Ending would've been better if Jin and Mugen died.
It seems like a total asspull to have them through that much and still survive.
Ending would've been better if Jin and Mugen died
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So who would've won in their 1 on 1 duel?
Jin or Mugen?
The ending somehow felt a bit sad, but it was still better than if they died. Sure, that may be more realistic, considering their injuries, but I personally I hate it when main characters die, save for a very few exceptions
What reason was there for them to die? They went their separate ways regardless.
Jin hands down. I think it was pretty obvious after the fight with kariya
They would've killed eachother simultaneously.
they survived cause they made a friend. the ending is the best part. they went their separate ways but it's not like they flew across the world leaving each other. it gives you a sense that if one of the three ever gets in shit, the other two will come help. at least, that's what I thought of it.
It made sense for Jin and Mugen to die, as their pasts were catching up to them. Jin got stabbed in a vital organ while the guy he stabbed in the leg still died, and Mugen got shot in the gut and then exploded. If they can survive that much then what can't they survive? It removes tension by making the characters comically indestructable.
>It removes tension
>at the end of the series
I would hope so.
Fuu is a fucking qt.
So you want an edgelord Cowboy Bebop rehash?
dude bang lmao. spike is so cool xD
Regardless, it felt cheap. Mugen also more or less deserved to die, he had done a lot of terrible things through his life and killed a lot of people for selfish reasons, yet he gets off scot-free. I'm not saying I dislike Mugen, I think he's a great character, but it seems silly to not give him any punishment for all the people he's killed.
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
>I have absolute no idea what an asspull is
; _ ;
>but it seems silly to not give him any punishment for all the people he's killed.
That's a strange mindset.
That's not what I wrote at all, quit jumping to conclusions. I'm saying don't make it seem like the characters are gonna die if you're just gonna pussy out and say they miraculously survived anyway, it's silly and hollywood-tier.
Would've been too similar to Bebop
This. Mugen was never up to par with Jin. Look at their first fight, even then the only reason Jin couldn't kill him is because of the unexpectedness of the whole thing. But he would've overcome it, and after that first, he'd just be better prepared every time he'd see him fight.
Kariya whooped Mugen's ass, whereas Jin went toe to toe with him, and that's why he left Kariya to him, since he knew he'd die. I love Mugen for everyhing else, but he's honestly just a lucky punk. He's the bulldog in this dogfight
>objective morality
Would it? Fuu was the protagonist in Samurai Champloo.
>That's not what I wrote at all, quit jumping to conclusions
Explain to me how wanting the characters to die at the end after a big final battle isn't wanting a Cowboy Bebop rehash.
>don't make it seem like the characters are gonna die if you're just gonna pussy out and say they miraculously survived anyway
Hold on, let me see if I understand. You're saying don't show the characters fighting for their lives and on the brink of death, if they're not actually going to die?
Come on.
Are you seriously claiming it's not wrong to kill people to steal their stuff?
Nothing's wrong.
I'm saying don't show the character having a flashback to their master telling them if they use X move they'll almost certainly die, and then have them survive.
I'm saying don't have the characters be stabbed in vital organs if they're gonna survive. The finale builds up to both Jin and Mugen dying a shit-ton, but doesn't follow up on it.
People can survive a whole lot of shit. Even know in modern battlefields, similar wounds can be effectively treated in the field, and soldiers will survive. The only real asspull is mugen not only surviving, but being able to fight at the level of performance he did towards the end after having lost so much blood.
And no, they shouldn't have died. This is the one story where they all should've stayed together even after the end. They're meant for each other.
Fuu is really really fucking cute. Post pictures of Fuu
And what are you going to do about it?
I'll spell it out for you. During that time, given his background, Mugen couldn't care less, and he sure as well fucking didn't. I can assure you 100% if you were to try and "punish" and "judge him for his actions", he'd strike you down on the spot, and he has done so before.
Mugen will only be stopped when someone outclasses him in a fight, and actually kills him. And the only man that could do so is fine with just walking the other way
>almost certainly die
Sounds like just about every shonen finale ever.
Are you new to anime?
this and more importantly, Jin is just THAT good. I think that'd be clear by now after the entirety of the series.
