What makes her so unpopular?
What makes her so unpopular?
He biker tattoos
Why is her hair so flat
Why are her tits so small
This isn't the ciel I know
It's not that I don't like her, it's just that I like her the least out of them all.
Don't worry, the remake isn't ever actually coming out
She breaks her vow of purity
She was second worst girl behind that stupid bitch kohaku
Her new design is better, there i've said it.
not being the best girl
I disagree but respect your opinion
Fluffy hair Ciel is the best.
She's best girl.
>Why are her tits so small
Don't look smaller than before to me
Who's the blue saber
I liked Curry-senpai
The issue is not her
It was that her route was a carbon copy of Arcueid's route.
Nasu knows he needs to fix this bad
Forgot image
I don't know much about Tsukkihime or whatever, but is she basically Sakura?
She has a bit of a dark past, but no, not really at all.
I usually like short hair cuts but for Ciel it's her hairdo that makes me not like her. Remake haircut is slightly better but I think she needs longer hair.
She's a mix of Rin and Sakura. She's in most of the routes, and sort of an antagonist in some of them. Other times she helps Shiki out a lot.
Like Rin, she suffers from becoming a waifu for the protag.
If Sakura got rid of worms and her beta boring personality and become badass executor, then yes she's basically Sakura.
She can't compete with the other girls
Post currybutt
No. Sakura's controversial, but still quite popular. Ciel, on the other hand, just plain isn't interesting to most people.
Isn't Kohaku the Sakura of Turkeyhandle?
Ciel seems more like what happens if Sakura got pissed after Heaven Feel's Normal end, instead of broken.
Why was she the kinkiest out of the lot? Best sex scene
Roa made her do a lot of depraved shit when she was his host, and she wound up liking some of it.
Possessed by a trouser snake for god knows how long.
see Fate female protags take traits from a couple of Tsukihime female protags.
And even if it does, it won't be an eroge.
Sacchin will never get a taste of the Tohno Gland.
that's wrong though Sakura's real archetype is SHIKI the murderous basement dweller with a hate-on for his sibling
Kohaku has much more in common with Zouken
They're basically the same. Sakura had a bigger body count, but Kohaku was far more responsible for her actions.
She will, it's just we'll never see it.
SHIKI is Shinji, though.
>Best girl 1 + best girl 2 = worst girl
>Worst girl 1 + worst girl 2 = best girl
Someone explain this to me
Fuck off, Sacchin a good girl.
But SHIKI is actually a threat most of the time
But Arcueid and Hisui aren't worst girls. What's the matter with you.
>worst girl 2
>worst girl 2
Rinfags confirmed for shit taste.
there are so many ways you can interpret this
The worst elements of the best girls. I'm not sure what you mean by the other one.
I think the comparison comes more from the fact that they both used to be decent guys and the MC's best friend until they went wacko.
Sakura = best and Rin = worst, right? Pretty decent taste. Seiba is OK too.
>And even if it does, it won't be an eroge.
the greatest tragedy of our time, truly. i'd personally suck nasu's cock just to get the h scenes with the new, better art.
> The updated sprite was shown 4 years ago
That remake is never coming out isn't it?
2011 a best.
Man, what a good haul.
>I was merely pretending !
You were correct though
>It was that her route was a carbon copy of Arcueid's route.
Only for the first half, then the second half goes into crazytown and violent betty/veronica fights
The problem with arc/ciel routes having the same opening is more a fault with the arc route even tho she's the better girl[s/poiler], especially since ciels route has more interesting things happening during the early scenes too
Ciel is the best girl.