This is quickly turning into "bully the miko" or "lewd the miko" show

This is quickly turning into "bully the miko" or "lewd the miko" show.

I don't know, she actually has a problem, it's the first time I feel like dropping a show I actually enjoy.

I feel the same way OP. Honestly, they're just going too far with this shit.

Dropped it when delinquent bitch show up, also too much old men lusting at the miko is disgusting


I just want a super natural episode.

Mikos going high-wire is my fetish.


>quickly turning into
It was from the beginning.

With the latest episode, I think Natsu is in the right to forbid her to go to tokyo or any bigger town.That was some harsh lesson she got there.

No. 4 master race.

>This is quickly turning into "bully the miko"
It was from the start.
And it's great.

I'm hoping this is bait, and Sup Forums isn't becoming pussified

What, is it only okay when 3DPD do it?

Blonde is actually OK, but the old men part was disgusting.

But user, you're the old men.

1 is way better.

lewdly bully the miko

>lewd the miko
>no sexualization
You what?

>old men part was disgusting
>village people appreciating beauty is disgusting
This is normal. Do you think that men in any village doesn't talk about women who they like? And Machi is pretty much a celebrity to them.

>you will never hear the heart of a miko give in

It mirai nikki rape tsubaki all over again.

everyone in village rape little girl bear see it kill everyone in village.

Where your happy anime at now.

This is either the same person or three individuals are having an aneurysm at the same time.

Whatever the case, it amuses me.

There's absolutely no difference between that and going into a cute girls doing cute things thread such as Gochiusa. In fact, at least the older men are 2D here instead of autistic 3D gaijin.

I don't think so. GochiUsa girls are highly attractive, therefore its fans (real fans, not the "hurr no sexualize" faggots) appreciate their sexuality from time to time.
These old men are also quite alright, they are just acting natural.

>Unironically dropping the AOTS

How are you even able to live with such a shit taste?

> bear start to eat people.

> bear start to like eating people
> bear kill little rape girl and rape her
> bear eat little rape girl the end.

Like have a happy ending to bad this japan.

Machi is a child, not a "woman"


it's not natural to lust after a child

>real fans, not the "hurr no sexualize" faggots
Nice meme desu

I'm not lusting after Machi, I just want to see her bullied

I don't want to see myself in anime

yeah but you said that it's natural for the men to lust after a child, which isn't true

It's because the bullying feels a bit malicious and over-the-top to the point of being borderline OOC, I guess. Which makes sense considering some of the extreme parts of it have been anime-only.

>I feel like dropping
Yes, I feel bad for Machi too, so watch? It's even more reason to watch and cheer for her, because of course the show will show her improving and overcoming it all till the end.

>it's the first time I feel like dropping a show I actually enjoy.

Why would you drop something you enjoy? Clearly you don't enjoy it.

This anime has all the comfy and fuzzy feelings I want in an anime.

But then they go and put a genuelly handicapped girl in a stressful situation and make fun of the poor thing.

I tell you, that doesn't feel fuzzy at all.

Don't watch it then, it's not for you.

Like some other user said, this show did a great job of weeding out some normalfags with the slight amount of lewd early on, then killing the rest with all the bullying. Feels fucking great.

How can people actually enjoy the Machi bullying? Are people here that heartless?

she's so cute though

in the real world you don't have safe spaces and have to learn how to deal with less than optimal situations. otherwise she needs to be imprisoned in the little town where nothing happens

Machi should stay home, she will end up lost or a hikki or a prostitute or all of the above.

If you don't get and erection seeing abuse of fictional lolis than you're no a man.

>Anime only fags projecting their expectations onto yet another series and getting mad when they are't met.

So business on Sup Forums as usual?

"cute girls doing cute things" fans are literally the worst

You're just proving his point, you know. This show has never been about cute girls doing cute things.

I hope people like you are a minority, but either way

It actually is true, society just tells you otherwise.

no, you dumbass, moefags want/expected a simplistic moe show, and now they're butthurt because it actually about a bumpkin trying to learn how to be a city girl and not having an easy time of it

Careful user! Some idiots on here might call you out on being tumblr just because you don't like seeing some lolis lewded!


