21st century is the Black man's century:

21st century is the Black man's century:

>We've almost finished clenaning Mother Africa from the wh*te people
>Our political influence is growing day by day, USA already had the Black president
>We became so numerous and our population is keep growing with 5 children per African woman
>Our sport athletes became so popular, that now Black skin colour is a symbol of masculinity
>Having sex with BBC became something that any decent white gal has to try nowadays
>Millions of white """"males"""" watching how the white women being fucked by BBC everyday

How does it make you feel, wh*te racist pigs?

Other urls found in this thread:


you forgot to use the pan african flag, schlomo

No matter how much you try to steal, you'll still never be white.


You used the wrong flag, Canada

Preach, brother. The Black Man is obviously a superior being created to rule this Earth. If you need proof just look at our genetics.

What, by selling it to the chinks?

And still no one including blacks wants to live amongst blacks. Just go back to the jungle so decent people may live in peace without black violence.

Obama belongs to Capoid race and thus no closer to typical murican negro than, for example, chink.

just look at your history.
Since the dawn of time not one black person has created a functional nation or society. No one ever pushes to migrate to any nigger nations, but we have to be forced to take you in because "its the right thing to do"
If you have to justify something by virtue of it being moral, it means that in every other way it is completely negative and only by morality can we condone it.