Don't disappoint me Sup Forums
Something you would find in a liberal's home
Bulls and dildos
ny wife's son
Harry Potter BluRay collection
Hunger Games BluRay collection
Fatherless children
This 100%
Starbucks cup
A menorah
Mint work-boots.
Black guy hiding in the cupboard
A liberal by the word's true definition is quite a tolerant person. So I'd guess a MAGA hat, a quaran and maybe a scale model of pzkw IV
An 8 year old
a strap-on
a compost bucket
the future is female shirt
Plenty emails.
>not poor fags
Praise KEK
>open their web browser
>first three shortcut tabs are facebook, reddit, and voxx.
>YouTube suggestions for Stephen Colbert and Black John Stewart.
>wikihow on how to make good memes.
An Apple computer or phone.
A vaporizor
Annoying dogs
40 shitskins named Muhammed and Tyrone going to town on their asshole.
Apple everything.
Opiate painkillers
a half empty starbucks cup
Slide thread
Unused institutional quality small appliances.
Don't be shitty. Apple is the product of the upper class. Keep your green texting shit to the swamps you proletariat.
oh i got a better one
name something you find
in OPs asshole
ive already done the number one answer, a shit shuffler
so you guys do the rest
Don't post in these threads, even with sage. Just report it and ignore it.
size 12 men's 5" pumps.
no real groceries
frozen food from trader joes
takeout containers/doggy bags
craft beer (xt points for IPAs)
denim jackets/baseball caps adorned in politically themed/""""nerdy"""" culture pins
bc pills
Funko Pops
Avocado smasher
Dildo drill adaptor
Yoga mat
Rap/hip-hop compilations
Fairy lights
No guns
A cuck shed
Don't accuse me of sliding fags, even Sup Forums needs banter now and again
A copy of Two Treatises Of Government
Hair dye and plastic frame specs
Their disappointed parents
Bernie poster
'HOPE' Obama sticker
Netflix account
$1,888 gaming computer
Chance the Rapper album
Fuck that shit
Shit I always suspected I was a liberal, guess this confirms it.
10 muslims gangraping their wife's son
lets see.
a kuerig coffee maker
shitty art probably purchased from Ross's or other shitty equivalent
walls painted in stupid colors
holier than thou drinks like IPAs or fancy mixers
atleast one expensive bicycle that is rarely ridden or other expensive exercise equipment that isn't used but is trendy like snowboarding stuff or camping equipment although they've never actually camped
a security system but no firearms
a prius
a hillary or bernie yard sign
amazon alexa shit
a collection of shitty 90s kumbaya music
apple products
those faggy seltzer water carbonated drinks that arnt soda
gluten free foods
no water filtration devices cuz flouride isnt bad for you
a bunch of shitty fiction that they have never read like shades of grey ect
besides the shitty "modern" artwork they will also have "art" that has stupid phrases on it usually about love
knock off designer clothes/handbags/sun glasses etc
a diploma with a worthless degree
idk I have a headache so I can't think straight but know your enemy.