So, Sup Forums, what's the deal with these two? Are we supposed to see a romantic connection, or are people deluding themselves?
So, Sup Forums, what's the deal with these two? Are we supposed to see a romantic connection...
They were.
8 years ago.
Is this a decade ago?
I really enjoyed their back and fourth in the early days and Rukia gets props for not being a boring cunt.
But then something happened and they made Ichigo a boring cunt.
We Orihim/a/ now
Knowing soul reapers live for thousands of years, we might see a romantic connection develop over a few decades in a Bleach sequel manga.
Delusion. Orihime is the only one who loves Ichigo and he doesn't love her.
The implication of a smile-less soul reaper and a human was the only reason I picked up this piece of shit who knows how many years ago. When I finally realized it was another pile of power levels and bullshit asspulls, i realized that original notion was dead.
What a waste of my time. At least I got to experience pic related.
I wanted a nel x ichigo ending
Another case of people shipping every male x female who interact no matter how bro they are. I'd equate them to Soul x Maka who were super close but never any actual romance between them.
I'll never forget how quickly this part fucked me up.
Nah. I thought it was pretty obvious that Soul and Maka wanted to fuck, while Ichigo and Rukia really is just bros.
This is a part of the reason why Manga is a shit medium.
Basically, if the story didn't sell we would probably have had a sensible romantic conclusion after the Rukia rescue arc. Instead we have gone through multiple arcs where every single combination of person has been kidnapped and rescued while we discover that Ichigo is half-every single combination possible each arc.
The story has had the middle stretched so far and now the beginning and ending are muddled and won't really make much sense.
I stopped at the fake Kamakura arc and I think that was already overstaying. The best way to enjoy this series would be to stop after the Rukia rescue arc, because after that point everything goes to hell.
Not to mention that the initial premise which consisted of just Ichigo and Rukia ghostbusting was better than everything else that followed.
Please stop pushing your Rukia agenda.
Everyone knows Orihime is Ichigos one and only love.
Isn't she like 500 years old or some shit?
Fucking bland and annoying.
Orihime=Beautiful, kind, wonderful, inspirational goddess
Rukia= generic tsundere pedo bait