Redpill me on Sargon of Akkad.
Why has he become so hated now? I was never a huge fan, but his content and points were always decent.
Redpill me on Sargon of Akkad.
Why has he become so hated now? I was never a huge fan, but his content and points were always decent.
>Soyboy of Mossad
>Targoy of Mossad
>Quadroon of Mossad
He is insufficiently radical. Nothing worse than lukewarm.
Because he's a liberal in the classical sense and nazi larpers on Sup Forums want a race war. He doesn't.
I tried listening to him but couldn't get over him pausing for like 6 seconds at a time just to chuckle. Am I the only one?
He's a fence sitting pleb that will only tread in safe waters. He can safely shit on sjws, because thats the lowest of low hanging fruit, but is unwilling to offer real solutions to fix the underlying problem. He's a coward and I hope his lawsuit destroys him forever.
Nah he's a bit long winded.
>Mossad of Mossad
Because it's the shills job to divide the right
>why blacks commit more crime
>safe waters
He has an issue with identity politics which includes sjws black supremacists white supremacists feminists and Islamists. He has stated what he stands for.
Wont name the jew
>implying centrists are right.
I don't hate him, he seems rather fun guy to hang out with.
does he give the biological reasons or does he come up with some retarded "environmental" reason
>long winded
I don't speak roo
sargon is center left, he's admitted to that plenty of times himself
>guy that says he doesn't care if whites become a tiny minority because "lol I'll be dead by then"
>right wing
He puts it down to them not marrying.
Because there is no need to, the Jewish machinations are a false narrative too explain the Jewish people success in society. When intact their success can be attributed to many real world observable things without resorting to "its tha jews" conspiracy theories.
I wouldn't be surprised if this guy likes to travel to bangkok every year to fuck little boys, he has that vibe about him
Was a gateway to escape clownworld prison, redpills on feminism and cultural marxism. Now he and his kind lost their focus, stopped fighting for freedom from liberal programming. They now just demonize people more free than they are. They've lost their mission.
I always watch non-music related youtube videos on 2x speed. So I can't relate. (I don't watch Sargon though. He stinks of cuckoldry.)
you're right Sup Forums's hatred of him is unfounded, it is simply because he's a moderate, he's not really worthy of being hated, he's one of those fence sitters that thinks multiculturalism is still viable
He uploads 30 min videos which can be cut down to a third of that time. He waffles and reiterates points he's already made 6 gorrilion times in a vid.
because he poked holes and made some really poignant points about white supremacy and indentitarians that showed how people here are hypocrites.
because hes been red-pilling too many
More like a faggot in the classical sense.
*smugly interrupts the video to force a laugh for 10 seconds*
he actually says he's cucking the biological father because he gets the privilege of raising his kid. This should illustrate how much of a fucking retard he is.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The board is flooded with shills who want to take down any based YouTuber or internet celebrity with any traction. They especially went after Lauren Southern.
>"Lauren, even though you pretty much agree with us on everything, take a DNA test to prove you're not Jewish!!!11"
He's not a moderate, he's a leftist enabler.
What were those?
Good enough for me.
>I want to live in a land of milk and honey, but I don't care if all the cows and bees die
>t. classical liberal
So.... a bundle of sticks?
The real battle isn't Left vs Right, its Soy vs Test, and sargon is clearly in the pocket of Big Soy
He's a pseudo-intellectual centrist with no clear political positions. Most of his rants make no sense and he tries too hard to stay neutral on subjects his own fans are extreme on. Also we need to crowd this cheap fuck an air conditioner
Seriously, you guys are fucking autistic.
The far right has terrible optics to the general public. You have to remember the vast majority of people spend their time watching dramas and the Simpsons. You say far right and they will counter you.
You have to win based on the strength of your argument. You don't just pick a fucking side. "herf derf im far right HH" is not going to win people over, it just makes you look retarded.
If the far right is correct then they can defeat the other in discussion. This is the problem you faggots have, this is why they de-platform you. They know they have taken shit WAY to far and so you can take some easy victories and make the west a more tolerable place to live. They need to silence you to justify their existence. They know if they take a defeat, are proven wrong, then all the other bullshit they throw at people will also be called in to question.
tl;dr. Just stop being fucking retarded.
