Just how gay is that incoming Granblue anime going to be?
Just how gay is that incoming Granblue anime going to be?
Nothing gay about holding your sis.
I love how unsubtle the Japanese are with their shilling.
Why doesn't someone just tell her Katalina isn't gay?
So can you play this in English yet? Google Play Store's being uppity and telling me I can't download it in my country. I figured out a workaround but I'd rather not have to go through a bunch of hoops just to play this game every once in a while.
Use google app or chrome.
She isn't? I'm pretty sure she knows exactly what Vira wants.
probably a lot, lesbo is the biggest secondary bait chara, nee-chan and oldman pales in comparison
I'm pretty sure Cag is the #1 bait. And Vampi is becoming the #2.
There's an English option in the settings.
I love her faces so much.
Anime will be so good if they don't fuck up.
Cagliostro a best
It's not even up for debate so don't try.
>if they don't fuck up.
Never knew that, checking it out right now.
>Lecia will be a minor character
It hurts
Well, I knew that much. Figured it out when playing through Chrome. I just wondered why they were making it so difficult to just download directly to an American Android.
So that means they might going to have a official western release of the game or just have it Singapore/Asia english only?
Because it's still japanese without a western distributor?
At least thanks to that it's not going to die like english Bahamut.
Wait this got an anime?
Too bad the game is a fucking p2w shit fest but its not surprising since its a mobile shit cause its pretty fun.
Time for more Metera lewds.
Old news.
Cygames is getting into anime industry. They started their own studio few months ago.
More than p2w is really fucking grindy
Levi-chan didn't drop an ssr in weeks
That's what they thought before Kancolle anime airing.
Oh right, about that Manaria anime staffs...
But they did fuck up. Hard.
It's really not grindy, because you only have to play for a short time and you can play whenever you want to. Much better than most online games. It's pretty casual. Even if you have to do the same thing a couple hundred times, there's plenty of breaks.
Aniplex has already said they plan to go hard after the fujo audience in 2017 as a safety net for the declining late night BD/DVD market so probably as much as possible and within what Cygames will let them do with the franchise that fits with their own goals. Other than the limitations Cygames might impose they don't give a fuck and they'll do anything they think it takes to get the sales from the hot license so if say that involves outright softcore gay porn that's what'll happen.
All of this assumes it actually comes out in 2017. I mean who the fuck knows with Aniplex and A-1's breakneck absurd scheduling that involves constant wall to wall work and projects, announcing cash grab adaptations sometimes years ahead of pre-production (Saekano) and pushing back shit like Cinderella Girls second half cause they overstuffed the schedule and physically can't do the work. Right now the goal just seems to be get as many deals with red hot licenses as humanly possible in 2016 and then figure out how to organize it all, what bitch studios to hand them off to and what the fuck to do with it all just period later when there's time. If I was Cygames I'd just consider giving it to their own studio and saying fuck it with A-1 Pictures. It'll probably turn out better that way anyway and actually make it out while the game is still at the peak of it's popularity.
Technically game is at the peak right now because english option allowed all the SEA people to play.
After all the flops this season I don't think fujo pandering is any guarantee of success.
It's not just this season. They almost always fail horribly.
>Asami Imai as a mentally unstable lesbian
It seems like some companies think because some fujoshi targeted shows do gangbusters that means they need to shove as much of it as possible at them, and that just leads to over saturation and failures. Summer will be a trainwreck if LL outsells all those ventures.
Try anyway, and hope for that one big success that pays for all the failures?
>fujo audience
Wait are the two girls in OP's pic actually dudes? Man, Japan's getting crafty with these shenanigans.
No. But granblue has some fujo characters.
Why does she always voice mentally unstable girls
Chihaya's totally stable, though!
Yeah, that's basically how all anime studios function. One big "tentpole" that does big on home media and merchandise, which subsidizes everything else the studio produces that has a slow burn to breaking even(or leaves them in the red).
It's sort of weird that this even needs to be asked
I remember being disappointed at the Touken Ranbo announcement after finding out that the cast wasn't actually half girls
There are less stable girls
Cag is cute for an old man.
The art is incredible. I hope they make the anime with at least decent quality.
>has already said they plan to go hard after the fujo audience
Sure they did.
But where are my horse idols?
>It's a "clinging lesbian sidekick who loves some straight girl who will never love her back" episode
Putting that aside, they're actually putting money into this so it should be at least decent eyecandy.
But will best Jeanne be in the anime
You do know that Kat was about to stay with Vira forever until crew begged her not to?
>she was gonna do something but then didn't
That's irrelevant then, isn't it.
