What is your opinion on Alex Jones?
What is your opinion on Alex Jones?
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Was fun during the election
The more I watched him, the more of his lies I could see.
His an absurdist, a fear monger, and a snake oil salesman.
Get in and then get out. There's no reason why you should waste your time watching him. Seriously.
Cool dude
He's entertaining and funny, some of the stuff he says is legit but most of the time its best to do your own research.
He is still usefull for redpilling the normies and leftist indoctrinated youth. But as far as white nationalism he is a joke.
He practically attacked Jason Kessler for even fighting back at all. The subtext to his attack on Kessler was basically "Surrender the white race, surrender to the enemy and then we can achieve true unity"
It was pathetic. no reason for any of us to ever listen to this goy again.
He is crazy, and although says a lot of stupid things somehow is able to tell more truths than mainstream media.
at lest his crap is easily identifiable.
He likes to talk about crisis actors but that is pretty much what he is. Except he's acting in the Sega CD version of Revolution X.
>He likes to talk about crisis actors
No longer true. When Trump started running, Alex Jones show had to shut up about crisis actors and all the hoax attacks. Pretending the Muslim attacks (like Pulse Nightclub hoax) pretending these attacks were real, helped the Trump anti-Islam message, so entire Alex Jones show now has shut up about the hoaxes, and the crisis actors.
He now uses the term "false flag" in a silly twisted up way, to discredit even the meaning of false flag, waters it down to meaninglessness.
I want to have his babies.
Very entertaining, especially when talking about spirituality/philosophy. Less entertaining when being an obvious kike shill.
A disinfo/discrediting psyop agent. From one side of his mouth, he'll go into a WWE-tier rant about gloablist reptilian shapeshifters from Mars who live underground, and out of the other side he'll tut-tut the very idea that even some Jewish people are responsible for white genocide or cultural deterioration. Pizzagate could have gotten the attention it deserved, but for the moment this fat piece of shit swine opened his hamtrap about it; from there, it was just a "dark web conspiracy theory," resigned to the Ministry of Truth's document shredder. He knows what he's doing.
civic cuck who is role playing as right winger but is liberterian centrist
Lol Jesus fucking Christ get a grip. What's more likely, that some person or group of people decided to commit violence due to a genuine radical belief or hundreds of people conspired to make it seem so without any leaks whatsoever?
He jumped the shark around 2006. He was so against the police state and authoritarianism, but then shills for an authoritarian candidate.
based CIA psy-ops merchant
He represents the right in new media which is hilarious to me. He's a certified long stale joke and we've got demolition men like Cenk Uygur and Hasan Piker.
>mfw republicans never win another election
Goofy snake oil salesman w/some decent nationalistic positions. Not a reliable source of info but still better than mainstream media.
What's the best way to watch InfoWars anyway? I've been meaning to sit down and watch at least one full show for a while, if not just to say that I've gave him a chance.
>>mfw republicans never win another election
Just like 2016, right?
>What's the best way to watch InfoWars anyway?
Don't. It's conspiracy theory garbage.
Fat retard. Snake oil salesman.
Entertaining fat man.
look at the demographics my main man, you've got one more in you at best. once it shifts, it's all over red rover
whats more likely, a 2500% increase in "mass shootings" under Obama then drops off again when he leaves office or ...something else at work there?
He works for an intelligence agency called stratfor in Austin. His role is to make right wing nationalists look crazy thus discrediting them. A very useful tool used by the jews in my opinion.
Bill Cooper called him out years ago but was instantly killed for it lol
Maybe my sentence was jumbled.
Sandy Hook, Pulse nightclub, Nice Truck attack and all the other large staged events? All of them are hoaxes, government staged psyop events.
Pre-Trump campaign, Alex Jones show was in the front exposing these hoaxes, Alex Jones show was a truther organization.
Now when Trump started running, and Alex decided to get on the Trump Train, Alex had to shut up about the hoaxes, he had to 'go mainstream' to support Trump, because it doesn't help Trump to have a 'crazy conspiracy theorist' supporting him. Plus, the "dangerous Islamic Terror attacks" theme, helps Trump, and helps his anti-Immigration message, even though the huge media-circus events, are all staged and fake anyway.
>Demographics are destiny
Hasn't this been the main left talking point for the last ten years?
Demographics aren't destiny my friend.
Also I'm not a Republican.
>whats more likely, a 2500% increase in "mass shootings" under Obama then drops off again when he leaves office or ...something else at work there?
A 2500% increase based on what numbers? The Reddit stats that included a "mass shooting" with a fuckin BB gun?
>all the other large staged events? All of them are hoaxes, government staged psyop events.
You're delusional.
>intelligence agency called stratfor in Austin.
Stratfor is a think tank.
I was a fan of his early stand up career. But now, all the yelling and boner pills, I'm eh
very rational and sane individual who's playing a role of a paranoid right wing lunatic to attract attention and market his shitty overpriced water filters and food supplements
Alex is one of the most misunderstood people of our time. Eventually when all the elites get sent to the electric chair for the satanic pedo shit, people will realize "hey Alex was right I guess he wasn't a conspiracy nut after all.
>His an absurdist, a fear monger, and a snake oil salesman.
He's basically no different than CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the whole plethora of popular YouTube people.
They all do everything they can to catch eyeballs and nothing else.
A lot of this "everything" is being as absurdly sensationalistic as possible.
They may have different tactics, but the overall strategy is the same.
I don't get why people pay attention to any of this nonsense.
You're better off just masturbating to the thought of the last lady butt you saw.
Most of the time he's right and drops some great info but I tune out when he starts yelling or goes on a religious rant
Batshit insane, ruins all the credibility with his manners and ramblings.
>They may have different tactics, but the overall strategy is the same.
And the goal is always to make money. Nothing else matters. There's no legitimacy at all, since that makes no money.
Fuck it all.
>Republicans will never win another election
>Bill Cooper called him out years ago but was instantly killed for it lol
>For exposing an almost-totally-unknown nobody at the time.
yeah I doubt it. Cooper was killed for naming the jew and predicting 911. Something you probably know a lot about. If you need me to shut up, say so I don't want to die too.
1. He actually is very informed - and possesses a sharp mind - able to memorize innumerable facts and dig them up without a teleprompter whenever they are needed.
2. He is too passionate for his own good - making him seem crazy during every rant. If he kept his cool and slowed down, he would not be a meme - but he would not be famous, either.
3. He refuses to name the Jew, leading to i) allegations of zionist shill, or ii) keeping in mind his massive pro-Israel evangelical audience and not wanting to alienate them.