It’s a war with mexico
Its not a civil or race war
>it's a war with people who grow all our food
Good luck with that shit.
I can dig it
How are the alternatives any better?
Not really, I mean we are bullying them but I don't think they have any such intention at all.
Poor Mexico. We should give them Canada
>Mexico grows all our food
Bull fucking shit. One U.S. state can feed the entire country. FACT
Disgusting. Mexican "food" is literally grown in "human" (Mexican) sewage. Disgusting.
Oh no lettuce and tomatos are going up a dollar whatever will I do
Fact: Mexicans are the most powerful race in the world
We already have video of mexican leadership threatening us
A bunch of folks already here will cry foul. They get rounded up.
We should at least take baja.
That's always been my response. I'll pay an extra dollar to stop the nonsense. Seasonal migrant workers are one thing. Permanent illegal aliens another
Mexico doesn't even supply all of our bananas.
They don't grow the food. They pick it. And they only pick it because the farmers have deals with the government that they can charge slave wages for the task. You could triple or more the wage offered and attract americans to the job. You'd also barely add ten cents onto the individual product for the customer in wal-mart.
Further, robots should just be doing these jobs anyway regardless. But again why develop that when you can just have near-slaves do the work?
>war with mexico
Why not?
The funniest meme American civil war scenario is a joint Canada + Mexico pincer attack to restore order
That would be like France and Italy teaming up to fight England
Speak for yourself you faggot retard nigger leaf. Good. Let's invade mexico tomorrow and starve out Canada. 2 faggot neighbors with one stone
>dumb white niggers think some uneducated, unskilled low class workers are the #1 reason why their country is failing
Good goyim, give in to your petty hate because they're brown! Muh nationalism, muh brown ppl
The solution is to bring in even more poor Mexicans who don't ever use social programs but instead work On The Books for the good of the US public treasure. Debt free by 2040.
It’s a war with Mexico
All the racial tensions are just the result of the amount of mexicab loyalists that have invaded the country
Vincente Fox has posted multiple videos on social media using all manner of profanity againsy our government.
We’re not having a civil war or a race war.
We’re having a war with Mexico.
You've got bigger problems than Mexicans using social programs or working off the books, but you choose not to look at those problems and focus mostly on Mexicans because they're foreigners and brown. The US has not lost its classic retardation when it comes to identity politics and trump is here to remind us of that reality.
I agree with you. I was being facetious.
Do you retards really think that Mexico is your main problem?
Get rid of fucking BLM and Marxists first and than think of those spics. Jesus Christ, you fucks are going to the doctor because of paper cut while being diagnosed with brain tumor.
You can only laugh when looking at that chart. But let's talk about important things like pronouns and bathrooms
Debt needed to pay for all you brown sub humans.
Did you suffer a lot of damage from Irma? Hope everyone is ok
We need to realize that a great deal of the tension in this country would be relieved if we invaded territories in mexico, resettled some of its current inhabitants and started colonizing our people in their place.
We need to push back and let these people know that they are not the only ones that can invade.
It’d be affordable, way cheaper than our troubles in the middle east, and most importantly profitable.
Yeah mate, whole Caucasus got rekt.
Fucking Drumpfts fault for ignoring the climate change.
One a good number of our citizens are relocated closer to the equator they will also be tan and therefore equal.
Learn Portuguese if you feel threatened
You're one of those dudes on mental illness welfarebux who thinks threatening foreigners with occupation and war at 4 am makes him a cool patriot, can you see yourself in that chart?
Illegal Mexicans aren't helping America's situation, but you got your priorities inverted, bud.
And what is your preferred pronoun, if I may ask?
This is not a lovesong
Call me attack helicopter and if you put the fucking attack after helicopter I'll be triggered.
You’re one of those dude that has convinced themselves that his countrymen havent invaded his neighbor and doesnt like the idea of his neighbor invading him.
I’m not only gonna take your shit away, i’m gonna make it better.
I get the sense he recognizes it but hes saying as objectively as possible that the US has bigger problems than illegal Mexicans, which he's probably mostly correct.
Of course it does.
Doesnt mean that RADICALLY correcting that problem wont make it easier for the rest to do an about face
As don lemon said to sheriff Clarke, we can walk and chew gum sheriff
All I’m saying is we need to stop letting Mexico invade us and instead start invading Mexico.
We’re not about to have a civil war
We’re not about to have a race war
We ARE about to have a war with Mexico that will require us to invade, occupy, and perhaps displace a great number of people.
Luckily, only 20% of the world’s population resides in the southern hemisphere and its RIGHT there, so they’ll be fine!
We won't invade Mexico. And according to that faggot Paul we won't be getting a wall either
Kind of true. Immigration is a weapon.