Is this an average day in America?
Is this an average day in America?
This fucking country
>Friend gets buttmad because someone had the audacity to be on the same road
>Don't stop him from chimping out as the situation escalates
>O-oh okay Mr. Big Guy! We'll leave! Pls no bully
This is the ideal male body. You might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
Lol, dude on the bike got fucking rocked though. How can you be wearing a helmet and still get your ass beat so hard that you can't get off of the ground.
Bikers are fags
They got what they deserved
If we want to save the White Race we must gas hicks
That's nigger tier chimp out
Those subhumans certainly voted for Trump
> harass people in their car
> try to go 4v1 on some guy like a bunch of niggers
> bubba pulls up and tells you to back the fuck off and let them 1v1 or he's gonna stick a shotgun up your ass
> bubba's friend still checks on the guy after he gets laid out for being retarded
> they tell them all to just fuck off and stop with the horse shit
If only niggers had the same courtesy, damn rednecks, why can't they just let us mob people?
Talk shit get hit you fags, if you can't 1v1 then shut the fuck up.
It's all fun and games until somebody pulls out a gun
This is just the South. They do this every so often. They'll tire themselves out and drink some Pabst.
It's way worse in Russia
One of the many reasons we should be bombed/invaded/raptured
Bikers are cunts.
Especially ones who ride in packs.
The bell curve folks.
Whites have enough stupid people, the quantity and representation may be lower, but we still have em. They're scum like all low intelligent scum.
Nope not enough beaners or darkies.
Most American video ever.
The guy in the truck did nothing wrong. He was literally on his way to church. Just a patriot exercising his rights.
Based rednecks
Any video where aggressive riders get rocked makes me happy.
jesus christ why cant women do any thing competent? every video I see of a woman where shit hits the fan just a little bit they completely lose their composure and just scream unintelligibly.
I noticed that. Its almost like they're designed to escalate situations further than they ever need to be.
They are just wired differently, but besides that fact there is a good chance that this thing is staged, and she is doing some poor acting. I think some people get TV shows when they create drama like this, silly people either way though.
Women can't do anything physically so they have to yell louder.
Its like how a Chihuahua barks a shit ton.
Those rednecks were pretty awesome though
Great video. All bikers deserve to be gassed. This includes people that act like bicycles are fucking cars and ride their fucking bicycles on the fucking road. I ride their asses so close even im scared I'm gonna run them over
Fucking nigger teir bikers, I carry a piece of rebar for shit like this. And I've used it too.
>gas hicks
>aka the dudes who can actually fight and know bushcraft
Go suck Tyrone's cum out of your gf's pussy before you have to raise a niglet.
>mfw I recently lost 30 pounds
>mfw that's literally 4 gallons of fat I lost
I wonder how many extra gallons this fucking guy has on him.
fat alpha dominates lanklet yet again
that was fuckin aweasome
Yep, don't forget it Achmed.
But seriously whyt he fuck did they start fighting?
>fat people
>useful at war or guerilla war
doesn't compute
those are white niggers
I don't understand anything that happened in this video
Fucking trash people
>Didn't shoot anyone
>1v1 fights
No they are true country gentlemen. They made sure that shit went down fair. They are the opposite of niggers.
Literally whitetrash dreamland.
People get so caught up in working just like everyone else, they think that is the only requirement for nothing being a sack of garbage.
It looks fake as fuck to me.
Bikers deserve it.
Why the fuck do you just stop your bike and wait for them to get out to kick your ass? Just lob a homemade grenade or firework through the window and be done with it jeez what fucking morons
I bet all you stupid fucks are gonna defend the bikers
I thought Far Cry 5 was unfair and not representative of any portion of rural America Sup Forums?
american so funny lol
>biker kids feel like badasses
>decide to confront a guy driving with his wife and kids for some minor slight
>guy calls his neighbors for help, they meet him halfway down the road
>as his neighbors pull up, he stops the car. The biker kids also stop, cornering him, clearly looking for a fight
>guy comes out swinging, gets on top of one of the kids beating him up
>guy's neighbors pull up and pull out a gun, prevent his 3 friends from helping him
>threaten to kill them, instantly they freak out, start begging
Biker gangs are extremely dangerous, the niggers of the roadways
Why the fuck didn't you useless bastards kill McCain? Seriously?
This video was awesome, but how the fuck was there suddenly a swarm of rednecks out of nowhere? Guy also happened to conveniently stop right next to a truck that had a guy in overalls toting a shotgun. I'm from Texas and this was pretty redneck even for me.
Some people in the video's comments seemed to have the same feeling.
Trucker obviously called his friends while he was driving.
The bikers say the truck cut them off, irregardless, one of the bikers came up to the truck's window and started cussing him out in front of his wife, apparently said some fucked up shit. The truck driver was on a road near people he knew and pulled off, and commenced to stomping the pure shit out of the guy running his mouth. The other rednecks stepped in and made sure that their guy wasn't going to get jumped.
The bikers kept shrieking that the kid was 19 and the driver was 40, but if they were worried about that then the little bastard shouldn't have been running off at the mouth like he was.
Just a quick advisory, rednecks do not fuck around.
Your country is shit, burgers. Full of shit people with shit ideas and attitudes.
>I have visited once. I am never going back
God i fucking hate bike niggers
Metric system motherfucker, do you speak it?
