Tranny gets mad at young black girl for calling him a dude

>Tranny gets mad at young black girl for calling him a dude
>Tranny assaults the black girl and drags her across the cement
>Black girl's friends and family find out
>Nogs proceed to find the tranny and beat the ever loving fuck out of him
How did Sup Forums not find this story? Who's side do you take?

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Niggers vs. degenerates? I'll take the niggers, OP.

nice ID


Also, I hope this degenerate kills himself.

This is the only time a nigger was right.

Phoenix is crawling with Mason freaks, many trannies. Sounds like a fake story to get normal humans to have sympathy for their hideous abominations.

It's a tough choice, but I side with the niggers as well.

>YWN take vengeance in a tranny for attacking your sister.

Niggers are degenerates by default and tranny shit is peak degeneracy.
If you pick either side you're a faggot.
>fucking BASED black guys beating up a tranny haha :DDD

>Who's side do you take?

watch one side annihilate the other.
annihilate the winner.

Why pick sides when the obvious solution is to remove them all?

Nigs over chix-w-dix

Violent Degenerate vs Violent mob
I choose neither


At least the niggers are just following their nature and going with their savage, simple instincts. That tranny, on the other hand, goes against the natural order of things. So yeah, I'm siding with the niggers here.

How do we make black people use proper pronouns and respect trannies?

Okay fuck that, black girl did nothing wrong. That dude is huge too! What the hell. I hope she presses charges, he got what he deserved.

this story nicely sums up America in 2017

Lol this just shows that blacks will NEVER be on board with tranny and homo shit no matter how much they push it.

This is the trannies mom. Gee, I wonder where the degeneracy comes from?

Always take the degenerates... when the time comes no one will complain or threaten to sue when they get dumped in the middle of the ocean.

how are the libs gonna react to this one?

She has no neck. Where has her neck gone?

>taking vengeance in a tranny
I like the way you think but it still sounds pretty gay

With this monster being the mother it is not even the least bit surprising that the son turned out to be a mentally ill degenerate.
These ''people'' shouldn't be allowed to even have children. This dyke bitch probably sexually abused the kid, made him put on dresses, raised him as ''gender neutral'' etc.
Fucking ogres.

I'm not supporting the tranny, but typical violent porch monkey behaviour. Can't handle people 1 on 1.

>Who's side do you take?
The side in which I look at both and have a hearty laugh.

>How did Sup Forums not find this story?
Because stories like that, which show the incoherences between the groups that support the left are always rapidly covered up or simply unreported.

It's like back then years ago when gay marriage didn't pass in California, the bluest of all blue states, and the liberal media was rabid, looking for who was to blame for that... until they looked the vote stats and found that it was blacks who voted against it the most. They must be the most Democrat voter demographics there is, but they simply don't like fags and trannies, they won't ever accept them. And of course the MSM's response to that was silence. They won't report this kind of thing.

The left has a fuckton of other intern conflicts that make for a good laugh. There were once those environmentalist activists that were against the building of a casino and shopping buildings in an indian reservation... by the very indians. As a politician who do you side with? With the white environmentalist kids and be called a racist? With the indians and supporting building stuff in natural reservations? These things are just ignored. The most obvious kind of conflict is mudslimes vs women's rights and the treatment is exactly the same.

And a grown man beating up a teenage girl is any better? It's poetic justice.

>BASED sodomite amirite fellow white people???!!!
>fuck the pious christian niggers amirite FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE???? XDXD

What a way to fuck one human life.

These people should be in fucking madhouses for the sake of god.

Whoever loses, we win.

The tranny faggot got what it deserved. You can't assault someone, much less a girl, just for calling you a "mean" word. And then not expect retribution.

shut up turkey go fuck some goats

The tranny is first and foremost a white male, he is also a liar exploiting our acceptance of trannies to try to get away with attacking a strong black woman.

She uses this shampoo

I hope everyone involved in this story dies, no need to take sides.

Muslims can't behead you if you've got no neck.

>pregnant at 16
>total hot slut in her early years but was obese by 21
>No real friends. People mostly just hang around her because she let's them smoke weed and drink piss at her place
>3 kids to 3 different fathers

I'm willing to place money on this. It's the recipe for every degenerate piece of shit.

tranny freak

No doubt, a single, powerful, woke, independent woman.

Where is the uncensored goybook video of it gettin its ass kicked?

If a tranny on hormones gets angry like this, does it count as roid rage?

Niggers definitely.
Niggers nigg by nature (low IQ) whereas degenerates are usually degenerate by choice.

Shouldn't be the opposite though? If nigs nigg by nature it means they can't be saved, while degens can just be re-educated.

>assault someone for saying something that is true
>get hospitalized
cant say i see any thing wrong with this

I actually hate trannies more than niggers

Degens can never be re-educated my hombre.
Hating niggers is like hating animals, it's not their fault. Just keep them in Africa and everyone is happy.

