anyone know have the original version? i hate to think Japs would actually say "mansplaining"
Anyone know have the original version? i hate to think Japs would actually say "mansplaining"
Other urls found in this thread:
>adult male unironically using that word
What a specific type of person that enjoys watching his wife or girlfriend have sex with black men.
spot on. actually fapped to his childhood love having sex with his brother
Holy hell, I was just shooting the shit, I don't even know the name of this manga. Welp, any chance this guy also goes on to be a video game journalist or a liberal arts major?
Tokyo DTED
ボロカス = harsh criticism; something worthless or of little value
Ok, so "insult" would be a better translation.
Actually, condescending is probably better, insulting is vague by comparison. And it's the sexist way their business is operating but it's not exactly mansplaining, so I'm going to guess the translator was just overly eager to use the word, though not off on Mars or anything.
Okay, so let me get this straight. Telling an adult woman that they are being a child for wanting to be an idol isn't "mansplaining"?
I'll just assume that's just a trigger word that sets off anons for some reason.
Also, I'm the guy responsible for the line, so direct all relevant complaints to me.
Stop being retarded.
Its the same reason we hate when people use memes or a shit ton of cuss words in their translations.
Its a shitty localization that is only relevant within certain cultures that will be dated years later.
Is this really a confusing topic?
Mansplaning isn't a word. It is something only people involved in stupid internet fights would know. Not a good word for translation.
>Mansplaning isn't a word.
Sorry, you lost me at that point.
>this argument again
Not a real argument. You can find memewords online defined in a dictionary.
The problem is you are thinking within your own culture.
Is someone who's english is their second language going to recognize the word?
Absolutely not. The only way they would is if they were involved in shitty internet fights.
Imagine some foreigner googling a word used in a translation and what pops up is a ton of vitrol and shit. They would lose respect for your translation because they think you are pushing an agenda (regardless of the fact). The reason is because they will only see it used within the feminist/mra debates because that word is almost exclusively used within that circle.
Hell, a lot of native speakers, especially in Australia and Canada where this controversy is even less known, will not know this word.
I respect translation work but I also don't like shitty internet drama brought into my oriental comic books.
Fuck off and never return.
Ah, this shitbird debate again. So because FOBs won't be able to understand it, that's the problem?
No, I will not adapt scripts for FOBs for any reason. Not gonna happen.
It's a word. The guy was needlessly condescending. Deal with it.
Mansplaining isn't a word, just some feminist meme that changes meaning depending on whether feminists want to offend or feel offended.
Kill yourself.
>Thought it was some agenda pushing scanlator bullshit
>Turns out the guy in-story is a cuck anyway
That's fucking hilarious
I think condescending or patronizing would be a better word choice as mansplaining too heavily focuses on gender issues, which isn't that much of a deal within the context.
You are bringing cancerous Sup Forums shit into a manga for no reason. There are tons of other ways to say it.
The problem is foreigners are going to google that shit and be brought into a meaningless debate.
but w/e, it's really not a big deal.
Keep saying it's not a word, even though major dictionaries recognize it as a neologism. It's real and its out there.
Wonder why you're so desperate to negate its existence anyway. Is it really that much of a trigger word?
>Wonder why you're so desperate to negate its existence anyway.
>Is it really that much of a trigger word?
Holy fucking shit, are you getting off on this as well?
You are absolutely inane.
Actual question. Why not just say "That man was extremely condescending to an 18-year old girl" instead as it would avoid the use of a not too common term.
What does this term add?
The use of the word mansplaining in that page isn't a good prose because of the issue within seems to be an older person vs younger person(as the characters talk about adult behaviour later) while "mansplaining" would refer to man vs woman, which, while true, is not the focus of the context in the Japanese text.
Yes, the word can have gender implications. Or actually, it doesn't have to if the anons don't make a fucking point of being more whinier than the feminists.
If I want to write cancerous Sup Forums shit, I'd be talking about niggers and jews.
>yfw when OP started this thread just to get more attention for the series they are translating.
And you all fell for it.
>Wonder why you're so desperate to negate its existence anyway.
Please stop talking to this cancerous retard.
Just this single line within 5 minutes of viewing tells me all I need to know.
Except no one will read his garbage now.
It describes the "don't be so naive, little girl" factor to that guy's spiel, to which you really have to actively ignore.
But the guy was encouraging of the younger men who are with him, who are about to embark on a similar risk of starting businesses.
>Yes, the word can have gender implications. Or actually, it doesn't have to if the anons don't make a fucking point of being more whinier than the feminists.
But the word is a portmanteau of "man" and "explaining" used to depict the subject in a negatve light. It's not a "can have" gender implications word, it is a word that heavily implicates gender.
It's a very odd choice of word when more common and less complicated words exists for expressing the issue.
People are going to look back and see the word mansplaining and have no fucking idea what it means.
Mansplaining is a word that focuses too much on the "superior gender" aspect instead of the "superior age or profession" aspect.
