

Why is he the best boy ?


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What would happen if Cheap Trick, Notorious B.I.G. all attached themselves to Xander McQueen?

I knew I should have made the new thread. But I thought "What's the worst that can happen if I don't?"

Guys you can blame me for the Teruposter getting to make the new thread. Picture is unrelated.

Why do so many people get stands?
I mean.... everyone has a stand!

Don't worry, made one for us

My stand is to shitpost Teru no stop

The answer is always

because jojo without stands would get a hate boner that would tend to infinity...
also, akari would have to add another crazy power to replace it, making the hamon x stand debate even worse.
He needs people with stands, so fuck it, now everyone has a stand that is no match to the MC asspulls.

>its a humanoid stand
>niggas expect to know what a stand can do by its looks

How pissed do you think SJWs will be when the anime gets to steel ball run? Mostly with Pocoloco, considering he's a lazy black man with nigger lips and he looks like a monkey in some panels.

Tusk Act 4 vs Gold Experience Requiem
Who won?

But he wins the race, user

Infinity times 0 is still 0.
Nice Trips.


i'd be more conerned with the amount of manime fags who'll start whining that sjws ruined their jojo with twinks and women once we get to V/VI

Pocoloco is hardly noticeable in the story and won't attract more attention than Smokey

GER can undo the effects of Tusk's infinite damage

I thought Pocoloco generally looked adorable.


GER can probably set back to zero Johnny's will to use Tusk ACT 4 in the first place.

>That pairing

He's a book now lol he deserved it to

Serious question: is JoJo meant to be a comedy?

Most of SJW like SBR, because gay-protagonists.

Fair enough, I can feel that some anime only fans are gonna hate parts 5 and 6 Anime onlys are pretty fine as long as they don't act autistic about it.

But Johnny and Gyro have canonly had sex with women, and there was that one time during the civil war fight Johnny was coming onto hot pants.


It's an epic supernatural Drama with typical Japanese comedy elements.


Why are you seriously perceive my post?

Sort of. Araki knows how absurd and over the top it is, and David plays it up pretty hard in the adaptations of the first two parts. They start dialing the silly down a bit steadily throughout Stardust Crusaders, and so does Araki- he tries to start writing a semi-serious battle shonen with some comedy around the start of the Egypt arc of part 3, and continues this trend all the way through to early/mid part 6, where he swerves really fast and deep into Seinen territory. Seriously, I've never seen a Shonen Jump manga with as much body horror as part 6, it's insane.

> Mfw taking Vitamin C supplements.
> Can't stop thinking about fat rock men in Elvis suits breaking down my organic acids.

Goddamn, Araki. Stop ruining my vision of the world.

I feel that Araki really wanted to start writing around that time. I mean his writing was already pretty dark, but SO got bleak as fuck part of the way through.

Hey terufag, didn't you get banned yesterday? For posting /y/ stuff?

Yes i was


Can you post more? So the mods can ban you again?

So did Araki develop a piss fetish or something?

What the FUCK was this guy

No, he has a fetish for fisting
>He actually did it

Thanks, I couldn't tell if it was stupid on purpose or if it was actually just fucking stupid.

the most annoyingly invincible character ever created is born.

Too bad he is banned

right ?

damn I thought Annasui was Diavolo for a second in that third picture

I prefer this to the boring energy attacks of DBZ any day.

>2nd from left, top row
>japanese delinquent's crazy D, hot mom fisting action

And then we pierce all three of them with the arrow.

>Earth is fucked.


What he do?

they are pretty similar in design and in fashion sense


especially part 4

>he thinks i do it ironically

Why do animeonlies obsess over joseph so much? I remember i thought he was pretty cool when i watched battle tendency but i never thought he was the best coolest character to ever exist

>A Japanese serial killer is more popular than an American president.

Because they haven't been exposed to any part beyond 3 yet. Give it time and they'll start saying Josuke is the best.

I think they're talking about this one

He's a likable character, and they haven't met any of the better characters in 4-8

The poll didn't specify which one.

Ergo, it is rigged.

He's the most likeable character in the first 3 parts

Who's your favorite minor villain from each part?

It was right under Gappy and I just kinda assume it's kira2 because he's the more relevant one

I fixed the issue.

Joseph would probably still be my favorite if it wasn't for Gyro's existence.

Vote goyim

>President of the United States of America
Isn't it called the United States of Valentine in the manga?

JJL Kira is best Kira

It is.

Hol Horse
Formaggio or Pesci
Axl Ro

He inherited Kira's ruthlessness after all.

>Baoh has 1 vote
>Giorno has none
>People like Baoh more than Giorno



Baoh is awesome

1: Bruford
2: Straizo
3: Hol Horse
4: Fungami (if we're including reformed villains, otherwise Akira)
5: Risotto Nero/Ghiaccio
6: Donatello Versus
7: Ringo Roadagain
8: Aisho

Why were almost all character designs in Part 6 fucked up? Were they supposed to represent Florida's general weirdness?

What the fuck is this?

what a smug killer queen

>tfw posting spoilers in youtube
I can't help it.

Ungalo is a junkie he isn't supposed to be handsome

I was expecting the one where Damo Fucks Norisuke or the one where Kars fucks Joseph with his fucked up Pillarman dong

I hate it when I'm browsing the comments of a video and I get a spoiler for a totally unrelated series.

Vanilla Ice
Yuuya (If you don't count villains turned allies, then Akira)
Wekapipo (Ringo)

If you ask me he's probably related to Mikitaka.

Now kiss

Is Koichi's girlfriend forgotten forever?

two episodes

So, How did he fire a bullet without a gun anyway?

I guess he could strike the primer with his stand. But without chamber and rifled barrel. The bullet wouldn't go anywhere far.

The answer is always STANDO POWAH.

They weren't bullets, just ball bearings. The equivalent of super man flicking a heavy marble

No, they switched to bullets once the rat was too far away to shoot accurately

It IS the rifle bullet though.

Is there anyone at that point in the series that can heal Josuke if Ratt hit him?

Then again, my bad. Looks like Josuke didn't "fire"
the bullet after all. He just fling the whole damn cartridge.


No which is why Jotaro was the bait

See the last panel in Crazy Diamond did just that, and used STANDOH POWAH to just shoot it really hard and accurately