How do we deal with libertarians and capitalists in general? Do they get killed along with liberals and commies...

How do we deal with libertarians and capitalists in general? Do they get killed along with liberals and commies? I say yes.

Sorry sweetie :^)

This is the proof of what I've been telling you for years.
The National-(((Socialists))) are worse than commies, they should get their helicopter rides first.



Yeah because National Socialism echoes. You dont even know what the coincidence detector is. Stop using it.

You fucking liberal faggots will get the bullet long before the commies

Oh look a reddit screenshot. Why dont you go back there you degenerate liberal

All Statist cucks must be removed.

by what? force from the (((free market)))?

0.01 shekels have been deposited into your shareblue account

You faggots are insufferable. Literally worse than communists.

you dont even know the root of national socialism

Educate us, based right wing Magapede. I know you've got some great points redditors made that you've screenshotted. Go ahead and post them.

>is a (((socialist)))
>calls others commies

>doesn't know the difference between libertarianism and liberalism
Just like the communists, your ideological alignment stems from stubborn ignorance.

libertarians, conservatives are both liberals you dumb faggot. there is no "liberal" ideology. there are just ideologies that are "liberal". name one great liberal work of literature that's a cornerstone of liberal thought. it's all right wing bull shit.

They go on for one hour we go on for 10 hours those fuckers are screwed.


wtf are you talking about?

you are too busy feeling the steady vibration of a helicopter ride.

killing yourself is a good start

im talking about all you degenerate faggots fucking up my board since last year. this is a national SOCIALIST board. not for you weakling right wing dregs or gay commie faggots or liberal dildos

>trying to start a Sup Forums civil war between nat socialist and libertarians

your either doing a divide and conquer or your too new to realize that pol has always been shared by the same ideologies.

either way, it's always nat socs starting this shit. why? shouldnt you guys feel superior with your germanic roots?

national socialism is literally just the edgy racist version of socialism, basically babys first redpill.

Of course. Usury and sodomy are two sides of the same coin, and capitalism is state sponsored usury. Libertarianism is usury and sodomy.

my first redpill was ron paul in 2007 and ive since evolved to a natsoc from extensive reading and trolling libertarian facebook groups and forums. you right wing faggots are being duped along with the left wing liberals you hate so much. so sad to be the meat between a kosher sandwich. you are the new fag who doesnt realize these threads have always existed because we dont like you. you are a dreg.

Anyone who uses tranny vernacular (pill shit) isn't actually "pilled"

Good point. Capitalism and the free market/Communism are two sides of the same jewish coins. Babyboi redditors cant see this because they read Atlas Shrugged and dont have to read anything else.

yes i agree. i was only using it because he used it. i shouldve put in quotes

Remnants of national socialism will be executed. The anit-fa is gonna see to that. You are a dying breed. Better enjoy your limited time on earth.

Why are you posting an underage autistic Jewish girl? Fuck off man

Kill every last capitalist

Gadsen retardation

>t. Uneducated sub urban retard

By We the People and the 2nd amendment.

>Posts Austrian economist as example of liberal

My point exactly. You of course don't realize how dumb you look

You are a faggot. Kill yourself.

The anti-fa is gonna get ya. It will be glorious.

dont you mean the epic right wing death squad based truthers?




I hope Americans shoot each other to death because of their dumbass gun laws.

Enjoy your third-world murder rate, piece of garbage amerishit.

Us Europeans pity you and your backwards, savage shithole.

Jesus christ you're dense nigger.

>Kill capitalists

>Kill commies

Nice schizo, tho.

I fapped on her. Is it bad ?

>We the People

Sounds fucking communist.

Liberty, faggot. Liberal, Libertarian. They both want the same thing. They're the same fucking thing.

There are other options, Nazbol gang.

I dont care who they are as long as natsocs are on the receiving end. NatSoc is disease, it spreads through hate speech and entitlement bullshit and like every disease, it needs to be rooted out, not by negotiation or appeasement or forced assimilation, but annihilation.

No, you dumb, greasy nigger tier american. They don't want the same thing, we do not aim to control people's mind. Liberals want a big government, we don't. Liberals want hate speech laws, we don't. Liberals want a social democracy, we want a classic liberal democracy with little to none intervention from the state.
Educate yourself.

Libertarians and Capitalists are another side ofbthe Jewish coin, a fantasy born of Jews just like Marxism.

Libertariabns have the option to convert to People based Social Democratism or face prosecution.

It'll be the helicopter for you

The uttermost fools. They try to poison our well, but we crafted it to gather poisons!