Best racist jokes

Lets hear em, i need some new material

I wear a diaper now
I wear a diaper tomorrow
I wear a diaper forever.

What do you call a bunch of niggers standing outside a barn?

Do you really need someone to ask "what?"

Antique farm equipment

Yes, I need the (You)s.

Why do Jews have big noses?

is this true?
Do people confined to wheelshairs have to wear diapers?
I'd off myself instead of having to do so the rest of my life.

What do you call a flying, Jewish person?


What do niggers and apples have in common?
>they both look great hanging from a tree

>What do you call a nigger in a suit?
The defendant.

Whats long, black and smells like shit
>the welfare line

How do you fight crime?
>talk a nigger bitch into having an abortion

Why dont nigger babies play in the sandbox?
>cats keep covering them up

why do niggers smell like shit?
>so blind people can hate them too

What's over 300 meters long and only eats potato?

>A Soviet breadline




I'm not a racist. I've got a negro in my family tree.

... And he's still hanging there.

what's the worst thing about being a black jew?
>they make you sit at the back of the oven

Once there was a farmer who had a lot of land but no workers. He was quite handy with electronics so he decided to build robots. All said and done it was a great success and all his robots were working all day on the fields.

But there had been some complaints, as the robots were made of shiny metal and this reflected the sunlight blinding the oncoming traffic of the nearby freeway. Some officers had come to the farmer to tell him about this, so the farmer had to do something about it. That same day he decided to paint them all black.

Next day not one of them showed up for work.

>How long does it take for a black woman to take out the trash
9 months

Why do Jewish boys get circumcised?
>Jewish women can't resist anything that's ten percent off.

A nigger, a chink, and a white kid are all in school in grade 3, which one has the biggest dick? The nigger. Why? Because he's 17.

Three Pollacks were working on a overpass. Meanwhile, Jamal and Tyrone were out picking up trash. On the way to the dump, Jamal says to Tyrone, "Man, we be having trash blowing all outa the truck. Tyrone, you gonna hab to get up on all that shit and hold it down."
Jamal drives under overpass. Pollack says to his buddies, "Would you look at that! Someone is throwing out a perfectly good nigger!"

Depends. It isnt necessarily the case. Depends on the cause. For example, if its spinal damage, it depends how high.

Why do Lions lick each others' asses?

To get the taste of nigger out of their mouths.

What do you call two Ethiopians in a sleeping bag?

A back kid dies and goes to heaven. He takes notice on his wings and asks God. "Am I an angel now?"

God looks at him and laughs. "Naw nigga. You a bat."

>mfw making two jokes on one punchline

Man, the Black Market really changed the last 1000 years.



What's the difference between a Joo and a pizza?

Pizzas don't scream in the oven.

I only help jewish comedians. No joke.
I also love to LARP as an orthodox jew.

because air is free

dunno this one

What did that black kid get for Christmas?

My bike.

Why cant a black man be a pilot?

Blacks are too dumb to be pilots.

A male transgender tells his feminist friend that him jumping off a building would garner huge media attention. The feminist disagrees as she thinks if she jumps, she'll get more media traction.

They argue about it the whole day to the point that the transexual finally challenges his feminist friend to actually jump off a building to prove whom the media would give the most attention to. Who wins?


mods should ban people who use kekistani flags regardless of the shit they post