Yes, Mugen couldn't care less, and again I'll say that I think he's a greatly written character, I didn't want him to die out of some silly hatred for him, but because it'd seem like the right thing to do. And at the finale the 3 brothers show up precisely to "punish" him and "judge him for his actions", and from a writing standpoint it'd be decent to finally have him pay for his actions, be it through divine retribution or whatever, but again he just gets out of the fight without a scratch. Mugen should have died because in the context of the story it's what he deserved.
>but again he just gets out of the fight without a scratch.
He was literally on his deathbed. Confirmed for not even watching the series.
I'd like to think Samurai Champloo is above the average shonen series.
There ain't no such thing as right and wrong in this world, boy. Deserve ain't got nothing to do with it.
>it'd seem like the right thing to do.
No, it wouldn't.
>3 brothers show up precisely to "punish" him and "judge him for his actions",
There is a difference between renegades and proper justice. They were just out for petty revenge.
>it'd be decent to finally have him pay for his actions,
Do you only read politically correct literature or something?
You guys again?
Well, "without a scratch" wasn't the right choice of words, I'll admit that, but I meant that he gets no lasting damage. At the end he's completely back to how he was before, totally healthy.
It is. Fortunately they didn't have you for a script writer.
I just finished rewatching the series a little over a week ago, and I want to do it all over again. It is honestly the shortest 26 episodes has ever felt to me.
I think you missed the part where Mugen literally did die (twice I think) but just kind of said fuck that and turned it around.
Guy's got a deal with the devil or something
>don't show the character having a flashback to their master telling them if they use X move they'll almost certainly die, and then have them survive.
Okay, don't show characters overcoming the odds by using their suicidally-powerful trump card and surviving due to his skill as a samurai.
>don't have the characters be stabbed in vital organs if they're gonna survive
Are you listening to yourself? 'Don't show the characters getting severely wounded if they don't die'. Do you think the Edo period was in 10,000 BC where there were no doctors, or medicine? Realism isn't really the main focus of Champloo, but regardless there's no reason why they wouldn't be able to get a last burst of adrenaline and have their duel considering how powerful they both are. Your complaints make no sense, and make me think you've seen very few anime.
>I hate it when main characters die
You're whats wrong with modern, consequence-less, storytelling.
Precisely, they were out for petty revenge, and that's why it'd be so fitting for Mugen to die by their hands, after all the people he himself have killed due to petty revenge. Call it poetic justice. The show gets pretty dark at times so I just find it silly how it has such a completely happy go lucky ending, aside from Fuu's dad dying.
>character dies at the end of the series
are you retarded?
It gets dark at times, but for the most part it's fun and upbeat.
>Call it poetic justice.
It's just wanton violence.
>Well, "without a scratch" wasn't the right choice of words
That's because you're a moron who can't even think before he flaps his gums.
Mugen was literally dying, and would have died if Fuu and company didn't tend to his wounds, and if he flat out didn't have divine intervention, which he did.
But she did
>Okay, don't show characters overcoming the odds by using their suicidally-powerful trump card and surviving due to his skill as a samurai.
The other guy got stabbed somewhere between the stomach and leg, and was a much more skilled samurai, yet he died from that?
>and would have died if Fuu and company didn't tend to his wounds,
If OP wishes he can take this as Mugen's final judgement. He managed to become a man that others would want to save.
Therefore he lives.
Good debate. I'm out.
not straight out
the mother just kind of guessed it since she was standing outside
Yes, because it's anime. What's the issue with the main characters living unless you're an edgelord who wants every series to end with death?
The only "justice" in the show is whatever anybody's willing to dish out. Justice didn't come from morals, justice didn't come from the shogunate. Hell, even today, justice isn't a thing. The only thing that happens is someone has a say in something, and someone gets fucked over. Any higher degree of "justice" isn't meant for us to judge, aside of our actions on this earth. And that's what Mugen and Jin did throughout the entirety of the series.
Those 3 brothers went at him just as many more who had a beef with them, some even for better reasons. And everybody got struck down because they weren't good enough to take them down. How is this so hard to understand?
You telling me that after getting stabbed, shot, and exploded all it takes is some basic first aid to not only survive, but suffer no permanent damage? Or is Fuu actually a educated doctor, and the show just never told us? And fuck off with the first thing, it's got nothing to do with the argument at hand.
She said she'd write her a letter later on
But did we ever see that though?
And the mother might have already died by then.
>You telling me that after getting stabbed, shot, and exploded all it takes is some basic first aid to not only survive, but suffer no permanent damage?