Actually, kind of wish I did start this thread
"Mansplaining" is an idiotic word and ironically sexist itself.
kill yourself
>People unironically paying attention to tumblrfag tripfag
Hasn't the word been tossed around so much that the gender implications have become meaningless?
Okay, so the guy was daddysplaining Nanako.
I know, right?
Wasn't he buying time for the aussie equivalent of a filibuster? Regardless, he was fucking gold.
So the reason I originally thought condescending and that mansplaining missed the mark was because usually mansplaining isn't just broadly about men talking down to women, but doing so in the context of why they, as a super smart and rational man, understand this situation while you, as the naive and emotional little girl, do not. Even more so would be if it implies that they understand her own problems (particularly oppression) better than her. So like men explaining to women why sexism happens, or why it's justified.
>It's not a problem, you just have to look at it more rationally.
Yeah he's treating her as naive, yeah it's condescending, and if he were attributing her choices solely to being a girl, it might be closer to the right word. But as sexist as fat tub is, there's a totally imaginable role reversal where his protege is an ambitious ball-kicker, and the aspiring idol is a bishounen, and I think the conversation would've been the same. Any sexism that may be contributing this is a little lower level and I think him calling it mansplaining based on what he heard is overly sensitive.
I hope we'll be able to keep talking about this manga.
Would it really kill you to disable AdBlock for this site?
How can you talk about something that's clearly been "translated" by a total retard?
This being brought up again is what I'm afraid of.
I really don't think guys are conscious of their gender superiority or whatever when they happen to talk down to women.
Besides, the term has gotten so overused that guys mansplain other guys, if you can believe that.
>Hasn't the word been tossed around so much that the gender implications have become meaningless?
It has not, the word is still relatively new and obscure, outside of gender issues arguments.
Still bad prose, you're adding something that's not originally there, the line already includes "an 18 year old" that already points out the issue, say we replace the word with condescending "that guy was condescending an 18 year old to death" the line is clear cut, the subject was acting superior towards a younger person.
Mansplaining and daddysplaining adds too much focus to gender and detracts the adult issue.
To your credit, the Japanese line was informal in nature and mansplaining too is informal.
I think the absolute proof that Sup Forums, if not Sup Forums as a whole has gone to shit is that there are genuine SJWs here.
Better learn Japanese soon, even your manga translations aren't safe from the retard plague.
>Besides, the term has gotten so overused that guys mansplain other guys, if you can believe that.
The fuck? If you use this word outside of tumblr and in real life you'll get laughed outside the room.
Would it really kill you if you don't to use tripcodes?
They wouldn't.
Fuck off.
They're not conscious, that's kind of the point.
And the word has made it to comedy/news, so it's getting circulation, but I'm not sure it's lost its meaning yet. Doing stuff like this will sure help that happen, though.
I'm mostly with , though I think using the word pretty distinctly makes the character look very SJW (or what people would call one, anyhow). Because of .
I have read mujaki sometimes, its translated by this guy too, he seems to take liberties when it comes to translating
In a sense, yes, because then the persona known as "derp_commander" would cease to exist.
Anyway, down to more pressing buisiness, we need to get tumblr out of here.
No, it's being translated by a total faggot, get it right.
Nobody's using "daddysplaining," though I will admit that the line is too distracting to people who are too buttblasted over "mansplaining" for some reason.
>I hate to think Japs would actually say "mansplaining"
Then rest assured, because it's clearly something the translator (I doubt it was even the translator, I would assume someone else on the scanlation team whined to change it to a Tumblr meme word) put in to "Americanize" it.
Then use the word "condescending". Christ.
Telling any adult humans a child for wanting to be something regarded as childish, is just a simple condescending insult. Not inherently sexist one way or another.
Mansplaining is a non word used by paranoid SJW who thinks the patriarchy are everywhere, and wanted a word to make people see that a man being condescending towards a woman is worse than a woman being condescending towards a man.
Didn't read the thread before I posted, what a fucking shock that I was spot on. I feel bad for EOPs who are at the mercy of mouthbreathing retards like this in all their manga.
Fuck, I hadn't seen you since you were pushing your translations in OPTs last year, so I'd hoped you'd left Sup Forums.
might as well start bringing the raws to Sup Forums for non-retarded translations
They made their bed.
Nice joke, dude.
Meh, I blocked the part which tells me to disable Adblock.
No, it's now translated by this guy
Actually, self scanned, so that's why it's shit.
>the line is too distracting to people who are too buttblasted over "mansplaining" for some reason.
You really don't realize that this isn't a common word in speech? That only a very certain niche of people use it? C'mon dude you need to have more sense than this.
>the day Sup Forums makes another scanclator quit his "job"
If you don't know/aren't learning jap you shouldn't be on this board anyway.
I hope he does. this retard genuinely thinks "masplaining" is a normal word and not some tumblr buzzword
I stopped at 700~ kanji 4 years ago. It's never going to be any better.
