ITT we discuss the fact that soon the West is going to go thru massive social upheaval, either because of engineered civil war (purple revolution) by people like George Soros to be kicked off by leftists, or caused by the collapse of the soft socialist system in the West when Sovereign Debt Crisis hits


"Anyone with a brain in the West has been morbidly depressed since at least the 1920s, with the most perceptive beginning to feel the queasiness in the 1820s or earlier. However, they know that a transition to anything else will involve massive carnage and possibly failure, so they hang on, patching up society like a leaky boat and hoping for the best instead of letting it sink while they build a new boat. These people, who are complicit in continuing the decline because they have rationalized the decay as positive and are afraid of anything else, collaborate with the government and other captive industries to further the narrative: We Can Fix This. They want us to think that Houston flooding is merely an aberration, a glitch, or a deviation from the norm, instead of the norm itself. The truth is that we cannot fix this and even if we could, it would be doom for us, a slow death by a thousand cuts that makes us existentially miserable and prone to abuse our families, friends and coworkers as it drives us mad. We are locked in a train heading toward a ravine where the bridge is out, keeping ourselves distracted by fighting over the distribution of food in the restaurant car while the abyss grows steadily nearer. We all want off the train, but there is no way to jump from a speeding train without risk of death or serious injury, so we huddle closer, in public keeping up the charade by focusing on any issue other than the one real issue of civilization collapse, and in private always wondering exactly when the crash will come."

Other urls found in this thread:


Also take into account this:

Liberals and the media are literally 1-2 steps away from calling for the extermination of all white people.

Literal concentration camps -- run by liberal minority groups with full support from the media and all of our elected officials.

It's the clear next step for liberals and the media - calling for all whites to be killed -- that white people are too toxic to be allowed to live.

We are maybe 2-3 years away from that step.

"We will most likely see these type events explode peaking out in real bloodshed by September 21/22nd, 2019 (2019.725). So expect to see this civil unrest continue to rise especially after 2017."

So, bravely fight the 3 wars to save the West:
1- the war on our individual personal weaknesses (fought by becoming better each day physically and mentally)
2- the cold war on the leftists and traitors (fought by waging defensive and offensive memetic and deplatforming war on the enemy, online and AFK)
3- the hot war against the traitors and enemies of the West when the anti-white oppressors of the West kick it off (to be fought in the future, and to be fought right now by means of SHTF prepping)

after the Great Western Global Civil Wars we’ll need to remain vigilant and make the correct changes to our way of governing our people in order to prosper again, instead of facing another cycle of 300 to 600 years of dark age era on the West again.

Fight on these 3 fronts each and every day and you’ll reach satisfaction. Do it for yourself and do it for your family. Do it for your community and for your country. And last but not least, do it also for your race and the whole West.

The main take away I want to pass on with this thread is that:

- The West and Western people and values are under attack by its enemies: the muslims, the progressive globalist jews and the anti-white anti-West anti-secure borders traitors.
- We would be able to fix the problems we have peacefully if our corrupt treasonous politicians would let honest open discussion about the problems and solution to said problems was allowed. Instead, they choose to silence, jail and incite violence against all who dare speak the truth.
- Given both points above, the most sane solution is to use the SHTF that'll eventually hit and the lack of rule of law that'll result from hit to purge the West from all kikes, all muds and all traitors.
- We do this by learning as much as we can about SHTF prepping, refuse to start any shit, but when SHTF, we capitalize the fact that the corrupt system that has been protecting the enemies of the West is no longer in place to take out as many of them as possible. We do this ruthlessly, targeting men, women and children, like they do to us right now with the blessing of our rotten treasonous "leaders".
- Until SHTF and we are allowed to get to work, we prep, we train, we redpill as many people as we can. We do not start anything, we prepare to take full advantage of SHTF when it comes, because it will come, its not a question of if, but when.

Be smart. Be strong. Be brave. Be ruthless.
The enemy is all of those.
Feel thankful we have such worthy enemies, it'll make us value again all we'll conquer back from their dead cold hands.

haha pussy white boy going extinct
bout time

Not really. Euros are around for good. Some Caucasians groups will go extinct for all intents, but that's mostly "white" Jews.

We'll eventually go to war with China and/or Russia and fuck the world over.


