A shit adaptation spawns a endless ride, and we can't get off.
Muv-Luv / Total Eclipse / Schwarzesmarken
Other urls found in this thread:
Claiming this thread in the name of my Planefu
Official Schwarzesmarken soundtrack by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd is THE soundtrack, comrades.
He`s now working on his next album about interdimensional matress travel - when he`s not busy calling out the jew.
Also, commissar Gretel and Martin were lucky to attend to the last concert of the Puhdys youtu.be
But you can't forget the classics(if fucking shlomo didn`t block them where you live)
posting best girls.
Posting two best girls
VN poster with all 3 route grills + secret unlockable grill.
Best case scenario
So if the Beato-route is like the Yuuko-route in Unlimited, we'll be getting drunk depressed Beato crying over everything she has done?
Oh, so I'm not the only one who remembers it.
Whatever did happen to that story? I was really enjoying it and wanted to see (Stasi informant) Theo have a private moment with Katia and clearly-not-CIA Lise where he asks them what the fuck were they thinking.
In fact, does anyone have the pastebin for part 1?
Derp. First one meant for
Here`s your pity post.
you will save yurop but it won't matter since is non-canon
Followed by group therapy sex with the Werewolves, as is tradition.
The most common enemy that we will face, the Tank-class and the Grappler-class are very vulnerable to our current weapons that the motorised rifle troops have. The Tank-class, is vulnerable to12.7mm fire at long range and vulnerable to 7.62x39 at close range that a short burst from a Ak-47 is enough to almost cut of its arm is a very interesting fact, and it can save your life.
The 7.62x39 m43 round got the power to penetrate almost 6mm of RHA at 100 meters but it drop of to 3.5mm at 280 meters.
The 12.7mm gun firing the B-32 API round got the power to penetrate 20mm RHA at 500 meters and 13.2mm at 1000 meters. It can penetrate twice as much steel as 7.62x39 round can from 100 meters ten times further.
The 23mm gun that is used in shilkas got the power to penetrate 24.1mm RHA at 500 meters and 19.3mm RHA at 1000 meters. Almost as much as a 12.7mm B-32 API round can at 500 meters but double the range. And the shilkas we have in service are used as ground support weapons, capable of cleaning the battlefield. Taking down Tank-class and Grappler-class with its high rate of fire and power per round.
But we have weapons far more common then the 23mm and it available in every motorised rifle unit with BTR's and more. The KPVT firing the 14.5x114mm BS-41 round is capable to penetrate up to 40mm of RHA at 100 meters and 20mm at 1000 meters. It will do maximum damage at 100 meters being able to fell the gigantic Grappler-class better then a shilka per round. The Grappler-class which can with its gigantic claws smash tanks and taking down our mighty MiG-21 is vulnerable to a mere BTR-60PB.
And there are even more weapons that can destroy our enemy. RPG's, ATGM, Recoilless rifles, machine guns and hand grenades. We have the capability to mass produce old world war 2 anti tank rifles and equip every motorised rifle squad with it giving them a massive advantage.
Our enemy, is very vulnerable.
Let's look at what Soviet Tanks can do
The T-62 along with its older brother T-54/55 are the main battle tanks of the USSR. The T-62 is directly related to the T-54/55 series, where the big difference is the main gun which is a 115mm smoothbore gun vs the 100mm rifled gun on the T-54/55 series. The T-62 also have a more rounded and larger turret with small difference in hull size and road wheel spacing.
Both the T-62 and T-54/55 series have a coaxial 7.62x54R machine gun and a 12.7mm HMG on the loaders hatch. During the war against the BETA, field modifications such as mounting a 12.7mm HMG on the commanders hatch have been done to increase the firepower and survival. All weapons can be used to a distance of 1500 meters, the same range where the 115mm gun with a APFSDS round have a 50% chance of scoring a first round hit on a tank sized target. However the 7.62 and 12.7mm gun is best used at ranges below 1000 meters, effective against the smaller BETA strains.
The 115mm gun main advantage over the 100mm is that it fires APFSDS where the main killing power is from the steel long-rod penetrator with muzzle velocity of about 1600m/s meaing it have a very flat trajectory below 1500 meters. It also makes it significantly easier to hit high speed targets vs the 100mm. It also fires a HEAT warhead with much better penetration then the 100mm. The advantage from the 100mm is that it fires HE rounds more accurately at long range then the 115.
