What makes a good design Sup Forums? What is it that makes you think this character is appealing and do you value a good design over personality?
Also post good character designs.
What makes a good design Sup Forums? What is it that makes you think this character is appealing and do you value a good design over personality?
Also post good character designs.
In an animated medium, a good design 40% of character's personality.
Generally speaking, a bad character design is one that relies excessively on minor details to make a character recognizable/appealing/characterful. For example, I'd say the character in your pic has a bad design if it's meant to be animated because its only noteworthy feature is huge twintails and nothing else.
Belts and zippers.
A short skirt from all angles.
Don't you have a 10 year old game project to finally finish Tetsuya?
I disagree because I think a huge part of Junko's recognizability also comes from her colors and clothing.
I do see where you're getting at though. Lain for example has very small traits but is also very uniquely identifiable.
A good design is one that is aesthetically pleasing and compliments a character's writing. Both design and writing are extremely important and each of the two suffers if the other is deficient.
All female characters in the main cast should have identical face shapes but different sized boobs in order to appeal to as many people as possible.
Their hair color should be color coded based on their archetypes, and the cool or tsundere one should have tsurime.
One girl should wear pantyhose/stockings and only one.
They absolutely must blush at all times.
Fuck nostrils.
White skin for girls by default.
Middle bangs or a strand of hair that goes between the eyes without covering up the eyebrows.
>One girl should wear pantyhose/stockings and only one.
Other than that, this man is correct.
This, but I also think that it should be somewhat realistic. For example a lot of harems have clothes that are painted on the girls, I don't like that.
Exactly. Every girl should wear pantyhose, not just one of them.
I fucking love sadistic blonde psychopaths
All girls in Dangaronpa have good design.
God-tier taste.
Your waifu is dead, tho. Shitty taste.
they keep dying on me for some reason
I'm just joking, user. I hide my pain under a thick layer of irony and shitposting.
Please, Monomi is wearing a fucking diaper.
Ya'll niggas ain't got nothing on this
>Also post good character designs.
Anything from Idolm@ster.
Looks fucking generic.
Mishiro is simple as all hell but I would make her into an honest woman.
>Complicated = good design.
A simple and unique design is good enough for me.
Koume is /fa/ as fuck
>>Complicated = good design.
I didn't say it was bad or said that complicated is good though. Just said Mishiro was simple. She's just a black haired chick in a skirt/pants suit.
She's still beautiful though.
Fucking generical, you couldn't have come with something worse honestly
You. I like you. Come over to my place and get hella stoked.
How the fuck is she not generic? Is this gonna be another thread about character design that just ends up being anons posting the girls they find most attractive?
Good chara design is the design that excels in sex appeals; good enough to become a meme.
>What makes a good design Sup Forums?
Whether or not I want to fuck it.
That's what they all are
Character design threads are shit
Kiznaiver has top tier designs
Thank god that fucking annoying cunt is dead
I agree wholeheartedly. I fucking love the outfits in that show.
>le edgy fukboi
>le edgy fukboi
>le edgy fukboi with glasses
>beta stuttering dumbass
>le quirky and unpredictable gurrl
>le kuudere
>le kuudere with glasses
>generic schoolgirl with what the fuck am I even doing here face
Please stop posting immediately and do not start again until you have lurked enough that you feel you have completely familiarized yourself with the way this board operates. I would recommend at least a year to two years.
Alternatively, consider suicide.
I want the girls to have dicks
Not every girl. There needs to be someone who doesn't and wears something shitty so she can be worst girl by default.
For me it's personality + artstyle + one or two details in outward appearance.
I think Megumin's design is really well done and a big reason for her popularity. The hair style, which doesn't look quite right when her hat is off because of those sideburns, suddenly becomes a selling point when you add the oversized hat to balance the proportions. Normally the number of accessories she has would be overdoing it, but it works given her eccentricity. To finish it off they manage to get sex appeal out of a no curve body by showing off the delicious collarbones with a top cut that also fits with the medieval setting of the show so it isn't just blatant service. Good stuff.
Agreed. Anya being the best.
This man knows.
Her popularity is her personality and gimmick taking off in combination with her design
That dime a dozen chuuni visual novel design is nothing special on it's own
Kikko's witch form from ConRev is a really neat design with some interesting colors. I like the asymmetry and use of patterns a lot.
This design is really charming.
You couldn't have chosen a blander girl.
Behead those who speak ill of Megumin.
She reminds me of Akko from LWA.
Like so
I just love blondes with blue eyes.
>non fetish thread gets turned into a fetish thread
Sup Forums gets treated like /e/ 2.0 and it's pretty tiring after a while. It's like half the people here don't realize there's a whole board that caters to the content they want.
The silhouette test is usually a good measure. Doesn't mean a character will automatically be good just because they're more recognisable, but it does create someone less generic and more memorable.
Simple, incorporates the character's central motif and has room for alternate clothes while still being recognisable.
Is right the guy from Phantom World?
I think is the chuunibyou one.
Many people here will talk and give excuses till their blue in the face about how "good" or "interesting" a girl/design/show/whatever is when in reality their loins or obsession with girls do all the thinking, whether for a long period of time or on a season by season basis
I would touch that junk if you know what I mean.
Give them twintails and ZR and that's top-tier right there.
everything about her is god-tier.
I don't think design is an exact science like math where you can dissect everything and understand the underlying mechanics. Aesthetics is more nebulous apart from certain factors like particular colors not matching very well, etc.
Nomura isn't working on it anymore.
If you can still recognize the character even when it's thumbnail sized then it's a good design; if you can't make heads or tails of what the fuck you're looking at from a thumbnail then it's a bad design.
Good examples: Goku, Phoenix Wright, Mickey Mouse, Kamina, Cloud Strife
Literally everything else is stylistic choice.
Designing a character to compliment their nature is simply common sense.
>its only noteworthy feature is huge twintails and nothing else.
>It's a bad design choice to give someone one defining feature instead of shitting on a character with so much shit you can't even recognize them
Mickey mouse is a bad design because his only noteworthy feature is his huge mouse ears and nothing else.
weak bait, man
There is nothing stand out about her design. Mage/witches with oversized hats are a dime a dozen.
He's talking about KH3
Well this painted nails slut isn't good that's for sure.
That wasn't announced almost a decade ago.
Megumin is an interesting example, at first I wouldn't call it a simple design because it simply has too much stuff. She's overdesigned as fuck like someone trying way too hard to be interesting, but that's the brilliant part because it perfectly fits her character as an immature chuuni.
It was actually. You know the ending with Sora and a message from Micky pretty much confirmed a KH3 (as well as the the 5 spin offs between then) and that game came out late 2005 in Japan and over 2006 across the globe.
Now I'm rock hard.
Magi has some top tier designs, especially the djin equip ones.
Junko's design isnt even close to just that though
I think art style matters a lot though. The Junko you've posted basically doesn't look like Junko just because her eyes lack Junko's craziness that become obvious at a single glance of her official design.
She's still very recognizable
Hair, clothes, tits, hair accessories are all instantly recognizable as hers
It lacks her most definin trait though. D E S P A I R
Why are her tits bigger in the anime?
Aoi too
Are really though? They aren't exactly small in the game version.
They're definitely smaller
In anime?
Does it make my dick erect? It's good character design. Does it not sexually arose me? It's bad character design.
A best.