Tfw Fox News brings the term redpilled to the mainstream media

>Tfw Fox News brings the term redpilled to the mainstream media

Also, former libtards - what was your redpill moment?

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>Also, former libtards - what was your redpill moment?

>Redpill moment
Watch French news channel (BFMTV) during Trump's inauguration.
They show protesters.
The girl they invited says that the people protesting are paid by George Soros.
Commercial break.
When they come back the girl is not there anymore.

No one single redpill moment, it started at learning about the Wiemar civil war, the names of the leaders and their ethnicity, then the rabbit hole just got deeper. That and simple pattern recognition.

Initial redpill was 911, redpill overdose was pizzagate.

Probably was when the whole blm started and the migrant invasion of Europe.

Bernout, turned with the concession at the DNC. I was saltier than the ocean by the toothless concession and angrier with the corrupt DNC establishment than anything else on the planet. After the facade crumbled I saw how much of a pathetic fuck Sanders was and never looked back. ''Democratic'' party my ass. Everything else started falling into place after that.

Usually is the biggest reason for all the more recent Anti-DNC activity.

Why 9/11? Especially from two people not in the US...I'm interested
i can't even lie for Sup Forums idk what that is

Old guy at work told me about the Federal Reserve, fractional reserve banking, and debt based fiat money.

I didn't laugh because I was taught to respect old people, but he was describing massive fraud and theft on an Epic scale.

Then I researched it. OMFG!