The smallest tactical tank element is the tank platoon which consist of 4 tanks where 1 is the platoon tank which has radio communication with the company headquarters tank. These 4 tanks alone have high combat potentional due to their firepower, protection and mobility. Having canons which can fell the largest beta and the mighty Destroyer-class either through concentrated fire on the front or flanking. Together with motorised rifle platoon or attached to motorised rifle company they form the basic elements in the combined arms team
Lise died, we all cried.
Beatrix is just in the background to establish that she's the main threat and antagonist. You will probably send your knife through her feminine body no matter the route.
t. theo-kun
Its okay happy end soon. Mabye
Yep, this is it.
Though I recall there being more. Up to the point where Katia and Lise officially defected.
Thank you user.
Unless Lise route is "Lise defects to 666th" I can't see Bea penetration happening. Even then it seems less likely.
Thank you user.
Who /NVA/ here?
my watersbrother
Cryska, Inia and Yui are my waifus.
>implying you didn't
You won't mind if I CHOMP one or two, will you?
Nothing personnel kid.
You know, I'm going to go out on a limb and trust the people who have access to the source material when they say that Beatrix is a tragic heroine and even a very dark anti-villain:
アイリス 国>星
ベアト 国<星
Iris Country>World
Bea Country
Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart
Here, have the updated version of that scan, secondary lover.
I kind-of like the graininess of the old scan. It makes her skirt look like it's got a lot of texture.
Martin gets to tap that.
Lucky Martin.
He is such a lucky guy
Instagram filters exist for a reason, and it's not just to hide obesity and acne.
Sometimes things look a little more charming with a little bit of texture or interference.
ベアトリクスが夕呼先生と同じ物理学(?)の天才だったら、 同じような生き方したかもな。
Yeah, I think the above line is stating that if Beatrix had been a genius in physics like Yuuko, that she would have turned out exactly the same.
代わりにベアトリクスには、デュルクに習って開花させたスパイの才能と 飛び込みで鍛えられた衛士の才能と なりふり構わないシスコンな彼氏がいたために、ああなっちまった。
Instead though, because of her boyfriend's influence, she applied her genius and talents to piloting and spycraft.
So alpha.
I think her father is more responsible for the stasi path she took.
The last BiS chapter kinda shot that japs theory in the face.
What do you mean?
Yeah, honestly. If she had her way, she'd have gone NVA and been Jurgen's wingman for the rest of her life.
Beatrix willingly joined the stasi because she wanted to get in on oppressing and killing people to exercise her innate sadistic tendencies.
The thing you wrote. Assuming was you.
I bet it was those gigantic tits that got him.
Even with all the immunity Iris granted.
I thought the first BiS chapter made it clear that it was her ass, or am I remembering wrong?
>I can't live without you Jurgen, and what would you do without me! So I've decided I want to become a pilot and help you if possible.
She wanted him bad. Thing is though, that Jurgen wanted her to stay home and stay far away from the war, possibly even more so than Iris even. His ideal probably would've involved her taking care of a couple of his kids or working in the civilian government, not fighting BATERs.
It was more like dat everything.
There is always the possibility that he had an idea of what she could become if she tasted blood. But that's just a theory.
I'm just asking. Beato is hot, no matter what.
There would have probably been a conflict over that, but I don't know which way it would break. But Bea would have wanted to be his wingman, and keep him safe. Sitting at home worrying about him is probably even worse.
From the spoilers, Jurgen's been suffering from a bit of PTSD, so I think it's more that he doesn't want his waifu to be in the same pain and danger as him.
>Beatrix was the first person Jürgen would visit whenever he returned from the front. They would confide their secrets and insecurities with one another and often had to console each other's mental trauma and anguish. It fell to Beatrix to cheer Jürgen up when he sunk into depression after he lost a few of his subordinates in a confrontation with a Fort-class.
>There would have probably been a conflict over that, but I don't know which way it would break.
Jurgen canonically lost that argument.
Fucking hell
The worst part for him was that everyone greeted him as a hero when he returned to Berlin for taking down a brand new strain. They even had a parade for him, which made him feel even more guilty. Only Beatrix "got" him.
Because he argued, if he had just made Beatrix pregnant the argument would have ended.
If Iris is completely in the dark about her brothers war experience, as of '76, wouldn't it reinforce that it is Beatrix and not Iris who has the better picture of his Ideals?
