So what happened afterwards?
Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta
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More shit.
>ITT shows everyone forgot
Episode previews were the only good thing about it anyway.
It's part of a series of LNs, isn't it. I wonder if the event here is mention in any of the other LNs set in the same world, I just want to know what they gained from crashing a giant flying island into a giant waterfall.
pirates or some shit I can't remember
it's time
Did Superman kill everyone yet?
It was for science senpai. Literally to show they could.
What really matters is if they fucked up the spooky evil empire so he could get his waifu back.
The LN author has a terrible habit of losing interest in his works and this is just one of many. He has basically abandoned it and where the anime ends is basically where the LN left off.
They should have adopted the better series: Allison/Lilia and Trieze
>What really matters is if they fucked up the spooky evil empire so he could get his waifu back.
Isn't one of the sequel set in the evil cloud pirate empire?
Well that's a damn shame, it's an interesting world. I want more world with flying battleships.
I thought this had a cartoon.
It was awful.
Actually, MC is the bad guy.
The spooky evil empire are so technologically advanced, it ain't even funny, and MC and his pals want to destroy science and set back humanity hundreds of years in scientific progress
Wait he didn't abandoned it, he wrote the last volume of this series in last November.
"Toaru Hikuushi e no Seiyaku", total 9 volumes, the afterwards of Koiuta is in this series.
For an anime made in 2008, it was good for its time.
I really wish we can bring back the age of exploration via biplanes. There's a sort of romance to it.
>The spooky evil empire are so technologically advanced, it ain't even funny
In comparison to the MC's country or the whole world? Because Not!Japan and Levamme seem to have the same level of advancement with the spooky cloud pirate, atleast in weapons and airships/planes.
I see, thank you.
Enjoy your Last Exile, you won't get anything better. Anime-wise, at least.
It had a kickass theme.
The whole Nina Viento reveal and how he wasn't mad any more was lame, I enjoyed the show before that part though it was great.
Wasn't it all just a ploy to get rid of all of the politically inconvenient people after the revolution?
Allison was leagues better than Toaru.
Keiichi Sigsawa (who also wrote Kino's Journey) is a pretty good writer, too bad the entire anime industry is sucking aidoru, reincarnation, and battle harem cocks now.
Gakuen Kino anime never
I'd rather have manga instead.
Well there's that, but the goverment couldn't just publicly say that so I'm just curious about what they told the people. I remember something about putting the island back where it belong or something.
It apparently exists but it got ignored.
Well fuck, and I thought there was no Kino manga at all.
No raws to be found in all my usual places.
Suffering. Might have to ask a colleague in Japan to buy it for me.
You can buy ebooks yourself.
>forgetting the OP/ED
It was pretty good honestly, mainly because discussing it with Sup Forums was great.
To be fair, any anime would be pretty fun if you watch and discuss it with Sup Forums.
Not really.
For example, Osomatsu-san. An example of many where the threads ruin the experience, sometimes even making anons drop it.
For the most part I agree though, especially with anime originals.
Adaptations often get ruined by primaryfags shitposting, and other stuff like Hibike end up with cesspool shitposting threads, due to obnoxious fanbases.
I still don't get why the fuck they crash a super Island into a magical rainbow waterfall
I only remember full version, which wasn't that great. But yeah, it's one of those that are good to watch with Sup Forums. Mainly because not many were watching it.
>someone forgot to erase animation notes or whatever in last episode
That was a fun day.
That's tad different, it attracted bad crowd. Though, to be honest, Pierrot was going for that, I presume.
You're right, I should've been more specific. Small threads discussion can make the show even more fun, threads of popular show can get too much shitposting so avoiding them is better.
>someone forgot to erase animation notes or whatever in last episode
I totally forgot about that, the live watching thread for that was fun with people wondering if the note was meant to be there or if it have any meaning.
Not sure if that makes him inherently bad.
So you meant the small threads of comfy anime, which don't get over 100 IP's, also only having one thread per week.
I agree completely then, In fact I look for those threads exclusively. Especially because shitposting is minimal and discuss is always good and relaxed.
I believe anons who participate in those threads call it "Club Argevollen", because we seem to always meet the same people we talked to in previous seasons threads.
Last season's Active Raid had great Club Argevollen threads, with Phantasy Star also getting cozy discussion after a while too.
I'd prefer it any day over the extremely forced discussion in back to back Mayoiga threads, I wonder how they keep going honestly.
>which don't get over 100 IP's, also only having one thread per week.
Those are the best, they slip past any shitposters radar. Can't wait for Active Raid 2nd cour next season.
He married his family killer.
RIP Porky
All the speculation was fun.