Not at all.

Crocodiles are alright, in their natural habitat.

Whereas degenerates are broken - mutants of a kind.

Fucks sake anyone who tells me tranny's are genetic are full of shit. All I need is one look at that fat fuck of a mom to know her parenting is 100% of the reason that guy turned out to be such a freak show. Genetics had absolutely nothing to do with it

Make it go viral what a mentally ill fagget

>Niggers vs. degenerates? I'll take the niggers, OP.
Niggers get serious plus points in my book. Love niggers for this brave act of justice.
Tranny must be silenced for ever. I hope he goes to prison as well and get's raped by bunch of nasty niggers.
LGBT is evil.

Also, when trying to domesticate animals you should reward them if they do something good, like beating the shit out of a tranny.

It is pretty much your obligation to fuck up any dude who beats a woman in your family, I cannot fault the black people for this.

All the hamburgers absorbed it.

Wtf? I love niggers now. They're just... well..
They stink and are basically retarded. But nigs that can be made to nog on trannys, dare I say it? /ourguys/

Everyone do (does? (I'm not a native speaker)).

some jew will declare it was whiteys fault.

Fucking gross looking obese beast.
Her pussy should be sterilized so she can't have children ever anymore.
Pussy acid flush.

Yeah it's gonna be a "niggers" for me, dawg

>tranny who assaults person for speaking the truth
>blacks who protect their own people when attacked
>which of these is a better match for pol's values
don't feel bad OP I would probably ask a similarly stupid question if I were a demented and deformed moron with three balls and no dick

>you have to side with one of them

let us spread this to raise awareness about the homophobia in the black community. We can start the infighting between two opposing groups.


>find the tranny and beat the ever loving fuck out of him

find the tranny and beat the ever loving fuck out of *her*


>Who's side
Nature and God made them at least.
not some kike brewed mind virus

Plus you really are supposed to save the real girl. Even if you and her are niggers.

The niggers were right...God I feel filthy saying that, what is this world coming to?


>“I want people to know I am going to change the world,” said Kern.
>Change your gender
>Change the WORLD!

Just watched the video.
What a disgusting piece of tranny shit Dakota. Fuck you. Become statistic in tranny suicide your prick imposing your sick shit on the rest of the society.
I hope you get charged with an assault of the black girl. I hope niggers will never leave you alone.

It isn't human. That's an ogre.

Black people being able to fight is a myth. They typically jump people with multiple people, then brag about being a badass.

Well hormones are steroids... So I guess that makes trannys gay on steroids

>get IT!

Holy fuck
Watch the vid
NBC Local is taking the side of the tranny
Cuz it is a tranny
Over niggers!!

Though they still don;t call them "Blacks"
instead calling them "teens"

how can this be real life

nignogs should have killed this degenerate

>mothers an obese pig with problem hair and problem piercings

> If nigs nigg by nature it means they can't be saved

nigger, with time, can be bred into something useful.
Good luck doing that shit to decadent faggots.


These are fun because it doesn't matter. The main point is that blacks are not so conditioned in this area and will fight for their own in a more immediate setting.

>Protective niggers beat a aggressive tranny.
>Who's side do you take?


Women getting hurt, trannies getting hurt, blacks possibly going to jail.

That's pretty awesome.

Look at this comment the girl favorited. She's a fucking transphobic bigot and got what she deserved. At least the trans woman fought her one on one, while the transphobic girl needed 20 people to jump her. Bigots are all fucking cowards.

of course the whites trannies side.

HOLY SHIT THIS VIDEO IS RIDICULOUS. He didn't even need the neckbrace.
>what really happened

Notice they are omitting the fact that it was a bunch of niggers and framing this as if it's discrimination from whites. They are trying to sell their white audience on buying into this anti-discrimination against trannies garbage.

>“Somebody said, ‘Get it,’ and then they grabbed me, started pulling on me and fighting me,” Kern said.

>get it


It's "an" aggressive tranny, Satoshi-kun.

Whichever one kills the Jews pls


whites would have done the same thing a few decades ago if a black tranny beat up a white girl

They throw fags off buildings

Does sound like a win/win, though.

Transphobia isn't real. It's just calling mental illness for what it is

Say what you want about them, and it's all true - but if there is one thing that community doesn't fuck around with it is enabling today's mental illness epidemic.

Is this a real name wtf
it's spelled the same forwards and backwards and has anal in it

Also problem warts. I wonder if crows land on her shoulder to try and snatch them. Eeew.

christianity is a sandnigger religion

Not taking a side, it's like communism and national socialism. Kill them both.

They can't throw you off a building if you're so fat they can't lift you first.

Back to your commonfilth videos you sour graping shitskin