Why is Sup Forums obsessed with fake drama?

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with fake drama?

Why are you a loser generalizing a board filled with white people.




Sup Forums is gay. Like my rhyming? Cause its perfect timing. OH!

If you think any of those are good, you have no idea what makes a good story and must kill yourself.

Not gay enough. Only straightfags like that shit.

I can understand the rest but whats wrong with 5 cm/s? What makes it so tragic is the realism of it.

Can you post examples of REAL drama?

I feel like in order to make this thread you're the one with the obsession, yeah? Fuck off with your true Scotsman nonsense.

If you think Yahari or WA2 aren't good you have probably never read a book.

>he actually believes that


My nigga.


Because, user. Your life is such a shitty show no one want to see and you can't even sell one piece of BluRay of it for 1k yen.

Ye. The prose and dramatic structure in those shows (and their source materials) are on a level 99% of anime could never come close to reaching.

but literally millions of books go way past it

If anyone gives a fuck about what you think, he must kill himself.

>WA2 in the same image as Shitgatsu and Anushana
OP is a faggot as always

Muh melodrama.

It's called forced drama, newfag.

>in anime

>fake drama

not that user but neither of those are harem

you are either baiting or don't even know what you are talking about

Yahari is still bad. For what it wants to be it's way too shallow. And every girl in the show wants MC's dick, which kind of qualifies it as a harem.

>Yahari is still bad.
No it isn't.
>For what it wants to be it's way too shallow.
It's the opposite of "shallow", it examines social dynamics in a school environment extremely well.
>And every girl in the show wants MC's dick
Baiting it is, then. It's a love triangle, not a harem.

shigatsu is the best anime made to date. please dont pretend you're and oldfag and talk bad about it

I guess Haganai isn't a harem as well then.

I don't watch ecchi crap so I couldn't tell you. Thanks for the non-argument though.

what series are there with actual good romance in them?

i don't mean romance based series aimed at females, necessarily, just ones with a nice romance in them

As opposed to what, Barefoot Gen?

Instead of talking in bullshit general terms, please post examples of "good" drama.

Then you idiots might realize that no one can agree on what qualifies as an acceptable level of drama, and everything is "forced" to someone.

Boku no Pico

Ano Hana was legit fucking sad though.

Yahari is fucking bad.



Yahari is fucking good.

Joe and Rose of Versailles for starters

Dumb Dezakiposter

The rest are shit, but anohana was great. Fuck off.

Clannad anohana yahari and angel beats were shit tho

What is a fake drama?

Great taste


Clannad and WA2 weren't that bad.

Shigatsu and Yahari S2 are terrible.


Clannad would have had a much better impact if they just focussed on the Nagisa/Tomoya storyline and they didn't bring Nagisa back to life. I think if they were going to have the wish, make it so that Ushio recovers after meeting Nagisa in a dream sequence.

Needs more Okada.

wa2 is really drama

Fake drama, forced drama, and melodrama are all words for drama that isn't resolved with battles. If anyone cries then it's melodrama. If it's actual melodrama then it's forced drama. No one uses fake drama colloquially but I'd guess it's any drama involving relationships.

Shut up, nigger

Is fake drama going to be the new forced animation?

>fake drama

Dumb dumbposter

The ending would have been fine if the build up with the orbs was explained better. At most we got an awkward, out of place info dump from the genius girl and one orb appearing after Tomoya reconciling with his father.
And I still have no idea what the fuck those dream sequences were.

>you have no idea what makes a good story
A strong theme and a plot that incorporates that theme without seeming forced while also allowing room for the characters to grow and develop?

5cm per second has just that

I'll never understand why people hate on 5cm/sec. It's an excellent film.

At least forced animation has some kind of meaning to it.

It's okay.

I felt the ending was too anti-climactic.

They like it then they watch other films by the director, and then upon realizing that he's a hack they reevaluate their initial opinion through that lens. Or skip step 2 and it's just peer influence.

Welcome to real life.

Shinkai isn't a hack though. Hell 5cm isn't even my favorite film of his.

But real life is boring

What about Keit-Ai?

I think common opinion dictates he's pretty one-note, whether you agree or not. What's your favourite Shinkai?

I think that was kind of the point: The MC expected/hoped for the typical ending of him meeting with the girl and them getting together when in reality she had moved on and had her own life.

Probably a toss up between Children Who Chase Lost Voices and the Place Promised in Our Early Days.

The thing I like most about Shinkai is that he proves that modern anime doesn't look like shit just because it's digital, it looks like shit because people just plain don't have talent.

The Place Promised in Our Early Days > Ghibli Clone

I know what the point was, but it doesn't make it fun to watch. I felt pretty blue balled.

my opinion = your opinion.

I didn't like Lost Voices at all, felt like a bootleg version of my least favourite Miyazaki films. I haven't seen Early Days; would you recommend it to someone who only really enjoyed 5cm/s and his short films about cats? I agree that his films are beautiful, but beauty is only skin deep and there are many other anime directors capable of producing beautiful things besides Shinkai.

If it were to have ended with him actually getting with her then It would have ruined the entire point of the film.

I agree, probably my least favorite.

If you only appreciate his films on a superficial level then no, you probably wouldn't like it.

The ones I liked I felt were very strong all around. Heck, I'd say if I were only looking at them superficially I'd enjoy his works a lot more.

I didn't say they should have gotten together. Just that the ending was anti climatic.
I would have taken a rejection or something, or do it like the manga and end it with the other girl that the movie just kind of forgets about.

>Fake drama

This meme has gone too far

SSY isn't fake drama, it's not great but the drama isn't forced like white album 2 or oregairu 2.

tbf OP did put that in the filename

Shigatsu - only plays on emotions. shallow shit. physical humour is inexcusable
Clannad - life lessons with magic in the background. stupid as fuck. people learn but they cant make what they learned from come back to life
anohana - friend dies 8 years when everyone is a kid. EVERYONE ends up with a fucking problem about it.
angel beats - not worth it
white album 2 - pure love shit. touma's autistic and her inability to do anything outside piano is gross. setsuna can easily pick any guy but her vagina is reserved for mc
5cm/s - nothing special. people grow far apart all the time.
yahari - havent even watched this shit. dude im a loner, good thing every girl in the show gets wet over my social ineptitude

Banner of the Stars

>implying 5cm/S isn't absolutely brilliant
It's the best depiction of absolute, pure depression and hopelessness I've ever seen in fiction, let alone anime. The loneliness is absolutely perfect, the second way he second guesses everything he does for the rest of his life, the way he hangs on one girl from when he was 12. It's the most accurate showing of desperation and sadness I've ever seen. Left me empty for days.

If you think 5cm/S isn't good, you're probably a subhuman chad who has never experienced loneliness or depression.

We get it, you can't outgrow your first love. doesn't mean everyone wants to see a literal manchild clinging to a girl from his youth. maybe look around and see how people get on with life? it sucks, right? well that is life. 5cm/s is a glorified music video.

Because we've been spoiled so much by actual good drama, we've all become snobs.

These are all shit, I agree completely.

for music that isn't good desu


Stop glorifying your own ineptitude. You're not even defending 5cm for its ultimately positive message (which is, by the way, absolute bathos when combined with the corny music sequence) but rather the romanticized suffering. Learn that suffering isn't the only emotion of value or take the alternative and kill yourself

>not posting the author's best work

What anime is the one that looks like Keit-Ai?

boku no pico

>Fake Drama
>Forced Animation

Which is your favorite Sup Forums meme.

Youre waifu a shit.

5cm per second