See, this I can actually accept, that Mugen deserves to live because he's grown as a person and that someone actually cares about him now. I still think it would've been better to have the characters die, but your post still made me see why he shouldn't die. Good job on making a decent post, I'm done with this argument.
>You telling me that after getting stabbed, shot, and exploded all it takes is some basic first aid to not only survive, but suffer no permanent damage? Or is Fuu actually a educated doctor, and the show just never told us?
Did you see his wounds after the explosion? Was he visibly missing limbs? Were his innards exposed? Was he even burned? No. He had a few serious cuts, and people survive those all the time. Even during the fight, Mugen did a decent job at stopping the blood, and that's the main priority. He was still breathing OK, his airway was unobstructed, and his circulatory- albeit dealing with blood loss -was still OK. Yes, he was ok. And again, let's not forget he had divine justice interfere, which is definitely higher up on the ladder of judgement than whatever your moronic ass believes
>And fuck off with the first thing, it's got nothing to do with the argument at hand.
>Say something that's utterly wrong, and shows you understood jack shit from the story
>get corrected because it's wrong, and undermines whatever stupid "argument" you think we're having in this "debate".
>Hurr hurr no fuck you
Maybe you shouldn't be such a blatantly wrong faggot
It's not like it's never good, but I need some heavy justifications if an author wants to kill of such a character. Sometimes it's done well, but more often it only leaves a sour taste in my mouth, like they only did it for shallow reasons
Well, there's no helping it then
>tfw so many questions left unanswered
What about Shino? What about the police dude?
Posting best song
Would a S2 work?
They could travel to Hokkaido
I'm rewatching and Jin was hella based.
Is Mugen gay?
When I first watched it, I didn't really like Jin all that much. Generally I hate megane characters and their attitude, and Jin was pretty much the epitome of that. But on later run-throughs of the series, I've come to really like the guy. I appreciate his dedication to kenjutsu and overall his background makes him interesting.
>that scene where he fights off the brothel guards unarmed
Yeah i feel exactly the same, i'm rewatching for the third time now and it's completly true what you said.
Also fuck i loved this episode so much, it's a shame we will never know if they found eachother. / She found him
Mugen got with her. He walks by her in the ending.
Spot the guy that should never be allowed to have power because he'd have delusions of grandeur and play god, doling out punishment to those under his control.
Maybe but only with Fuu + new characters
i've wondered for years
god bless you man
i guess the shogun just ignored mugens crimes
According to the poster/interview with Watanabe that i got with my vol 6 dvd all those years ago, they were originally supposed to die.
This is fake, don't buy it. I remembered seeing this a while back and kept an eye out for it during the credits, but those are just a random pair of feet that simply walk by. Zero interaction with Mugen
shut up i'm gonna believe him just because it suits me better
Yeah but would Jin have been able to take on that brother with the the retracting scythe? I don't think he would have had the gymnastic prowess to do it like Mugen.
Would Kariya been able to?
Probably. He had chi flow bullshit on his side
Did they ever explain that paranormal bullshit? Or is it just fancy shit to make kenjutsu techniques more appreciable on animation?
I thought the simple ending was the beauty about it.
We can't have some cocky talented person liek Mugen dying so easily that would have been lame.
Just finished this show myself.
Aside from the grafitti and baseball episodes which are really out of place, shits pretty enjoyable.
Kinda weird how Mugen didn't retain the chi blade skill he copied from that one serial killer guy.
You mean with Kariya specifically?
I assume they just rolled with the idea of him being able to do that stuff since it was already introduced in a previous ep and that he's supposed to be the most OP fucker in the show.
The baseball ep is great. So great The Boondocks straight up ripped it off.
I think it was more of a Mugen fucking around with his chi, and having it rebound or whatever.
I guess they also didn't explain that, I totally forgot.
Can Mugen and Jin take on those monks?
It's out of place but the baseball was fucking great
>No mention of the zombie ep
Exactly how shit is today. If your lawyer is good enough then you can still get away with all kinds of shit
>I guess they also didn't explain that
It doesn't really need to be. Its a homage Chinese kung-fu cinema just like the rest of the show is a homage to japanese samurai cinema.
She was a prostitute for a year. Case closed.
kek this actually works.
Yes. He had the God hand
I think he means what happened to her afterwards
>talking shit about ninja baseball
Zombie ep is non-canon
How is it non canon?