So the Brits have two new Rampenstein Aircraft Carriers

So the Brits have two new Rampenstein Aircraft Carriers.

They also have state of the art destroyers and are Building 13 new frigates

Are they now a force to be reckoned with?

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they always have been


Argentina will be ours.

Never forget.

Those are all rescue boats to bring in more refugees disguised as warships.

Talking to some of the locals they seem down beat about the state of their navy.

It looks in good shape to me. I'm staying in Portsmouth where they keep a lot of their ships

Shame these ships will soon become floating hotels for growing nigger population in the UK.

>Are they now a force to be reckoned with?

Spending on defence gives defence contractors and CEOs lots of money. That's why we do it.

Nobody wants to stand next to Lizzy? She must be so lonely on her own.

They normally use these two for that kinda shit