>real fans
I kek'd


>in the little town where nothing happens
Except for, you know, all the over-the-top malicious harrassment.

Did people feel the same towards Tomoko?

>All this tumblr ITT
That's it. I'm leaving this fucking site.

But actual "moefags" wouldn't be turned away by tame sexualization or bullying, I can speak from experience because I'm a huge "moefag" and I love this show. The kind of people who never stop complaining are newfags who somehow ended up on Sup Forums, saw people talking about this cute show, picked up and got their sense of morality deeply hurt by how Japan doesn't give a fuck about them.

>people don't actually think purityfags exist
>le tumblr/SJW boogeyman
This is how bad Sup Forums has gotten.

Fuck you guys, I loved black bullet.

I can take lolis shooting their brains out but this rubs me the wrong way. Just saying.

Yeah, those don't belong in here either.

>getting mad when they are't met.
> got their sense of morality deeply hurt by how Japan doesn't give a fuck about them.
Funny you say that when the Nips are experiencing the same kind of butthurt that Sup Forums is experiencing with all the miko bullying.

>dropping a show one actually enjoys because it abuses a loli too much
Well, we've always known OP was a faggot.

This, the old men ruined this show

Speak for yourself faggot

it rubs me the right way if you know what I mean


Are you implying Japan doesn't also have anime only fags?

>not a faggot
>loli abuse
>a turn off
Next you're going to say that you like to suck dicks while you visit tumblr.

fuck off cuck


Tomoko isn't as cute as Machi, since Machi is literally the cutest.

>people who still say cuck
Yeah, those don't belong in here either.

thanks for the hit but I think you misquoted sempai~

>real fans
I don't usually bother pointing out when people make well known fallacies, but I have to compliment you on that marvelous True Scotsman.


Don't do this. Even shitposting. Even behind proxies.

>Japan is a hivemind
Now this is a meme I love.

It was linked on 2ch.
Settle down now, Jimmy.

Tell that to Japan


Meant for

>GochiUsa girls are highly attractive, therefore its fans (real fans, not the "hurr no sexualize" faggots) appreciate their sexuality from time to time.
This so much.
And I appreciate their sexuality at all times.

Looks like you found some of the no sexualizing people.

Why is it always one extreme or the other here?
This "Not like lolis = literally tumblr sjw" makes no fucking sense, it's tumblr level logic.

Why is loli pussy so best?

I watch all CGDCTs but instinctively avoided this one. Sasuga my anime sixth sense.

Right, and I'm disgusting.

You know OP, if you wanted lewd or abusive pictures of Machi you could have just asked.

She needs to learn the harsh reality before she decides she can be a grown up.

>not like lolis
Shit taste, but whatever, your problem
>not like lolis
>bitch about it on Sup Forums
>complain about people who like lolis
Yeah, you can fuck off.

This is the first show I actively seek out threads before watching. I like seeing how Sup Forums complaints are all invalid and silly.
This show isn't supposed to be serious. Its about a timid country girl. No one wants to hurt her intentionally, even yankee girl. In fact she wants to grow up too, its just difficult for her.
Meanwhile Natsu has to deal with the fact that his best friend is going to leave him and no one cares because he's not a cute girl. He's a bear, he can take it.

I want to _____ Machi.


Not even joking.

Yes, that too.

With everything that has been happening to Machi in her own town I don't think this will end with her enlisting in a city school.

She will probably realize how weak she is and regret even thinking about it.

That episode with the heattech and bicycle was particularly grim.

>hi, I've never seen this anime but I am forming my opinion from a bunch other opinios


I'm scared. Hold me.

Light bullying and a cute 14 year old now causes autists who are triggered by her anxiety and MAL/reddit by the lewd. I'm not even a lolifag and this is bad.

>She will probably realize how weak she is and regret even thinking about it.
I'm not really expecting an ending this conclusive. In fact, if you have any brains you wouldn't expect any change in the status quo for the ending since this is just an adaptation of an unfinished manga. Hell I wouldn't even bet on a substantial change in status quo for the manga ending.