Why do I think this is the most sane solution:

If you have made your own research, like you should, you know that Islam is incompatible with the West.
The West is about choice, Islma is about sumbition, just the fact that they punish apostasy with death tells you that Islam has no place in the West, at all. And they always act the same, they always use the same tactics, when low in numbers they Taqyia your ass by acting very open and friendly, but has soon as they have the numbers, they force their host nations into submition via violence or by voting democracy out. They have been doing this ever since they exist, and historically, no country has ever resisted being Islamified once its muslim population hits the 10% mark. See pic related.

Unfortunately, none of these facts can be publicly discussed under penalty of social alienation, or even violence, because the (((progressive agenda))) as made it so. We could fix this peacefully by deporting all muslims and banning islam in the West, to prevent either us or our future generations from going to war with them, but our rotten politicians made it impossible to fix the issue peacefully. They make the rules for this brutal game, we shall play, all the way.

Why do you think Buddhists in Myanmar are killing every muslim man, woman and child? Because as hosts to them, they've been under attack by them for over 40 years, and realize now that getting them out by any means necessary is the only solution.

Any more questions?

You want to know the environment blacks in the west will have to deal with once whites are gone?
It'll be somewhere between Detroit, Africa, and Life After People.
They won't have cars, they won't have crack, they'll raid pharmacies for their high until they're empty and within decades will turn to cannibalism to survive.
Africans living in a waste-heap in Africa is one thing, it's their native environment - even then they suffer conflict and famine in spite of constant aid from white people.
Africans living in Europe or the northernmost states of the US, or Canada? You reckon they'll even be able to fucking survive winter once the infrastructure collapses?

We're going to chop our enemies to pieces when the time is right, for all the right reasons.

That is why I put kikes into the list of enemies. See my pic related.

Jews are using the muslims and stupid niggers (not all blacks are niggers, just the idiot ones) as their war dogs.

This pic related is also revealing.

The West must and will get rid of all jews, muds and traitors so we can build safe, prosperous and stable nations after the SHTF.

prob not but def better than being around u ugly white monkeys

Pic related explains why traitors must be exterminated too.

Everyone should read this so they have a truly informed understanding on the psychology of the anti-West anti-White traitor:


" We are all always issuing amygdala triggers that set off leftists, just due to a randomly chaotic clash between how we communicate and how the left perceives. That is the nature of the psychological clash between r and K. We speak in cold hard logic about a world that requires K-selection, the left perceives in warm fuzzy emotion a world that has to be r, and in some places the one will hit the other like a sledgehammer. Some have a natural tendency to speak in sledgehammers without even knowing it, and they are great to listen to, because they can help us to understand how that happens. Others, like President Trump have obviously done much study in the art, and issue sledgehammers whenever it suits them and their cause."
Quote from this post: anonymousconservative.com/blog/rk-was-mentioned-by-author-julian-langness-in-his-amren-speech/

This also explains a crucial difference between r and K:
"These are fundamentally different psychologies, focused on very different things in the environment around them. The rabbits never even consider survival. Everything they are focused on is related to elevating their status, either through flash and flamboyant resource expenditure, or, if necessary, through victim status and empathy."

You black supremacists are so dumb it hurts.

We'll get rid of your ass when the time is right.
Expect us.

>Anyone with a brain in the West has been morbidly depressed since at least the 1920
depression is really just being low on the dominance hierarchy. niggers like this soiboy in ops article just need to lobster up and start wrecking cunts.

what we really need is to go and conquer something.

you can only be the boss if you are the boss.

we fucking rule the world you cumskins will see

>Walls of text bigger than Trumps promised Mexican deterant.
Yeah nah, I'm not reading all of that shit. If it's white genocide you want, then let's get this ball rolling. If you're just going to be a little bitch and post tweets about it, then just like these walls of text, I probably won't read it or give a shit about it.

I take it that the author used the term word not in the clinical sense but as an expression.

>what we really need is to go and conquer something
Yes, our destiny as Western value based Western nations.

1- the war on our individual personal weaknesses (fought by becoming better each day physically and mentally)
2- the cold war on the leftists and traitors (fought by waging defensive and offensive memetic and deplatforming war on the enemy, online and AFK)
3- the hot war against the traitors and enemies of the West when the anti-white oppressors of the West kick it off (to be fought in the future, and to be fought right now by means of SHTF prepping)

Kek, you delusional niggers are all the same, every time a African country gets rid of whites you always end up starving and then crying for foreign aid.