That were piled up and set fire to.
You can't counter an irrational action with a rational argument.
There was no debate over whether or not millions of shitskins should be let into the country. Why do you think there'll be "a discussion" about it now?
>if you try to stop them they win
Sargon doesn't do his job anymore. He was good at baby redpills. Now he just marvels at his own marvelousness.
We need to crowdfund this cheap fuck an air conditioner. He complains how hot it is in every video, but wont buy an ac
If Nu male cucks had something like a Secretary of State. It would be him.
yeah that's environmental. :')
>he's a pseudo intellectual
I honestly wonder why people say this, he does the research and is versed in the topics if he hasn't done the research then he admits to it. Hardly pseudo intellectual.
He's a cuck nihilist degeneracy enabler who doesn't care if the white race dies out.
You're not trying to change the mind of the fanatic, you're trying to change the mind of the general public. Most people are not as stupid as you think, they are just uninterested. If you expose them as fanatical idiots, by asking questions and letting them speak uninterrupted, people will pick up on it.
>if you act like a retard you will look like a retard
He needs to crash and burn. He has made a living bitching about mental ill leftists for years. Enough is enough.
Have you paid absolutely no attention to the spiralling rise of the right as of late? It's getting more and more obvious across the entire western world, so you have no excuse brit bong.
Unless you're one of those EUrophile cucks, of course.
"'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth."
Revelation 3:16
Its just the same old Cuckservatism that has been getting it's ass kicked since 1968 but slightly more edgy and with a strong focus on an anti-SJWism that ultimately leads to nowhere.
If he is a tool of the Jews or a coward it makes no difference.
>Sargoy of Blackdad
He's stuck in the middle of the YouTube adpocalypse. He has to be very careful in what he says or they will shut him down.
He started to face cam and everyone started realizing how cute he is so they started hating on him instead of confronting their natural homosexual tendencies. I am sure only closet fags will dispute this fact.
Nah, he really is a bit of a lightweight. That's fine as most people are, but when you think you're the next Plato because you've got a few youtube fans it does grate.
>but his content and points were always decent.
That's a surprisingly accurate way to put it.
Sargon is decent
Those who hate on him are intellextuall inferior brainlets that are triggered whenever somone ,esp someone rallying against feminism ,rapefugges, pisslsm and anti white racism, doesnt share their views 100%
Essentially nazi sjw
sargon "i don't care what happens after i die" of mossad
sargon "paki rape gangs are bad, bit what if the child consents?" of mossad
sargon "religion based killing is bad, religion based abortion is a ok" of blackdad
sargon "i respect everyone but those tranny freaks" of cuckad
literally /ourguy/
>Have you paid absolutely no attention to the spiralling rise of the right as of late?
You think the presence of people exposing the left wing lunacy has played no part in this?
The rise of the right has not arrive because retards were "exposing the jew" or posting "14/88". It came through people like Sargon tackling the lefts arguments on Twitter and YouTube.
You are utterly retarded if you think walking around like edgy faggots with Tiki torches and Nazi flags is the reason the right is turning peoples heads.
He does this thing where he stops to rage and call people idiots which comes off as redundant. And yeah the laughing thing too. I like his content though.
Charlottesville redpilled more normies than 1000 TWIS videos.
It forced the other side to become irrational.
Recruitment is up, not down.
People are uninterested because they don't want to risk their comfortable lives, even to save their own people. When we turn into South Africa people will search high and low for Literally Hitler, and say they agreed with him all along.
>If you expose them as fanatical idiots, by asking questions and letting them speak uninterrupted, people will pick up on it.
And will do nothing about it, because they value entertainment over existence, or future existence of their race.
>This same inane talking point trotted out again
He should have just kept doing his job, identifying cultural marxist bullshit.
Light weight, yes, pseudo, no.
Yes, but not very useful against nitpicky "skeptics" who'll scoff and say something like "you can get milk from goats too".
Normies only saw that one retard who nobody seems able to identify with his Amazon swastika.
He's a sophist, people. He's just saying what he must to win in this particular moment. I think you guys forget that he does not live in America, so he runs the risk of being thrown in jail for a rude tweet.
radical centrists have no meaning or purpose other than to make money for themselves
>cuck apologist
>guis he's just playing it safe xD!
