Yojo Senkai

Yojo Senkai
gimme more pics

I want to molest tanya.

Gimme pics boy

Don't have anything you can't find with google.
Where did you even get this one?

Im came across it here on 4 chan ive already tooken all the google pics lol

Fan art would be nice

Who is animating it?

That's from the manga artist's twitter.

Honestly one of the best designs I've seen.

Well can you hit me up with some more?

So is this just World War 2 with supernatural elements? They're not gonna force in the holohoax into the story right?

I know as much as you bit im excited for the anime coming out

lolinazi i s getting an anime?

Hell yeah

I dunno how much he did, chick it for yourself.


Nice whats the twitter name?

Sorry i didnt see it
I took as many pics as possible know any other sources?

>anime coming out

Well i sure hope this is as interesting as it looks.

>two and a bit weeks until the next chapter

I'm on the edge of my seat, lads.

To keep it alive, have more Tanya


Is this kraut loli as murderous, psychotic, and domineering as she looks?

Because if so, I'm very interested.

I sure hope so. And i hope the anime will be a blast.

I want a threesome with Tanya and Shizuka!

Speculate who'd be the best VA for Tanya.
I'd vote Y.Aoi because she's proven to have one of the best screams from her role in Symphogear.


If you're interested, the author's is @sonzaix

Where can I get my own Tanya?

>Speculate who'd be the best VA for Tanya.
The one from the audiobook was rather solid.


The voice of Airi and Yuri Alpha did a great job



What does that even mean?
I'm not a native someone pls explain.

Too tired to look up name but Revy's.