USA, V4, Hungary, Balks, Slavs and Russia will be the future of the Western culture, white race and K-selection. Many Western countries will fall to commies and islamists, but when the Sovereign Debt Crisis hits, all the idiots are going to die. Russia will remove kebab proptly too once USA and EU members are busy cleaning their own houses.

We'll get rid of niggers like you too.

Have you ever looked at a muslim country without oil? Have you looked at how much foreign aid they need just to keep alive? We are looking at some biblical shit, when that global financial turn down hits and trillions evaporate into thin air over night, foreign aid will no longer be. I would not be surprised to see 90% of the world population die in middle of the Apocalyptic shit fest that is coming (not a question of if, only when). Our advantage is we have individuals who will take the facts and their implications seriously and will prepare accordingly. At a certain point it will just be a matter of keeping alive while the rest of the world dies from disease, violence and hunger. And as horrible as it is to say this, it won't be a bad thing. Why would we pump billions in foreign aid to shithole countries where people reproduce but can never keep themselves alive without external help? Why should our nations pay taxes to keep them alive? Why should our nations indebt their future generations via sovereign debt financed budgets that use part of the budget for foreign aid to keep them alive? And after we feed them, they need medicine. And after the medicine they need schools. And after the schools they need jobs. And they need jobs but their average IQ is in the gutter. Nature always corrects itself, just prepare for the future in a realistic way and keep pushing. We shall prevail, because we walk the path of light.

Of course you don't read anything longer than a basic tweet, you're a stupid beaner, probably illegal too. Can't wait for ICE to put you and your beaner illegal family where it belongs.

i cant even hold it back anymore you actually spewed out a paragraph and im actually a white dude. its 6am im going to bed
you fucking betas are so easy to troll

Uau, so Alpha of you to bait so bravely like that.

Tell me all the other ways you're a super Alpha male next god emperor of the world kid.

My last name is Sheffield. My family has been white longer than you've been recognized as a 3rd world shit hole. I'm not reading your novel because I don't have to. It's white privilege to just assume that whatever you wrote is stupid and shit and that I'm better than you simply by being born.

you should type another paragraph at me you dumb nigger

Kek, you sound like a wigger son.

You're just another divide and conquer shill. Go suck a kike dick. You're the ones that'll suffer the most for being anti-white traitors.

told u guys

I feel like I'm living in Dark Souls.

t. obvious divide and conquer shill

You sad kike shill, Portuguese people are of Iberian ethnicity, we're white.

All leftist countries will be in ruins soon, either they go full leftard thru reformation or revolution. They drive off ambitious ppl, reward idiotic little cunts (good luck having companies doing anything not worthless when active action and quotas start going full speed) and spend gov money bringing in and feeding and breeding disease ridden retarded inbreeds who can't survive without handouts and will turn violent when they get cut off when SHTF. They'll just keep raising taxes over and over again until there is nothing left. Whites will GTFO to USA and V4. And soon the invading hordes, leftist traitors and apathetic neutral cucks will be dead from hunger, disease and violence (muds kill the gays, sunni kill the shitti and vice versa, indian muds kill arabic muds and vice versa, will kill anyone who doesn't convert or pays them jizya (kafur tax) etc) , and then we woke patriots can come back and take our countries back when they all die off.

Thank god the socialist system will collapse when SHTF because of the coming Sovereign Debt Crisis and leftists are all going to die in the rotten bed they made for themselves, along with all the MENA invaders and intellectually dishonest and unable to face the facts apathetic neutral cucks.

When SHTF, we'll chop up all kike, mud and traitor men women and children like you want to do to us.

War is inevitable. Our prime minister is talking about increasing the monthly quota of UN refugees.

wh*tes are a subhuman race

another paragraph lmao
i want another in the next 5 min or you are fired

Interesting thread op.
Thanks for the links, will take my time and check it out!

Make no mistake, we're going to have to fight for our lives soon. We'll have to kill every kike, mud and traitor men women and child. Sadly, we could have fixed this shit peacefully, but our treasonous politicians sold us out and whored out our nations to the globalists and attacks us for telling the truth. They want it this way, we'll do it this way.

