3rd movie when?

3rd movie when?

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After Yukarin gets married.

to Nana, right?

Fourth vivid artbook in October.

Who are these kaleidoscopic menaces

Vivid was a mistake.

They should have made a manga adaptation of GoD.

*everything starting from StrikerS

Isn't the 3rd movie called "Reflection"? Maybe they plan on leaving GoD's plot for it.

>they plan on
*they were planning on, is what I meant to say. I don't know what they're doing now, but it sure as fuck isn't (good) Nanoha.



>StrikerS junk
delete this

Vivid BDs when?

>Vivid going nowhere, just adding more characters
>Force so bad it killed the franchise's momentum
>StrikerS mediocre
>Movie 3 MIA
>Nothing indicating whatever they're doing for Movie 3 will avoid the issues plaguing the series
>Tsuzuki and others responsible somehow incapable of doing simple "Nanoha & Fate shooting shit and solving mysteries and being kinda gay and Hayate is there coordinating or something" story, instead introducing and stringing together random and erratic plot threads and world elements like a shounen action manga on meth
>probably spending all the merch money on Dog Shit anyway

>Nothing indicating whatever they're doing for Movie 3 will avoid the issues plaguing the series
Isn't it supposed to be set between A's and StrikerS? So that's one good thing right there.

>and Hayate is there coordinating or something
why can't she be kinda gay and fight too

Dog Days was way better than anything StrikerS and up

Not like that's a high bar to surpass or anything.


And then s3 happene

I can't look at them without thinking of all the Cyclone doujins.



Kizu took like 7 years to be released, we can make it.

what kind of stupid name is that

Better question is, MaterialS when?

Stern is boring.

Assailant of Thunderblade is the only good Material.


I've completely forgotten who this was.

It kinda bothers me that we don't have any news on the 3rd movie. I mean I wish they make any news of it. Part of me hopes for something positive while another part of me dreads for the worse.

Did those vivid BD ever come out, or is this really a dead series?

Did the Vivid BDs ever come out?

No news about those. I wonder if this has anything to do with Yukarin leaving King Records.

ded series
ded fans
ded studio

Why would Yukarin becoming freelance have anything to do with Vivid not releasing the BDs?


>it's a "Alicia was revived as the corrupted mahou shoujo of Al-Hazzard slowly, and now leads the army of darkness against Midchilda" movie

Only Feito can save her loli onee-san

I'm just glad we're getting Innocents translations.

Alicia is dead, user.


If they just animate GoD they'd make lots of money.

If they just anime Innocent they'd make lots of money.

>wanting them to ruin GoD's storyline by adding StrikerS-levels of pointless bullshit, Vivid-levels of pointless fanservice and FORCE-levels of pointless DARKNESS
If they pulled their heads out of their asses then it could be great, but I'm not going to trust them until they retcon Force out of continuity.

They animated a new season and then never put it up for sale so clearly they don't care about money. I'm still trying to figure out what it is that they do care about, but it's definitely not money.

>I'm still trying to figure out what it is that they do care about
Dog Days


>Shit Tsuzuki only want to write BG.
>NanoFate too established to write into BG.
>Tsuzuki founds shit series call "Dog Days"

It's signs are too clear to miss.

Yeah, he tried with Force, but everyone hated it.
The only still on-going installment for Nanoha is Vivid, right? I feel like he just wants to get done with it ASAP and abandon the franchise for good.


Innocent was still up and running last time I checked.

If you're talking about InnocentS, the last volume was published a few months ago. I don't think it's still ongoing.

Well shit, I wasn't aware it had a sequel. I'm not sure how disgusted I should feel about that.

>the last volume was published a few months ago. I don't think it's still ongoing.
So it's down to Vivid, huh. Did it get a plot yet?

>Did it get a plot yet?
Something something a new tournament where Vivio will probably end up facing Nanoha-mama.
Oh, and guess what? More characters.

>Something something a new tournament where Vivio will probably end up facing Nanoha-mama.
I guess that's a "no" then.
>More characters.
oh shit son literally no one could have seen that one coming

It's like the dude has a fetish for ridiculous character lists, what the shit.

Adding new characters is literally the only thing he can do. Ah, and I forgot to add, another still ongoing manga is the 1st original chronicle, which is another retelling of S1 drawn by the Force artist.

>probably spending all the merch money on Dog Shit anyway
Dog Days was pretty fun. I still haven't watched S3 though.

