habanero.

Why has no one bothered asking how Ikoma or Mumei became habaneros?

It's definitely the most design by committee show of the season which surprises me in that it isn't completely unwatchable by now even if some of Okouchi's writing tendencies are already starting to show up, specifically the human paranoia thing and characters really overplaying into it.

I like it.

They fell on a cauldron where magical chili was being prepared.

Don't even need to wait 2017 to say it.

It's okay. I will keep watching it, unlike most of the series this season

I'd have a hard time finishing the show without Mumei in it, She saves the show pretty much.