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Buyfag Thread
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>nipple in the OP
Are you retarded?
release not soon enough
Anybody have information about this figure, even if it's just a garage kit?
ded thread walking
B-but it's plastic.
If you got a nice college degree and don't own a debt, you're not "independent" and you don't have the right to tell people they should just "study and get to work" like its nothing. I have a college degree and no debt as well, everyday I remember what my parents did for me and sometimes wonder what shithole I'd be at if it weren't because of them.
He technically is but definitely didn't do it by himself alone.
>offended by mammary gland
Are you burger?
So how am I not independent, then? Do you think I live under crippling moral obligation to my parents as if they were loan sharks just because they paid my way through college 10 years ago?
>but definetly didn't do it by himself
i don't think he was claiming that. i wouldn't be were i was without my parents (even though i paid some of it myself). if he was, then i'd call him an idiot.
no, but i intend to pay my parents back somehow. idk about you though.
"So how am I not independent? Mommy and Daddy put money into a trust for me and it quintupled, totally earned it myself."
I buy my figures with Good Boy Points, so I'm independent too.
OK, but I was asking about me, not you.
>be from the communist kingdom of Spain
>state paid for my engineering degree and living expenses
>if parents are poor they pay you even more
I have probably paid back for a whole year already in pvc butt custom taxes though.
You're still telling people life is easy when you actually had someone helping you out. It's very hard, if not impossible, for someone to study to get a better job depending on your situation.
>Buyfag thread
>Normies and NEETS too busy shitposting
Nah brah, if mommy and daddy pay for everything it's easy!
How did you find this so fast? Do you have a nipple sensor? Do your eyes bleed every time a nipple is in an image?
>it's the first time he sees that image
It's like you're not here 24/7
to be fair, you can't get into stem if you are an idiot even if you parents earn enough. also, the user did get the job on his own as well and everything since then he has done. i don't see how your parents helping you establish yourself in life is such a horrible thing.
>You're still telling people life is easy
I never said that, though. I said in that having no ambition to move out and "not giving a fuck" about your living situation when it's like that was the problem. I never implied that life is easy or that I had things easy or any of the vitriol that you are trying to put in my mouth.
There has to be some conditions, like keep good grades or stuff. If you're smart of actually study then there shouldn't be any problem and you actually worked for it.
I) Is there any idea of the marketshare of the people who spend time on these threads?
2) Are these threads cancer?
3) Don't get the wrong idea, please.
Amico sends me 0.0001 buttcoin every time I post something is up for preorder.
>literally the first link in google
This is why you don't spoonfeed retards.
Kiniro fans are cancer
And I'm still not seeing any information about it. Who is the maker?
April came in, May's gonna take a bit longer.
>430~$ in my bank account
>May's order is 27k before shipping
>2 scales, 1 figma
Rough guesstimate on shipping?
First time with an order larger than 2 items
It's a Garage Kit by Missile shown at Treasure Festa in Ariake 15.
I'm sorry. You're right.
Probably somewhere around 5k
>It's a Garage Kit
Are you trying to make me feel bad because I made a /r/equest in the thread?
You should be able to recognize garage kits on sight. It was assumed that you knew. Here is something else they made.
That's doable
Thanks m8
Most garage kits look a little lower quality than average. That Karen fig looks pretty good.
I wish I could find her for sale.
>not building and painting your own figures
Damn Sup Forumsnons, you're lazy
Karen got meat
It is because we are lazy that we like this hobby.
I'm better at estimating shipping cost. Calling 3.5 - 4k.
Well, as soon as Amico emails me, I'll let you guys know
soon... That's the last of the 4 figures series
If I was into lewd figs, I would be killing myself because this is a GK.
I want to kill myself because Karen doesn't have anything that isn't Griffon
Theres nothing lewd about that figure.
Swimsuits are not automatically lewd faggot.
Are you retarded?
Place pictures of girls in swimsuits in your room and tell me how that's any different from a fat cat mechanic with an ass crack that flirts with every girl that passes by
No I'm not, You can call it questionable to own a figure of a young girl in her swimsuit, but that doesn't make it lewd.
I have no idea what you're blabbering about, wouldn't even have gotten a response if i weren't already typing one up for the other fag.
if you think swimsuits are lewd then you must live in saudi arabia or something, no skin allowed
Swimsuits are a socially acceptable way of wearing nothing but your underwear
Nigga, we are on a board that says that handholding is lewd.
If a figure shows even the most faint fetish then it's lewd. And a little girl in a bikini with an ass that big is fucking lewd.
Ehh, well at the very least, she is not wearing a swimsuit that is lewd or sexual in nature, at best you could call it bold.
>start realizing I have not only mounds of unopened figures and unbuilt plamo but a considerable number of unopened CDs
So the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is just made for the purpose of marketing swimwear, huh?
You people are lost causes.
Some people jerk off to dead babies user.
Are dead babies lewd?
Do you even know the definition of the word lewd?
I like CDs.
Unopened CDs aren't so bad if you already have rips of them.
If you really think bikinis don't raise eyebrows then you are fucking stupid
Again, learn what lewd means retard.
Literally google it right now because you sound like an idiot.
Cultural relativism has really destroyed people's ability to think for themselves.
The male human body has an unconditioned, involuntary reaction to seeing or even imagining the female human body. There's nothing subjective here. This is a measurable, physical effect in the real world. Just because some people have conditioned themselves to get off to things like dead babies doesn't disprove the facts of human biology.
Nobody on Sup Forums uses the real definition of lewd you fucking newfag
I don't
>learn yourself an education on google, GEEZE! I can't be bothered to explain my irrational beliefs to people!
Where you home-schooled?
Are you KIDDING me?!
ITT 5 stupid fuckfaces argue over what gets them hard.
Can the buyfag janitor delete all these garbage posts? I know I made fun of you yesterday, but just do it this time.
Including this one obviously.
>characterized by or intended to excite crude sexual desire
>obscene or indecent
Considering that swimsuits originally looked like this, I would say that yes, bikinis are indeed lewd.
Using the same image kind of defeats the point samefag-user
Have you lost your mind, boy? Cuz I'll help ya find it.
Two different people.
Shut up, fucking white male.
And the shitposting continues
Is it time for the buyfag general to die, like all the other generals?
There is nothing to talk about, thus the shit.
Start opening them, user.
Then upload any rare ones.
Let's see, we could have either
>boring, shitty thread with 1 post an hour and nothing good ever happening, several anons kill themselves out of boredom
>lots of funposting, and three threads turning over every 2 hours, people actually have a good time shooting the shit with each other and developing camaraderie
I know which camp I'm in.
It already died when everyone left for the skype group.
I'm not lazy, I just suck at making this kind of shit.
With my time I can either make enough money to buy stuff or learn how to paint,which would take me months/years to git gud anyway.
Hopefully it's the suicide camp.
Leave me alone.
Just admit that you were wrong and apologize for acting like an ass, and we will.
I'll never leave you alone, user.
"What is a false dichotomy?" for $400 Mr. Trebek.
Im not though....
But he's right
I'm always fascinated by these kinds of posts. Do you actually think you are a contestant on Jeopardy in your mind?
No, I'll post lewd now
How many anons would end up in prison if a decently capable company made Rustle cast-offs?
I'm always fascinated by these kinds of posts. Do you actually have autism?
Dear god. Some of us are in public right now. What are you trying to do to me?
Now that is very lewd.
I think these threads should be moved to a slower board like /toy/. I know they hate "statueshit" but maybe an exception could be made. Maybe bring these threads back over here only during WonFes.
Projecting much?
Take this!
Are you rocking a semi right now?