>another still ongoing manga is the 1st original chronicle, which is another retelling of S1
Are you kidding me? ANOTHER one? Wasn't it enough making a bad movie out of it and then making a bad manga out of the bad movie? A's's movie didn't get a manga, why not go with that instead? I mean it'd probably be just as bad and cut out even MORE of the plot and feature Emoha cutting her wrists because of how useless she feels, but come on.

Does it even do anything different (preferably good) or is it Precia circlejerk central like the movie was?

First chapter has been translated:

No wonder nobody wanted to translate this for so long.

>the definitive version of the story that started it all. Where before you had to piece together anime, movie, drama CDs, and AU manga to get every bit of detail, this final retelling aims to combine all of them into one singular cohesive narrative.
Yeah, that's what the budget for the movies should have gone into to start with.

But to be positive, I'll say that I do like that they seem to be doing 1 manga chapter = 1 anime episode. I like that idea. Makes me wonder how the side stuff is going to fit in, though.


As in BoyGirl, hetero.

He has way too much fun filling his series with lesbians.

I should have figured that out.

And what was stopping him, exactly? As long as he didn't mess with the established pairs, no one would have given half a shit about any het couple. I don't remember there being an outrage over ErioCaro.

>I don't remember there being an outrage over ErioCaro.
Nobody cared in StrikerS since the characters never gained a big popularity like the rest of the new members of the main cast, the ironic thing is that I get the feeling their relationship is turning more and more sibling-like each time they get on screen after StrikerS.


The fak, why not continue Force then?

Why continue Force?

Because nobody liked it, that's why it was put on "indefinite hiatus", aka not-cancelled.

To get a proper ending, or at least kill all the new characters?

Eh, it'd be better if the Materials went and did that before StrikerS and such happened.

You kill two birds with one stone like that.


literally "filler: the characters"

The only way I can think of to make a Strikers recut would be to excise these two

They can give us what we've been clamoring for over the past decade -- nanoha, fate, and hayate in middle school/high school while fighting for the space police.

We never really got to see what happened to nanoha animated.

We never got to see them rise in power through the space police military rankings.

Just do it like Poochie. They get on a bus to their home planet and die along the way in a car accident with a space truck.


Plus Yukarin wa going through some rough times and stopped with the voice acting for a while, not sure if she's better now. Nanoha voiced by anyone else than Yukarin wouldn't be the same.



I still want my own Intelligent Device.

see this shit

this is the reason why strikers needs to burn

IIRC she is in 2 shows this season. Shounen Maid and pic related.

There's already an official Nanoha x DogDays crossover manga.

Why don't they just make an anime?

Dog Days is way better though

See this shit?
This is why StrikerS is the best.

Is there ANYONE in the world who you would rather raise your child than Nanoha-mama?

You want to tax them?
But why?

Het tax.

>Is there ANYONE in the world who you would rather raise your child than Nanoha-mama?
That's easy to answer.
Both Nanoha and Fate.

That depends on if I get to make the child.

So even if they are bad, are StrikerS and Vivid still worth watching? Is StrikerS the equivalent to Symphogear GX?

StrikerS still has a couple (one, at least) hype moments in it.
I dropped ViVid, so I couldn't tell you if it has anything worth seeing. I can tell you the first few episodes don't.

Yes. Even though I despise it with all my soul, it has its moments and I can definitely see why some people would think it's an okay entry.

>Is StrikerS the equivalent to Symphogear GX?

>So even if they are bad, are StrikerS and Vivid still worth watching?
Pic related is a good representation of what to expect from StrikerS compared to the first 2 seasons. Vivid is not so good, try reading the manga instead and see if you like it.

>Is StrikerS the equivalent to Symphogear GX?
I'd say Symphogear GX is a bit better, but with less lesbianism, so it compensates.

>only that one peak for StrikerS
>nothing for when Nanoha just decides to blow a damn hole straight through fucking everything to hit her target
Questionable chart.

Vivid is my favorite season and I will beat the crap out of anyone who talks shit about it.

Vivid is a piece of shit and Vivio is too.

Fuck you, Feito.

Who has bigger breasts in adult form, Vivio or Einhart?

>cyborg team has Jail's last name
Excuse me what

Vivio is a miracle and I loved watching her, season 2 when?

Wait the timeskip is before StrikerS, not inbetween StrikerS and Vivid? Uh oh. Oh man. Oh no. No no no. You guys told me StrikerS might be alright.

You guys didn't like the new Lutecia in Vivid?

How did you NOT know that? How did you miss the advertising showing adult Nanoha? How did you miss the end of A's showing not-so-adult Nanoha?

They look exactly the same size to me.

Einheart still a Fate 2.0