The benefits are what matter I will have my calipht and you will have your Europeans super state china will rule the east asian land

t. sad shill

You're all going to die when the Sovereign Debt Crisis hits and the socialist system collapses.

no water, no food, no medicine, no electricity, no police, no fire fighters, no public sanitation, no stores

On one side:
>a bunch of delusional kids who need safe spaces because words are the same as violence for them;
>junkies who will turn on anyone once SHTF;
>mentally ill cross dressers;
>mentally ill men with their dicks chopped off who need to shove a dildo into the open wounds where once their dicks were for 4 hours per day so the wound doesn't close;
>aids acceptance shit heads who will not have medicine once SHTF;
>nationalist niggers (BLM) who want to kill whites so they can starve like their Zimbabwe brotha retards;
>invading africans ridden with latent tuberculosis and all other kinds diseases
>islamists who will turn on them commies once they are weakened from fighting the patriots if the commies manage to win so they can implement the caliphate and impose sharia law and kill all gays and infidels

>disgruntled republicans that are sick and tired of being attacked and called nazis for not agreeing 100% with the extremist domestic terrorists on the far-left
>disgruntled whites that are sick and tired of being attacked and called nazis for not agreeing 100% with the extremist domestic terrorists on the far-left
>disgruntled rational people of all races that are sick and tired of being attacked and called nazi appeasers for not agreeing 100% with the terrorists on the far-left
>the few true Nacional Socialists that have been spending the last 20 years running thru the woods and practicing on how to kill commies and every kind of traitor

Tell me, which side is more likely to not be a rational realist who knows what to expect from this mess and is properly preparing (hint: it is not just guns and ammo commie kids)? Will have the most in-fighting and betrayal among their ranks? Will have their morale broken faster?


1) West can't fall to shitskin hordes because we have nukes. Imagine Idi Amin or niggers in charge of warheads. It would be the end of everything.

2) Jews run the CIA, most financial institutions and own most of the media. Marxists and commies run the academy. The single most important thing to do is to demolish their power and illusion of authority, they can only wield the natural might of Western men whilst they still have this illusion. If it goes it literally will not matter if they have the courts or all the gold in the world, it won't stop Conan the Barbarian from snapping their necks like a twig.


All kikes, muds and traitors will have to be exterminated. Men, women and children. Like the Buddhists of Myanmar are doing.

We'll kill all you inbreed muslims when the time is right.

another one pronto

Kys fag

you first nigger

Jew nigger detected " I'm white guys!"


We need to create Blood Meridian on a European wide scale over the next 20 years

Traitors die first kike

hahaha you weak goyim will learn one day not to mess with the eternal jew

>I will have my calipht
Kek, we'll chop up every muslim pig in the West when SHTF like our Buddhist brother are doing in Myanmar. And its all your fault, you always mistake kindness for weakness like the inbreed retards you are, you'll pay for it.

Every muslim men woman and child will be chopped up in pieces.

That faggot Armstrong said that something would happen with North Korea yesterday, I sat here all day for nothing, fuck him.

*Blocks your path

Agreed. That is why the 3 enemies of the West must be exterminated as soon as the rotten corrupt system that protects them is no longer in place.

Take notes from our Buddhist brothers in Myanmar. That is how its done.

Hey, do you have any rapefugees in portgual? You fuckers (you were one of the great peoples of europe until you imported niggers..went from the nation of De Gama to piss poor) might end up getting out of this unscathed and any Whites who survive will end up fleeing there. Lisbon will eventually be last even semi-European city.

wtf i love japanese now

Ironically you will be the ones how will start it you ate to much propaganda to the level you will become mad and call us mad and attack us you view our countries as hostile and our people as terrorists while in the end you are hostile and terrorists wonder how much time before you will realize that you are doing what you stand against

>That faggot Armstrong
Retard, with the Whitehouse on a hunt for leakers, anyone claiming these days to be a "Wh user" or FBI user" is a fucking lair. Only real one we ever had here was like 3 years ago and an intern for a congressman, he posted his binder and his covered ID. But with a rush on to arrest leakers, no one is saying shit and surely not HERE of all places. How gullible are you?

You deserved it

Why do idiots like you have to VPN larp with nations like Iraq? then it ruins it when we get someone from a genuinely interesting country. you ruin shit.

You commies don't realize that even if you win you lose. If white ppl go to shit, you'll have nothing in months. Whites died so slavery could end. Whites feed many countries in Africa until the nigger got "liberated" and started to starve to death because they can't farm or take care of infrastructure. You're going to lose, even if you win, you'll die of hunger, disease and violence because your group is a bunch of delusional brown shirts, junkies, aid acceptance and foreign invader human bio weapons.
"Recent arrivals from Somalia and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa were among the refugees interviewed for possible jobs by 30 Starbucks managers at a hiring event in El Cajon, California on Tuesday as part of the company’s commitment to hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years.

