I think it's okay for you to do whatever you want

>I think it's okay for you to do whatever you want
>I won't say anything

what did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


It means she can go back to getting fucked by niggers if she wants.

random useless scene
Their friendship is never mentioned again

That's because they're not really friends. Class Rep. is just the only person who would take her in without asking for anything in return. That's why she went to her.

Translated into Asuka, it's "That was the best you ever could have done and nothing you do from now on matters." If Hikari were a smarter character I might think she was trying to provoke Asuka so she could play her own Saturn again.

wouldn't it be the same with Toji and Kensuke in relation to Shinji then? once they're gone they're never ever mentioned again.

I think it's just a way for her to comfort Asuka in her depressed state. Asuka was so crushed by defeat that she had lost all motivations, and class rep just wanted her to know that there are other things she can do. Even if Asuka truly quit being an Eva pilot, there are still other things she can do, and class rep will not look down upon her because of it

Hikari was trying to pull a Kaworu but it didn't really work out.

Kill yourself filenames kun. Rei deserved to be choked out by Naoko. Rei a huge shit.

They are obviously friends because ep9 shows Hikari confides personal info to Asuka.

She wants teh D

In the version I watched, she told her to do her best, as long as she does her best, it's all alright.
Something alone those lines.

>bumping this meme thread because you're so new you don't know how to sage

Poor girl probably got STDs from sleeping with Asuka

>I don't get replies in other threads so I HAVE to post my absolute lowest effort bait in other threads!
Stop projecting about Rei's pustule festooned caustic cunt.

Damn, Asukafag getting toastie over Mansuka's putrid neo-cunt.

>I have no argument so I'll just repeat what he said differently
Again, Reifags are creatively bankrupt nignogs.

>asukafags are trannyapologists and Sup Forumstards at the same time

"I've been longing for you to ravish me for these past weeks. Come here and do me!"

>he called me a nigger
>better claim he's Sup Forums xD
Reiags confirmed for melanin enriched gentlemen.

Fuck off back to /r9k/ spic

>Sup Forumstarding
Trannyfag, leddit, and Sup Forums all at once.

Hikari isn't even a canon lesbo, though.

Why are you copying my insults from the other thread you buttfrustrated minority?

Asuka is a man, so how would that make Hikari a lesbo? It'd just make her have awful taste.

You couldn't have waited the 10 seconds you needed to not cellphone samefag? Christ filenames kun I'm glad my posts piss you off so much.

Filenames kun I know you're insecure about your grave lack of masculinity but you really need to cut this out.

Asukafags think Asuka is female just because he has an axe wound, but real vaginas don't grow hairballs inside of them.

How many times has fireposter been banned now?

>replying to yourself
>being this desperate
I'm surprised you haven't developed Schizophrenia at this point.

Nowhere near as much as you samefag and reply to yourself. Certainly nowhere near the amount of times Rei has laid herself bare to various men of questionable ethnicities.

You couldn't have described yourself better in that post, fireposter.

Nice fanfic. Meanwhile, in canon Asuka was licked and toyed with by 9 niggers.

>more than a minute between
Keep it all in one post, filenames kun. I know you're upset but this is no excuse to throw a tantrum.

No one is samefagging in this thread but you man.

>no defense for asuka being a nigger magnet


Because you're just projecting about Rei, nigger mcniggerson.



>back to getting fucked by niggers
Now I understand this picture.

kek, post more

By your command.

lel didn't see the nigger at first

It means "I won't criticize you".

>acts like a complete obvious newfag Sup Forumstard
>gets mad when he's called out on it

Can you see him now?

What's the sauce for this?

Pearse I am goin to skull fuck your shriveled up little corpse. Fitting that /m/ and even fucking Evageeks shuns you, fucking cancer. If I ever get your address, I swear.


Nice projection filenames kun. Choke on smegma like your dumb whore Rei.

Kill yourself cuckold. Or give me your address so I can wipe your stain off of this world.

>gonna skull fuck you
Fireposter confirmed for faggot, no wonder he likes Asuka.

How many bans until you learn your lesson, edgelord?

I guess the mentally ill don't learn from their mistakes though.

Projecting because Rei is actually a man. Fuck off back to Plebbit you underaged lelposting memechild.

Says the memspouter that posts nontoku 3D on /m/ like a spring chicken-ass newfag. Do us all a favor and kill yourself like Robin Williams.

Fireposter apparently goes to Evageeks.

What the fuck is this nigger even saying?

>the world is going to end
>let a bunch of emotional kids save it
it's like they want the world to end.

Pearse's cancer is fucking renown and tales are widespread, filenames kun. If you didn't huff smegma for a living you might be able to comprehend this.

>I-I'm not Pearse! I'm not even acting like him. Le what is this nigher saying!? WHATTA FUCK MAN!?SO CRAZY XD???!

I will delimb you.

