Sup Forums nuclear weapons program

as tensions with north korea rise, and the threat of nuclear war that ccomes hand in hand, part and parcel, if you will, with it. the atmosphere is somewhat subdued on the chans, maybe because you lads dont think it will happen or whatever.

anyway this thread is for the discussion research and implementation of our own private nuclear weapons and balistic missle nuclear capable rocket program.

im sure that with brains as big as ours we should be able to figure out a way to create some nuclear weapons with intercontinental range fairly rapidly.

NOTE: this thread is for white people only, any shit skins with terroristic attitudes with be nuked, after we finish construction of the first of, hopefully, many privstely owned nuclear weapons of mass and far reaching destruction. lets face it, nukes have been banned and under used for far too long. so lets kick things off.

here are some of the basic parts we will need

lets face it if these under nourished asian freaks can do it why cant we?

>anyway this thread is for the discussion research and implementation of our own private nuclear weapons

Sorry bro, that ain't going to happen.

>Australian poster
>lives in the one country with one of the largest export of uranium
All you have to do is exchange a few beers to the engineers at the refining plant every week or so and get some fresh uranium.

chin up fAGGot the sun never sets on the australian empire

>chin up fAGGot the sun never sets on the australian empire

Not quite what I meant....

Making a nuclear weapon isn't exactly a walk in the park.

Why do you need a rocket? Can you build a nuke that fits in a shipping container? You can smuggle people, drugs, anything across both the southern border and in the big ships at the ports. Can you seal the container up so that it isn't detectable? Can you trick the dock workers into thinking its just a standard shipping container full of human trafficking victims?

Ok. Where the fuck do you propose to gain access to weapons grade plutonium and the necessary equipment to refine it?............

I can hook you up with some old soviet nukes. Good stuff.