The latent tuberculosis (TB) rate of 43 percent among refugees in San Diego County from sub-Saharan Africa is more than ten times greater than the latent TB rate of 4 percent found in the general population…"

WTF, I love Starbucks now!

Interesting, who could believe that this way Starbucks is contributing to the death of thousands of peak soy traitor leftists by having biological disease carrier have to only sneeze at their job to infect them with something that will be untreatable once the sovereign debt crisis hits? Thank you Starcucks, you could have not given us a better treat than to see hordes of lefties die from coughing out their own lungs in a spectacle of bloody pandemy!

"HIV is cooking, behind the scenes. The Cuban super strain that turns to full blown AIDS in weeks will make its way into the first world. Resistance genes are meeting with drugs weakened by heat, humidity, and irregular dosing in places like Africa, and they are adapting."
Hey, looks like HIV is becoming a bigger threat.

God bless you based Portubro.
We will get rid of this tumour and make the West safe again.
Most Muslims who are against this race/country are small, weak and lazy, I observe this every day. They have neither discipline nor do they know loyality. Same goes for the leftists, every physical and mentally fit young guy is "right-wing" how the media would call it.
The time will come...

people like you focus on the identity of the source, not the veracity of the claims.

Armstrong claims to predict the future using his computer to detect cycles, not inside information; look up "Armstrong Economics" before calling people retards.

another one pls im not even reading them

source on that Picture?

It is sad it has to come to this, but our rotten treasonous globalist politicians leave us no choice.

We'll see. You kikes have made your beds. Let the best side win.

Kek, he gets most of his predictions right thou. Watch his documentary "The Forecaster".

Not many, our gibs are to small for them to be interested. But after the islamisation of France and Germany, they'll try to take Spain and Portugal because muh Al-Andalusia. We have to take them all out. And this is a commie country, even the right-wing parties are crypto-commies.

I think you misunderstood me my dear Portuguese This is what I'm talking about pic

Oh Please how are you defending yourself when you aggresse on someone you just try to convince yourself that they are the attackers what is your excuses for the upcoming war against the The peaceful un aggressive arab world

Oh please all what you have is just meaningless article and statics where are the victims and criminals were all of them killed someway or another all what I have seen is just Europeans womens go willingly with the refugees I believe what I see not just what you said

Anyone pushing for a cival was is the ultimate KIKE. This is the simplest Jewish tatics is divide and conquer.

How ?

Thing is, you always shit up every single country you go to. Always. Because your shitty religion says so. Islam has no place in the West.

I think that the West has no right to go to your countries, you have your countries with your rules and you have that right. I am against imperialism. And you have no right to come to the West if you want to be a muslim, because by virtue of being a muslim, you want to impose your shitty religion on everyone. See my pic related, it explains it well.

So, we can be friend, if you keep in your countries. I have nothing against you as people, but your religion is incompatible with the West, and sooner or latter because of that clash, there will be war if people with your religion are in the West. Its sad, but it is the truth. I wish you the best friend.

Keep up the good job OP!

Don't forget the rules of the game. You win or you die.

you jew or you goyim
got it

We were dumb in going with the leftist narrative. We need to unite to fuck up our common enemies Poland bro.


Anyone else have a sneaking feeling by the media overreaction that (((they))) did not expect the bomb attack on Sagrada Familia to fail?

Haha because niggers need the white man
Look around faggot
Don't like us go back to Africa you chimp

ill go back to fucking your mom with my BBC

We shall prevail brother. Remember, don't start shit, but finish it as soon as SHTF. Learn as much as you can.

We would solve this peacefully, but our whores of politicians chose this.

See you on the other side friend.

His white mom? Why would you pick her over a black woman?


It has been shoahd. See the link.

kys brainlet

Have you been stockpiling rations and ammo Sup Forums?
3000 rds and 3 weeks of food/water for me and my doggo here.

>Himself a white man


You misunderstood me
I'm talking about western invasion of the arab world not Muslim invasion of the western world

I don't want europe you can keep it I don't want to go to a foreigner nation and force my religion on you I love my country and want to stay and I'm shia Muslim I'm different than other Muslim we only fight in a self-defense
>you always shit up every single country you go to.
Our countries are fine the war just damaged them things are becoming fine now
>we can be friend
Okey I'm lonely with no friend and actual social life how can we be friends =) =) =)

>Oh please all what you have is just meaningless article and statics
See, your response is why violence is the only answer. We show you data and truth, you deny everything, all the while trying to manipulate us because you think we are stupid.