Post more of Asuka getting blacked


And you'll what? Come up to my door so I can kneecap your stinky neckbeard beta ass, shove you in a wheelie bin and set it on fire? Damn son. I think you mad.

You're delusional. You weren't even talking to me.

You're doing god's work, user.

Eat shit you little newfag.

>spoonfeeding as well
No, I'll fucking kill you, you genetic mistake. Fucking hapa shitter. Make like Eliiot Rodger and die. You and filenames kun and the resodent newfag can all o suck eachother off in an IRC since you're all so fond of niggers. Bunch of cuckolds. Figures your hapa ass is.

Not even that Asukafag, but fuck off spoonfeeder. Sounds like you have a reputation anyhow. Leave.

Fireposter lost it.

Ebin, kid. Ebin.

Fuck this is hot

>le me just reply to myself again xD
Mods get the fuck in here and ban this child already.

This thread is on fire. Time for a song.

This guy gets it. Show the world how she craves the black cock. Shame Asuka.

Seems the cucks are mad at me.

Stop accusing everyone of samefagging, we aren't you.
And there's a reason why you're the only one constantly getting banned in these threads.

Fuck off cancer. There's a reason why Sup Forums hates you, /m/ and yes, even Evageeks. Post your address you little shit. Unless you're a pussy like filenames kun.

You're the only one who hates him

Nice try Pearse. We all hate you.

Nice rule breaking, tard.
Good to know you save Rei doujins as well. Very loyal to Assuka.

I've only seen you samefagging against him.
Everyone else appreciates seeing Asuka in his natural habitat.

I'm just saving them now to make you o ballistic while you have had a dedicated interracial folder as you've spammed it before. I'm sure Rei adores your cuck-ass.

Again, Pearse once I get your address you're deadmeat. I'll be doing these boards a favor.

I'm sure Asuka adores you saving porn of an Anime girl.
You're not a true waifufag, you're a cuck.

>Asuka in his natural habitat
Every time.

>thinking everyone else is me
Get a load of this cuck. He's losing it. I tell ya.

Shitsukas, everyone.

I'm only doing whar is necessary to make you kill yourself filenames kun. Once I've posted these images I delete them. I'm not a scat fetishist after all.

I mean, get a load of this unruly sow.

Too late, you've already been disqualified from being a true Asukafag, let alone a true Waifufag.

Ebin samefag.

Pearse all that niggerspunk you bathe in must be getting to your head. As far as I'm concerned you and filenames kun are corpses at the end of the day.

Because a Reifag as deranged as yo would dictate that right? Don't make me laugh you're just saying whatever you can to make me stop posting canon Rei.

Woopsie, forgot my picture~

Next time you claim to be an Asukafag I'll be sure to remind everyone you have a collection of Rei porn.

Here we see the mating process of a Rei and an Armisael.

You don't dictate shit, bitchtits. Keep crying those sweet Reifag tears. I'm sure Rei again, loves the fact you jack off to nigger males and have a folder dedicated to them to share with your onahole fuckbuddy, Pearse while you both fantasize about niggers.

Disqualified. You've betrayed Asuka just like his mother.

What samefag, dumbass?

>Muh disqualified
You've long since been disqualified since all you do is post pictures of Asuka, even though you're a Reifag. You know I'm right too.

All of them, tardchild.

>that Reifag reduced to repeating itself
Looks like Asukafags win again. Reifags go home.

I'd post pictures of Rei but I'm afraid you'd get a stiffy from looking at best girl.

Rei isn't even a girl an the reason you didn't reply right away is because I made you think. What kind of fag can call themselves a fag if all they do is post pictures of the opposite fandom? And you've been doing this for over a year, IIRC. You give Asuka more attention, you post more images of Asuka and you even talk about Asuka more than Rei.

Not at all, you just only notice me when I'm talking about Asuka.
Whenever I'm talking about Rei you can't spot me out, which is 90% of the time.

You're butthurt that Rei will always be the superior character to Mansuka.
Whatever you post or say will never change that.

Rei is the best Eva girl.

And so I could say the same for Asuka and I, but the fact of the matter is you maintain an Asuka folder of some sort. I don't keep a Rei folder nor do I post her as much as you post about Asuka.

Why are you samefagging again?

>I don't keep a Rei folder nor do I post her as much
You're right, you don't. You have a folder of toilets from google images, which apparently represents Asuka considering he's a shit.

Believe it or not, toiletposter and I are seperate people. Rei is, undoubtedly, a shit though and I think thr comparison is accurate for her

>toiletposter and I are seperate people
>toiletposter and I are seperate people
>toiletposter and I are seperate people
>toiletposter and I are seperate people
>toiletposter and I are seperate people

Just flushed Asuka.

Fireposter, we all know you're the toiletspammer. Nice to know you keep such realistic photos of Mansuka.

>this upset
Look, I don't care if you believe me or not because I never expected you to. Rei is shit, though.

>we all know
You mean you and the two other people you samefag as believe to me be the toiletposter.