It's not going to be any different then the formula they are doing towards the otaku fan-base then. The y end up getting a huge hit for one or two shows but everything else is going to sale to mediocre or plain downright bad.
>It's a "I'm not a lizard!" episode
Holy shit, play the game. Vira is turbo gay and Kat knows and accepts that.
Ah yes, yuribaits. Sup Forums's favorite past time.
Hopefully the threads stay civil.
The anime is gonna have the superior MC aka best girl, right?
Kat never even acknowledges it beyond her guilt complex. It's one sided love.
Yes, Cag will be MC and Gran will be her sex slave.
It's most likely going to have both Gran and Djeeta. As siblings or something.
Fuck off old men lover.
I was kind of thinking the same thing. I still think continuing to forgo traditional anime viewing audiences to go after these special demographics that the industry seems convinced are it's salvation is going to really bite it harder in the ass soon than the late night anime TV BD market slowing down has. The industry dabbles with an unpredictable demographic like fujoshi at its own peril
>Aniplex has already said they plan to go hard after the fujo audience in 2017 as a safety net for the declining late night BD/DVD market
>unsubstantiated conjecture
They do. The industry is very reactionary towards the few hits coming out lately most of which seem to be by Bandai. The other next big we should be girls and military stuff
You realize the anime is being handled by A-1 right I'd set your expectations at idolmaster Cinderella Girls level and no higher.
Lots of big names in the cast, check it out.
>Asami Imai being turbo-gay for Miyuki Sawashiro
One of their producers confirmed it at an interview at Anime Japan and their upcoming schedule pretty much confirms it.
What does Kat's cooking taste like?
Idoru Fantasy.
I only really care if Narumeia is in.
>One of their producers confirmed it at an interview at Anime Japan and their upcoming schedule pretty much confirms it.
So they're really dumping off the male otaku huh.
What anime? You lyin 2 me, user?
If they don't have Cag in it, it may as well go into the /trash/.
>Aniplex has already said they plan to go hard after the fujo audience in 2017 as a safety net for the declining late night BD/DVD market
Wow, they're really leaving the male otaku as chopped liver
>you will never headpat both of them at the same time
>strong female dominating soft weaker female
why the fuck japan so hard doing this??
>Aniplex has already said they plan to go hard after the fujo audience in 2017
It hurts.
To be fair there's a start dash deal where you can choose any unit that's in the gacha with occasional exceptions for very new units.
It's 26 bucks or so iirc but it's an assload less then I spent trying to get Summer Urd in pad. Makes me mad just remembering that.
>Sawashiro's badass voice
She got in a cooking contest with someone that ended with her subtly threatening to cut up the MC once.
Don't make her upset
I want to believe, user.
I have no confidence that they will be able to replicate the art style so will probably be shit. Just pray that A1 doesn't animate it.
Its already confirmed to be A-1. Who else is it going to be but the company that can't maintain any sort of relevance without their parent using money and connections to adapt the hot licenses from other markets?
Everything will be okay!
why would aniplex devote resources to their competitor?
Where the hell did you get that implication from anything in those posts? I know Sup Forumss reading comprehension can be spotty but you'll have to explain this one cause I've got literally nothing
Yeah cause things always go so well with A-1 adaptations lately. Even the marketing spin of Aniplex isn't making up the difference in public opinion of late
aniplex funds/publishes fate/grand order
aniplex also owns a-1
the wide spread success of an anime made solely to shill their competitors mobage doesnt make much sense to me.
So about her VA....
Do any of the dudes wield a bass guitar as a weapon?
If the anime adaptation makes them BD money I doubt it matters much. Aniplex as a companies thinking is pretty damn on the nose, make as much money as fast as possible with the absolute bare minimum amount of effort on their own part outside of marketing campaigns and screw everything else. That said I'm not expecting much budget and effort from this period just because A-1 kind of sucks.
Anyway it confuses me why people keep hiring A-1 period all the damn time period, I think that's the better question that needs to be answered. Like Cygames has their own studio so what the fuck?
>tfw dont even know what this is but fapped to doujins of it
They aren't sexual, though.
no playable characters do
this is a plot point for at least one character's story iirc
Why are you not playing this yet Sup Forums?
You don't want to be a secondary scum wouldn't you?
I swore to myself to never get involved in browser games or mobage ever again.
because the mobile app is fucking shit
Just get it off chromeapps
>bot hundreds of accounts during legfest+10 draws every day event
>end up picking the best 3 accounts to play
>english coming out tomorrow, I'm ready to play
>play the game
>it's shit
fucking wasted like 2 weeks, never again cygames.