I hate your type.
What is the point of all the anti-SJWism that comes from Sargon of Cuckad and similar people?
It goes nowhere. It is just standing there in the middle of the road like a fucking retards.
White Nationalism and hatred of Jews is the end of the road! Get to the end of the road retards! That's what roads are for.
From Charlottesville yes. But the knock-on effect was a collective temper tantrum from the left demonizing the existence of the white race. That's the win.
You're not wrong there, they don't.
What does however are the likes of statistics and racial facts. Us admitting facts and saying blacks are more likely to commit crime and rape makes us far right, irrespective if it is the truth.
Why are you pretending like it would be legal in canada to watch any youtube channel other than alt-left ones?
>Those who hate on him are intellextuall inferior brainlets that are triggered whenever somone ,esp someone rallying against feminism ,rapefugges, pisslsm and anti white racism, doesnt share their views 100%
>Essentially nazi sjw
Wrong nazis hate I'm because he paints them with the same brush that he paints the regressive left with. It has nothing to do with them being intellectually inferior and everything to do with the fact that he is a threat to the far right.
Classical liberal just means libertarian.
I don't see him toting a gadsden flag, he just adopted the term because he wants to virtue signal that he's still a liberal while being nowhere close to the modern day definition of liberal.
It caused some people who were keeping it on the DL to stand u- raise their han- uh, wiggle their fingers in a deniably affirmative way. That wasn't swinging normies, that was existing converts becoming slightly less shy.
They do. It's along the lines of "this is bullshit and I wish things would go back to how they were but anything people suggest about how to go about that make me very very uncomfortable and I want to avoid the backlask whatever happens".
Basically if one side wins it means "See, I was on your side all along", if the other wins it's "Yeah, I was never too much of a fan of them either. please don't send me to Siberia".
nationalism in general is the end of the road, but these radical centrists reject all collectivism to avoid being like "muh sjws" without realizing that you can balance both individualism and collectivism
I like his content
Honestly it's nice to see someone get so visibly angered by lefties
Ppl still watch this crypto Marxist say the same shit everyday, and make cheap spam videos picking on easy prey and then sperging out like a retard anytime an intellectual challenges his beliefs whether it's Computing Forever or Millenial Woes?
Internet welfare queen and always follows the intellectual path of least resistance.
I enjoy this analogy
The thing is, a lot of people are arguing for racial separation in more nuanced way. Even non-whites like That Guy T are basically coming around to what people like Jared Taylor (even Oswald Mosley) have been saying for years.
b/c he 'shills' AKA isn't a virgin LARPer wanting a race war
No one WANTS a race war. Saying "one will happen if we don't understand the reality of race" isn't the same as wishing it would happen.
>Classical liberal just means libertarian.
Wrong, classical liberals accept the fact that the state has to exist and work with the state for the benefit of the people. Classical liberals define freedoms as a freedom to do "x"
Libertarians on the other hand want as little state involvement as possible, ancaps are libertarian. Libertarians define freedom as freedom from "X".
>I don't see him toting a gadsden flag,
Why the fuck would you the garden is a historical US flag and has absolutely fuck all to do with brits.
>he just adopted the term because he wants to virtue signal that he's still a liberal while being nowhere close to the modern day definition of liberal.
Wrong again he used the term because it's a real fucking term. The conservative party in australia is called the liberal party, which is based on classical liberal principles. It got the name before "modern" liberalism came to popularity.
Classical liberalism is a fucking thing you dumb cunt, and it is not libertarianism.
I'm pretty sure we're going to need a race war m8. Wogs and towelheads aren't going to stop breeding any time soon.
His chuckle has become more and more fake sounding a lot recently.
There was a period in White civilization when individualism and collectivism were working together with good results. People felt like they were part of a community but at the same time the individual was allowed to be creative.
Because he's a lightweight who gets by on repeating the same old shit who by some accident of chance has found fame far above what your local pub bore has any right to expect and it's rather gone to his head.
That and much of his opposition to us isn't purely intellectual. It's based on self preservation because what's discussed can often be applied to him, biasing his thinking, which is annoying.