
3 more days for Okada's train wreck to continue.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Okada's train wreck
> Not Kiznaiver

Why not both?


Remember when we thought the Hippopotamus song was foreshadowing?

Bad thread.

The fuck off.

>capcha: select all images with trains


Alright, do any of you truly believe that the casualties in this show will be low? Or that Yottsun+Judgeness/Mikage (unknown) are the only ones that are going to die?

I think Toshiboy, two Yuunas, Wanko, Dozaemon, Manbe/Piitan, Driver, and Soy Latte are guaranteed to die. The rest outside of the "main six" can go either way.

Wanko will got his own cute wifel and then he die

How does Narna hold any more relevancy than Soy Latte or Yuuno?

pic related: How the producer treats their character

What's the point?
Even if they die, they do it offscreen.

3 more days before we need another shitty thread.

Why do you automatically assume I'm a Naanafag? I excluded Toriyasu and Nettaiya too because I'm not sure about them.

Move Speedo and Lion lower, they haven't done shit in forever.

>Hellfire and Nyanta didn't get their own spot in the OP despite their designs that stand out and relevance/screentime

Still don't get it.

I want to see Lion naked.

Summary what we learn in ep 6:

-Some character backstories
-New ghost theory, confirmed Masaki has things to do with the main story
-Illusions don't share, Jack and Yottsun are real
-Hallucinations can happen at day and night, when people are alone or in a group, when people start losing their minds
-Hallucinations will be over if someone new comes to help
-Hallucinations monster is based on deep inside heart kind of thing, not fear or love
-the appearance of the monster (angry/cute, giant/normal) and it's attack stance is based on how much that monster hurt the character in the past

what we haven't learned from the last 6 eps:

-all ep 1 related questions
-all farm-bear-email-map related questions
-all Yottsun related questions
-all Jack related questions
-the thing that causes hallucination: candy? smokke? rain? thing inside the tunnel? just air?
-the thing that make hallucination "image" (not just sound)
-How exactly hallucination make people died: they kill themselves? someone uses it?


What are the Mayoigas secret obsessions?

Maybe they're not in normal reality anymore and death in the village reality is the way out back to normal reality

Maimai: in love with Mitsumune

I'm glad I dropped this

Okay, done with ep 6 for the most part.
Tell me if you think I need to remove/add anything, I have no problem changing it.

>-the thing that causes hallucination: candy? smokke? rain? thing inside the tunnel? just air?
Don't forget Koharun's singing in the list if you include candy.

user is a faggot


Who counts as part of the "main six"?

He said theories, not facts.

Much better than the other version, but the Puuko pic shouldn't be there.

Naana a cute. A CUTE.

Small question. Who released Jack and told him to go to the jungle?

a. Jack died. the Jack they saw is the hallucination Jack
b. Someone in the group released him, and told him to go to the jungle
c. Someone in the group released him,the hallucination triggered Jack, making him to the jungle
d. The hallucination triggered Jack when he was in jail, made him break out (or some bad guy took him out but not for his sake), Jack went to the forest cause of illu


Needs a lolipon, but other than that it looks good.

>b. Someone in the group released him, and told him to go to the jungle
This one, pic related.

>3 cuck jokes


The Gods themselves weep when Lovepon stops smiling.


First six is more accurate, since that's how the promotional art was described. Mitsumune, Masaki, Valkana, Koharun, Speedo, and Lion. The latter two have barely been relevant but maybe they can prove us wrong in the second half of the show.

Did any of you guys save lolipon/tit crab monster? I tried looking for those but couldnt find anything. I'll replace Puuko if I have them.

>Don't forget Koharun's singing in the list if you include candy.
how related is it? Did everytime she sing, someone died?

>c. Someone in the group released him,the hallucination triggered Jack, making him to the jungle

This one.


Save the Puuko one for when Puuko gets her time to shine.

Fucking adorable.

It's not even a secret anymore, Speedo and Puuko know about it.