I can understand the Japanese if it's spoken or in furigana, but fuck me if I'm going to be reading regular manga or visual novels in JP.
>not fucking Oishi
Shit translation desu
This is unacceptable and nearly as bad as the gamergate ordeal in prison school. If a translator wants to push a shitty SJW agenda they can fuck right off. The japs don't deal with that crap and I shouldn't have to when reading Japanese media.
Apparently it was the Word of the Year in Australia.
No, the online manga aggregators are doing that job fine without Sup Forums
2 い
I never enter any discussions about gender issues and only know the word mansplaining from jokes used in tv shows, reading this particular part was distracting because of how uncommon of a word it is and because it's not a word that has a direct equivalent in Japanese.
The word kind of ruins the reading flow for me because of how strange it was to be there.
I kind of agree with the OP because with what little I know about the word (usually used in a gender issue context, mostly by westerners) and what little I know about Japanese culture (traditional gender roles are the norm) the word having shown up in a manga was unexpected and attention grabbing, which is not something you would want in a character's passing thought.
You REALLY don't want to take cues from fucking Australia.
wouldn't it be agesplaining
gender doesn't really come into it
>tripfaggot has a shitty stupid opinion
Now that is a real shocker.
This is rich. Some random online dictionaries list the latest tumblerina buzzwords, and here we go, some retarded autist scanlator will use it to argue that it is actually a perfectly fine, commonly used word. What is more, it is used so commonly, that it has lost its gender implications!
Please tell me there aren't this many idiots in the scene. Also, please feel free to kill yourself any time. Preferably take as many tumblerite friends with you as possible.
He's tripfagging because he's the scanlator discussing a translation choice in a manga he scanlated. He's a retard and all, but stop the ">using a tripcode" meme when it's actually relevant.
>Please tell me there aren't this many idiots in the scene
he's not doing it for no reason, that's the scanlator
It is agesplaining but the text already points out that the target of the subjects snobbishness is an 18 year old, which already implies that the subject is being superior due to age and the target is younger.
>>Please tell me there aren't this many idiots in the scene.
The scene is literally nothing but retards.
It's gotten even worse in recent years thanks to the rise of half-competent OCR and machine translation tools. So every 12 year old thinks they're a Japanese pro.
Why some retards thought mansplaining is a word? Can't they feel that was retarded as fuck? Just use complaining, it is a correct word.
Just pointing out how much more widespread the word is despite how much butthurt Sup Forumsutists want to pretend otherwise.
If I was a tumblerina or a SWJ, wouldn't I have already dropped Mujaki no Rakuen like a drunk cheerleader?
>Just pointing out how much more widespread the word is despite how much butthurt Sup Forumsutists want to pretend otherwise.
It really isn't.
>gamergate ordeal in prison school
enlighten me please
I don't really remember, but someone at Funimation/Crunchyroll put Gamergate references into the script to mock them or something
Complete literal agenda pushing, because obviously nothing like that was in the original script or manga.
it may be widespread in fucking America or Australia but it's not in the UK or rest of the world. It is not used by "normal" people in conversation. it's not a trigger word. it is a word specifically created by tumblrites to demean men like the word "wench" which was a derogatory word used for women. you keep saying you're not a "tumblrite/SJW" but you're only deceiving yourself while defending a tumblr buzzword. the word itself is demeaning and insulting to a particular gender and only a fool and hypocrite would use it and call themselves gender rights equalist.
it was a dub thing
Nothing like using a word that the nips would never use. Makes the rest questionable in terms of translations when there are far more commonly used words to use especially when looking at what the the raw actually said.
Funi's shitty localization kicks in. It was them trying to be "trendy with contemporary bullshit" (like the Palin line in their HotD dub) at best, or virtue signalling at worst.
Didn't Sup Forums used to do that? I think most of the sources for the Watamote manga use Sup Forums's translation.
It's widespread enough in the UK for the Oxford dictionary to adopt it. The rest of the world is FOB land
If that's true, then UK is a lost cause.
Sup Forums still does it. both on 4ch and Sup Forums on 2ch
Tsurezure children, The magic senpai etc
It's not a common or widespread term anywhere. Don't try to make it into some America vs Europe thing, there are retarded tumblrcunts all over the world and they're the only people who use it unironically.
I need to check an Oxford dictionary when I can.
>not a lost cause since WWII
you don't understand. just because it's widespread doesn't mean it's good. it's an offensive word that shouldn't be used outside of your little circle of tumblrites. if a Sup Forums tard used nigga or shitskin outside of Sup Forums do you think that would be acceptable? i mean look at the fucking facebook replies the word gets on the site. did that not give you an ounce of reasoning?
>not a tumblrite/SJW
i'm sure. you guys are just as braindead as Sup Forumstards in your idealism
>Check this
Fuck this shit
Mankitsu I seriously hope you're just having a laugh with it and not taking this shit seriously.