Times When A White Person Was Contemptful or Condescending Towards You

State your race, age, and state
>Be Hispanic (30)
>At a small art show to support fellow student
>student and her mom show up
>student is 8/10 white woman who is top of the class (probably due to paying for private tutoring and likes to show off)
>her mom is also white, "Lucille Bluth"-type (Arrested Development), tries to act like she's at an upperclass event
>After bragging about going to a Europe recently:
>"user, you ever been to Europe?"
>I make a slight pause, perplexed that I got dragged into this conversation
>Me: "no, but I would like to go sometime."
>"Oh well, make sure you go!"
>ends conversation to continue into the art show
>mfw I was just introducing myself to be cordial
>Bit my tongue to not go: "I sure will do that, Betty! Thanks for the advice!"

white lady railroads conversation to give hollow suggestion based on an assumption of my own standard of living


You have to go back.

shut the fuck up you stupid fucking spic

Lets see, we have a spic, a art show and getting offended at nothing.
Your gay story has it all.

>be a fabricated race with only a couple of centuries of history (30)
>some white person makes a conversation with me
>immediately become hostile as the 75% of my blood that comes from negroid and jungle chink genes take over
>Burger flag

You really have to go back

otherwise known as consensus.. fuck off faggot op

Please post some of your art user!

At graduation from Carnegie Mellon University an old white lady harassed me about smoking on campus walkways. 5ft from the smoking area flooded with smoking dean's of students and staff.

I ignored her at first. She literally asked if I even spoke English. I was in cap and gown. I called her a stupid fucking cunt at the top of my lungs. I had a fat blunt in my ear that I was minutes away from smoking. She had some faggot kid graduating and her husband right there. It was weird.

Some people are fucking cunts.

>>her mom is also white, "Lucille Bluth"-type (Arrested Development), tries to act like she's at an upperclass event

The Bluth family is Jewish.

Oh. Am nip master race. Graduated with honors. Angry, angry nip.