>taking down a brand new strain
Wait what?
That's not necessarily PTSD, that's just normal grief. PTSD is stuff like flshbacks and panic attacks that disrupt your life. The important part is that it's an inappropriate reaction to the time and place you're in at the moment it occurs. Being sad when your friends die is normal.
Could be that the Yanks didn't tell the commies, the first time a Fort-class was seen on Earth or continuity error.
>first time a Fort-class was seen on Earth
Probably this. It takes a while for hives to build up to that. Or maybe the dudes wrong. They don't mention the fort being a new strain in the spoilers.
Or they made it up as a PR thing. You can do that in a closed society
So naive, Takeru.
Reminder she was only 14 years old in that pic. Stupid oppai lolis.
Either a continuity error or first East German TSF unit to take down a Fort-class.
Or he "solo" the Fort-class thus they paraded him.
Ursula just can't compete, can she?
Point taken. I think there were Forts at Kashgar as well, De-classifying them as propaganda action makes sense.
Even Lise was bigger than her at 14-15.
Why is it so hard for her to shoot a alien?
No, I checked it. I was just wrong about it being new. It's still strange that they'd parade him and his squad in Berlin, but I guess they're using him as a propaganda piece. Back in the early days, just surviving the 8 minutes of death was virtually enough to qualify you for Hero of the Whatever status.
Because she didn't care enough about Vivi.
Was it only 1 Fort-class?
Well he was their Ace of aces, maybe they blew up one of his victories for propaganda purposes and he felt bad about all of it.
But she is a saint.
She is supposed to be perfect and not wrong about anything.
Alright, so after spending/wasting literally an hour and a half or so searching through the archives, I FINALLY found the pastebin for the first part of this story....
....only to find that the content has been removed.
That's the bad and frustrating news.
The good news is that the story was slightly continued in a Titanpad and a good chunk of it is still there. Along with a chat that is basically loaded with conversation.
So yeah, anyone who wants to read that, here it is:
They said it was a combination of Fort and Lasers:
and though he managed to turn things around, he had to sacrifice six of his MiG-21s:
Also, Jurgen seems to be one of the more intelligent commanders in the setting. When he was pushed, he told his men to back off, increase their range, and shoot back at at the BETA rather than getting into a melee like the other squads:
Another contrast to Theo I guess. Jurgen likes to specialize in guns while Theo loves his knives.
>Kept Lise apart from Theo
>They said it was a combination of Fort and Lasers:
Okay this smells like bullshit. Absolute bullshit.
The BETA are not supposed to do this. It may as well have been a normal Fort because those things can only attack at close range and have a tail to fuck shit up.
so theo is a jap
>muh knife folded over 9000 rimes
That was more Iris really.
>6 Pilots down
That's like more than half your squad right there. If I was a commander, I'd be devastated, even more so if I got I big celebration when I got back.
It could be read as Forts and Lasers took them down, not Forts and Lasers working in tandem.
>If Iris is completely in the dark about her brothers war experience, as of '76, wouldn't it reinforce that it is Beatrix and not Iris who has the better picture of his Ideals?
Isn't one of the themes in BiS about Beatrix stealing Jurgen from Iris?
Second line says that it was the lasers that killed his MiGs, not the Fort.
I accidently read it as a fort/laser hybrid.
Serb time
No, Theo just likes penetrating beautiful women with something slightly more phallic than a bullet.
>Isn't one of the themes in BiS about Beatrix stealing Jurgen from Iris?
I thought the only Jürgen was a Siblingcon in '73, and that thus Beatrix didn't "steal him". But then again, Beato and Iris never did get along did they.
No, they got along. They had a rocky start, but the two became best friends and remained so for a long time despite muh Jurgen.
Good stuff user, thanks for the find.
Once BiS hits '78 we are getting quite the ride then?
Yeah thanks user you are great!
It's '76 and Beatrix is already being forced to shoot runaways.
But the Bernhards don't know yet, do they?
Sure thing.
At this point I'm just motivated by a perverse curiosity as to how this guy would have written the "LISE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" scene. This is going to bug me for months. I can tell.
>Theo loves his knives.
Someone post the webm of the retarded knife spin.
Lise sure love onii-chan.
I admit I was totally looking forward that scene.
Fuuuuuuck, this looked like it had potential.
Same, specially if the whole CIA spy thing came to fruition.