Make fun of rednecks all you want but, you ain't gonna fuck with them and get away with it.
Irregardless isn't a word fucknuts.
It is pretty fucking dumb to try to start road rage shit with some redneck in a pickup out in the country, there is like a 90% chance he or someone else in the car has a gun and is looking for a chance to use it. I'm surprised the guy in the black truck didn't pull one out, honestly.
Good. Enjoy your rapidly Chinese Islamic gay marriage shithole. Your country is even gayer because if Americans voted it would 100% not be legal. You pooftas are actually gonna vote for it.
Lol, the guy had a helmet and still lost the fight without doing shit ?
How is that even possible ?
ooooh so scare
no one go there then dum
adjective & adverbinformal
adjective: irregardless; adverb: irregardless
I've always wondered what agent Orange retardation looked like. Nice
Literal homosexuals BTFO by a real bloke. This is what happens when you stop kids getting bullied, they grow up not knowing their place in the pecking order and get themselves BTFP
Because your expectations of your abilities vs. reality is often a pill that gets rammed down your throat. In this case by another dude's fist.
Get to eating numnuts, because clearly you're fucking retarded.
a smart mouth like yours would get rekt in real America. We don't take kindly to uppity faggots mouthing off.
Crackers can suck my dick
you sound like some degenerate retard defending nigger culture.
Not that I would've gotten myself into that situation in the first place but I would've definitely mag dumped on the faggot with the shotgun.
Don't start no shit won't be no shit.
God damn I love my country
Bikers are some of the faggiest fags out there
Yeah. Feminine men who think hard work revolves around tapping keys and posting videos on the internet are going to save the White race.
Fuck off, faggot.
uncivilized niggers
Fake and gay, the whole thing was staged. The guy in the red truck was waiting and look at the fat guy pulling up in his black truck already knowing what's going on. They were "threatening" people with a gun, there is no faster way to get the ATF on your ass than making terroristic threats with a firearm, even if you're white. This would make national news from the left if these people got arrested being heralded as a victory for gun regulation or whatever they can spit up
Why you hate white people so much??
He called his friends. I know that's a hard concept for some of you autists
Also you must live in a liberal city retard you have no idea what the country is like
This video scares feminine white boys who can't defend themselves.
they have his license plate in the video, it's not about calling the cops. But, yeah, I'm the autist because I don't believe everything I see on the internet. Fact of the matter is that if this was real it'd be national news
they couldn't walk 1 mile without needing medical assistance, they couldn't survive without government gibs
they are sub humans
fuck off
t. white nigger
direct impact into nerve centers such as solar plexus or spinal cord causes temporary general paralysis
John, go to sleep.
Fact. Don't underestimate the power of the belly
>ATF getting called because some fudd brandished a shotgun
Why is /k/ the most politically retarded board on this site?
they were making death threats with the shotgun, not just brandishing it you asstard. If this was real it would be ripe material for the left to use to further a political agenda
Fatty had a knife.
Still not a federal policing issue faggot. If he had taken out a machine gun or a sawed off shotgun then that would be a different story.
The ATF wouldn't get involved unless a federal firearms law was broken.
If you're threatened by the shotgun can you shoot the fucker with your handgun?
In about 70% of the states, yes, you can.
>It is unlawful for any person to "engage in reckless conduct" while possessing a firearm, if such actions create "a situation of unreasonable risk and probability of death or great bodily harm to another" and demonstrate "a conscious disregard for the safety of another person".
-Oklahoma state law
When I say "shoot" I mean to the death not in the legs or something like that.
Absolutely, self-defense in the US is generally permitted to prevent you or a third party from severe bodily harm or death.
A concealed carry holder would've been legally justified in shooting the man brandishing the shotgun, and MIGHT be able to make the case for shooting the fatass, but probably only if they were the one being attacked by him.
This would be cut and dry self-defense in pretty much any state.
>t. attorney in Cuckifornia
WHat hppened before the video started rolling....
you actually face less legal recourse if you kill them since in order to shoot someone you have to be in fear for your life. In you wound them and they don't attack you then you can be held accountable. However, if you shoot to kill the case can be made that you were in fear for your life and you saw no other option.
If you had a good lawyer instead of a public defender. If you get a shitty lawyer it would just be material to further political agendas. Although, the guy would probably have the backing of the NRA
>Friend is being absolutely owned for over 2 minutes, even with a bike helmet on
>Not a single one of his friends even attempt to help
>Will probably talk shit about the guy and then post on the internet afterwards
Home of the "brave"
Yes, deadly force is authorized if you believe that your life or the life of another was at risk.
Some states have "duty to retreat" laws that require you try to flee from an assailant if circumstances permit though that likely wouldn't have been applicable in this instance as the third party who's life was being defended had that option stripped from them and the nature of firearms make fleeing from a threat armed with one an impractical means of defense.
Stop posting, you're completely fucking ignorant of how law works.
Considering it was recorded by the biker and uploaded by someone trying to get the rednecks arrested, nothing that made the bikers look good or else they would have included it. Use your brain you fucking retard
They were holding them back at gun point....
I will shitpost where ever I damn well please
nice, some rednecks are going to jail
fucking niggers of the white race
Go fuck a kid you Belgian subhuman. I swear to god if i had access to the nuclear supply i would nuke mecca, Israel and use every other fucking nuke on your non country piece of swampy corrupted pedo land