>The peaceful un aggressive arab world
Kek, you idiot, you can't even keep from killing each other in 100% muslim countries, its Shia Vs. Sunni, Arab muzzies Vs. Indian muzzies, etc, etc.
And 20% of you "moderate" muslims agree with violence for political and religious ends. Islam is the religion of war and submission, not peace.

You lie and lie and lie, and take and take and take, and then act like the victim when we deal with you the only way you understand, violence.

You've made your beds. Leave our lands, or suffer when SHTF.

I think you're the kike shill. I'm not pushing for civil war you idiot, I'm saying it will arrive because the left will kick it off or the Sovereign Debt Crisis massive SHTF scenario will, and because it will come one way or the other, I'm telling you to get prepared and capitalize on the oportunity to purge our nations from its enemies during the chaos. Everyone here wants to solve shit peacefully, but our corrupt politicians won't allow it, so we'll rip the heads of our enemies and shit down their necks as soon as we can. We won't start anything, just take advantage of the SHTF when it starts.

MSM is full of traitors who must be terminated when the time comes. Their crimes against the West will not go unpunished.

>We do this by learning as much as we can about SHTF prepping, refuse to start any shit, but when SHTF, we capitalize the fact that the corrupt system that has been protecting the enemies of the West is no longer in place to take out as many of them as possible.

My worry is that despite being aware this is the best course of action, the majority of Sup Forums really is the fat kekistani kissless virgin Rick Wilson projects them to be.

I wish I could get a realistic statistic on how many of you are fit, armed, trained and stocked...or at least making big strides to that effect. Memes won't work once the electricity goes out.

you cant even rule your hood,shut the fuck up dirty negro!

"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."

—Theodore Dalrymple, “Our Culture, What’s Left Of It”

Traitors will suffer the most.


I respect data but he can provide me with rape statics but no information avout victims how ???

I mean peaceful and non hostile with our neighbours we haven't conquered a nation since 900 arabs spent the last 1100 occupied by foreigner mainly the turks

The arab civil war happened because of lies and propaganda the media demoralizing shia Muslims and the imams normalize violence against them we only defend ourselves (I'm a shia) the wars about how will rule not about religious texts they want to changes regime and the want to murder us

We follow this religion willingly we don't support suicide bombing or attacks we view infidels in a normal or positive way ofc I'm talking about shia islam the issues are mainly with aravlb nations other Muslims nations are kinda fine

>I'm talking about western invasion of the arab world not Muslim invasion of the western world.

Oh ok. I'm am against imperialism, and I will fight any politician who wants to invade your lands. You have your right to your lands, we have the right to ours. Our cultures are incompatible, but your culture can exist in your country, and my culture in my country.

If you are a muslim outside of the West, I have nothing against you, and will gladly call you a friend. I wish you luck and health my friend.

JIDF is really losing its touch.

This, everyone puts on a grin even though the truth is plain to see.

>My worry is that despite being aware this is the best course of action, the majority of Sup Forums really is the fat kekistani kissless virgin Rick Wilson projects them to be.
>I wish I could get a realistic statistic on how many of you are fit, armed, trained and stocked...or at least making big strides to that effect. Memes won't work once the electricity goes out.

If any of you based Sup Forumstards reading this are not yet training and eating clean, start today. If not for your own health, so you can fight the enemies of the West when SHTF.

We need to everyone's amygdalas with this fact that war is unavoidable so they start getting their shit together as soon as possible.

I don't care if most of the Sup Forumstards are unfit right now, I know they have the potential to be great warriors, even if they don't. We must motivate the whole board. Start a few generals on self improvement and war is coming awareness so ppl start ASAP to get their shit together.

Go do some pushups, fattie

ill do as many as the last 2 numbers of this post

Yes, unfortunately diversity + proximity always results in war, even if the diversity is shia and sunni.

And yes, propaganda is always instrumental in creating tension between groups so the civil wars happen, in our case in the West the propaganda is that bringing millions of MENA people is good for everyone, but that is a lie, its only good for the invaders.

Regarding the rape numbers, its always the same thing, countries with MENA invaders always see the rape and gang rape numbers go up. Its your culture, you have a rapy culture.