What is your opinion on imoutos?
What is your opinion on imoutos?
Wish I had one desu
Kirino is the best imouto.
Absolutely disgusting
All of them deserve love
Take that NBR, not anime shit out of there.
Never fails with you two
I'm glad I don't have one
Why don't you two just fuck and get it over with?
What happens when an amazon kidnaps your onii-chan?
Best imouto stuck in a shit anime.
Its good when they still maintain their affection into adulthood.
Onee-san are 10 times better.
She's definately the best girl, but it's not that bad, unless LN went to absolute shit.
Only people who don't have little sister think little sister is a good thing.
Childhood friend > Imouto
Absolutely wonderful.
Only people who don't have childhood friends think little sister is a good thing.
Onee-san > all
Only people who don't have older sisters think older sisters are a good thing.
Otouto > all
They will rule the world.
It's not good to be jealous of those with nice sisters.
I love my little sister. Whenever I visit she demands to sit on my lap when we watch TV
Mikan has some of the best doujin ever.
So does Kirino, though
Mikan makes every other imouto look like a pile of puke.
Mikanfriend, you have a solid waifu, but you watch your fucking mouth
Please stop your blogposting
I dunno, in terms of pure quality and quantity, I think mikan wins because of that one artist. Kirino does have some great ones though.
Shes not my waifu, despite her being the best.
ku ku ku, KanaHanas imouto is best
Kanabro said it best, all imoutos are best
Its not even a contest.
Damn that ass
You're being awfully rude for an imouto that hasn't won yet. If she was so great, why isn't Rito fucking her on a nightly basis, and still hanging around other bitches?
I agree
Sleep groping doesn't even come close. Come back when Mikan actually wins the Ritobowl
That show had much better imoutos.
What's the manga?
Kinda defeats the purpose of being an imouto.
Not true.
When it comes to little sisters, I prefer lolis.
They're cute and annoying and not for sexing.
But I would fuck the shit out of Mikan.
>Trying to find the fake news report where Sakura is beating on her brother
>Cute Imouto pummels onii-chan
>Completely ineffective, fists too tiny and adorable
>Can't fucking find it
Fuck, i need to organize my folders
She literally is my imouto
>letting another man fuck your imouto
Maria, one of the most attractive lolis that have ever come out of anime, and I doubt we will see anything like her anymore, since lolis don't get that kind of attention now.
Forbidden orange.
The purpose of an imouto is to love her onii-chan unconditionally, but if the onii-chan doesn't feel the same way the imouto has failed, until a time comes when he does.
Mikan is a failed imouto until she wins Rito, whereas Sora won.
They are not for sexual.
Sex isn't necessary, but Mikan isn't even close to that point either. Until Rito falls in love with Mikan, she will be inferior
But Sora is not little sister, she is twin sister.
Then replace all the Sora pictures from my side of the argument with Kirino. It changes literally nothing about Mikan
Kirino is utter trash though. He can do better.
They are definitely for sexual
No, shut up. I don't want to commit a crime.
Then replace it with Kana. Or Nanoka.
Kirino best girl, fuck off.
It's sad, Maria and Kate were the best part of that show.
Someone beat me to posting a thread today, that thread yesterday was terrible.
I find it funny that some of us can be recognized at this point.
Well, we've got Sora/Kanabro, WEBManon, and this guy who really hates NBR. They're pretty vocal and easy to recognize in these threads
It's not funny, it's pretty stupid and annoying. At least when it comes from people always making the same posts with the same images.
Lets not be too hasty, I'm still a long way from caught up on TLR. Mikan isn't as god tier as people made me believe, but shes far from a failure.
I rarely notice any of the mentioned anons doing that, except for the NBR argument.
Most of them are shit,with very few exceptions.
Mikan is a miracle of the universe though
>you will never live a day as her panties
Why live?
Sadly, this will never be animated.
That's looks more like Nana than Mikan.
She's eating a Popsicle, its Mikan.
>Sadly, this will never be animated by a competent studio
Whats up with Mikan's pineapple hair?
I know it's Mikan, it simply just looks more like Nana with a missing tail.
Not really.
Depressed, very needy, jealous imoutos are god tier.
It's weird. Normally girls like Mikan don't interest me, and her design doesn't particularly stand out as amazing. But she's so top tier.
Finally, someone's speaking my language
>Not blood related
>Not even a true imouto
>Still one of the best imoutos of all time
A real miracle of the universe
>Still one of the best imoutos of all time
That's because she was an onee-chan
I think the needy part is a big part.
It's a huge part. An imouto who is dependent on their onii-chan will never be tempted away from him
You don't need to post this every single thread.
Ilya is a top tier daughteru, but she isn't an imouto.
The answer is obvious.
True, she's only a created imitation of an imouto
But who's to say an imitation cannot surpass the real thing?
Go away faker, Karen is superior
Potheads, used goods and bipolar. I don't know why you like them so much.
Long-haired Karen > Tsukihi > Short-haired Karen
Finally. A fellow man of taste
I can get behind this
She's a big little sister.
They don't make for good discussion.
For Koyomi
There is an obvious answer.
I love imoutos, but in this anime Stella was the obvious best girl.
What did it mean...
Imoutos are for onii-samas only
Nice trips, and it means that things could have gotten naughty if Tsukihi hadn't shown up