Characters Which Would be Diagnosed as Autistic if They Were Real


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Shes just weird

Explain her Symptoms that make her autistic

ITT: idiots that don't know what "autistic" means

>implying meme word have any meaning anymore

You're an idiot.



apparently 2 out of 3 of my ex gf`s were diagnosed autistic. what do i do?

im being serious

your sample size is too small
if 66% of 10 gfs are autistic, there might be a problem

Psychological diagnosis have became a joke these days. Almost everyone can be diagnosted with something as long the pharmaceutical industry sees profit from it. There's nothing to get all sad about nigga.
Take it easy.

i guess, its not like its something I've been testing though, i just happened to find out. My current gf's normal, although she doesn't like anime.

I know its common for people to be diagnosed with anything more often nowadays its just weirdly specific

There many forms of autism and a lot of people that aren't branded as such could easily ''become''. I don't say that it doesn't exist, just let you know that it is a money based business and there many rumors around to be dismissed just as that. I'm not an expert but i can atleast say this with enough confidence.



It's actually a real term in psychology. You're just too stupid to understand that words have meaning beyond 'meme'.

Actual non-meme answer

Natsu even tried to show her how to read people's emotions and she couldn't do it


It would be good actually, less feminazis to deal with.

Why i get hard every fucking time i see Machi? It's pretty uncomfortable.




Are you seriously bitching at other anons for using words as memes instead of their definitions as per dictionary on Sup