Needs more rust.


Searching for MC on twitter and found out that Nips's feeling for MC is same as Sup Forums.
-Mitsumune Disgusting(キモイ)
-Mitsumune Disgusting(気持ち悪い)
-Mitsumune Hayato
-Mitsumune Creepy/Scary
Why people are so cruel to this cute little faggot.

Fuck off buddy, it's better than people repeatedly asking questions that can actually be answered by paying attention to the show. And I've only seen that posted once before.

You need to wait for some Lovepon image.
Also, you have around 12 images there. 8-9 is enough

>-Mitsumune Disgusting(キモイ)
>-Mitsumune Disgusting(気持ち悪い)
Based nips.

Who will they stuff into the bull?

Dahara will prep the bull

I want Mitsumune to be my waifu.


Kiznaiver is Okada's best regarding this season.

A beautiful tale of the human connection, sharing your psychological wounds with your new found comrades and linking those bonds formed to experience an new type of narrative, the narrative of irreplaceability. Camaraderie is best experience during adolescence.

More like never use it

The image needs to related to the last episode
And has to be made after the last episode
That's why beanie wasn't added in ep 5

I am not sure. A song as a summoning ritual of sorts kind of makes sense, though. And Koharun won't stop singing even after being told it is not appreciated.
Koharun being the culprit may be too obvious, afterall. But this is about as valid as the candy theory.



I think that's the best word to describe him.

It's kinda easy to hate Mitsumune. He's so gullible and the way he goes about trying to get in Masaki's pants is weird as fuck. He's the type of betafaggot on par with Dahara.

Thinking you have to be friends with a girl first before fucking is something that betas need to stop doing.

I'm liking the Koharun has another personality who is the mastermind more.
But someone needs to analyst the time of all the songs and all the hallucinations. May be it matches

>tfw Koharun singing in episode 1 materialized the bridge to the village

B...based nips.


Nigga you're like 3 weeks late.

I think when Pink Goddess said that, we have another clue
He's holding the lock, and I believe he's the one who asked "Was the lock broken in the beginning". What does it means. It means the lock was broke in the way that like was by a key
so the key holder is the one who release Jack

SoyGoddess OTP!

S..still not late to love you right?

like who can take care of the farm, prepare the bear print and stuffs?
it's either someone not in the group or Koharun

ur delusional

>actually taking the bait

Tier S total, TOTAL shit. Somebody kill her.

how do we stop this absolute mad man

there's no pic like that I believe

What dog is your Mayo, Sup Forums?

This thread is much much slower than this time yesterday.
We run out of things to discuss

Maybe it weren't someone in the group, neither were it Masaki. In the OP Masaki is seen with a white silhouetted person. And in episode six one of the reveal is a girl name Masaki disappeared.

Maybe that person is the actual Masaki who disappeared and have a relation to the Masaki who is in the group now running with Mitsumune, she adapted the handler Masaki in hope the real Masaki appear amongst the group. And that didn't happened yet.

Stop talking about how much we're not talking, god damn. Sometimes things are gonna be slower than other times.


Kiss his ass.

Lurk for two years before posting.

>79 posts in
>no sooooy latte.jpg

That's suck, the worst ending is if there is at least 1 person outside of the group in this village.

>train wreck

He's dead.

>so the key holder is the one who release Jack
Maybe the one Valkana found is the duplicate key.

He's late.


Nyanta a cute. CUTE!

Couldn't conquer his trauma.



Oh shit user, that's the pic I was looking for.

Add it


How was the hallucination?


we need to discuss about the time Jack was out first before discuss who let Jack out
It should be?

a. In episode 3, LONG before midnight, LONG time before Maimai was on the bridge
b. In episode 3, before midnight, right before Maimai was on the bridge
c. In episode 4, before the forest group left
d. In episode 4, after they left

Yottsun is dead guys.

I may have seen your post on the last thread, but it was already archived