Why are poos like this ?
Why is it such a meme now that they make horrible gramatical errors while trying to hit on (mostly) white American women.
Why are poos like this ?
Why is it such a meme now that they make horrible gramatical errors while trying to hit on (mostly) white American women.
Do milk
Every single one.
>all be it
the chink annoys me
Show the breasts
bye enemy
>all be it
fake and gay
That Indian nigga is alpha as fuck
user you know albeit is just a contraction for all be it, right? either one works fine, same as saying will not or won't.
Someone show bobs plz
ok rape u next week
Indians use all their brain power to locate pooing locations so they lack speech levels
Vagini and bobs sxy gurl
Bitch lasagna
I doubt a single editor would let you write all be it instead of albeit.
I kiss ur pusy for 2 hour then stick my 1 foot peinis inside vagene ok
Indians are like funny niggers.
Why is that so funny.
I'm literally in tears with laughter.
I think its because no matter how beta a westerner is, poos are infinitely more beta and clueless
saged, slide thread
Fedoralords are stll more beta because they don't even dare to flirt with women. Poos just do it completely retarded but atleast they do it.
>"pls reply or I trace ur ip & rape u"
Choose (1)
>b-b-b-but we have a billion people, so we have more idiots
>disclaimer: this never applies when india does anything decent, everyone in the country in a genius engineer baka chodi
in b4 pirate and kekistani flags start flaming this thread. they're always poos.
>do milk
>do you like lip kiss
If you were indian, what would you tell "her" ?
Open leg so I kis pussi pls bby
Bitch lasagna
I wonder if it autocorrected something in an Indian language.
no, all be it is wrong
I'm scared to get matched at Tinder, all the girls with my hobbies are lefties.
Tell them to show vagene and open bob
What are your hobbies? Fucking women and not shaving for a week?
'You pene? still like sxy, we meet, use penes to stickfite.'
Annoyed at "all be". Corrects with "all be it."
Naw, being called lasagna is a insult, bitch got rekt.
Does it matter? You are fucking them, not marrying them. Just tell her to shut up.
does dat mean you hav a ding dong
pls pix
Fug he's cuter than most women
Sort of like "gash" I guess.
I don't know how to describe them...
u much beytuful :)
give vagene
next week i raep bitch
>I do not like the israel
raj sujan is /ourpoo/ it seems
IDK if he is biggest troll in India, or just stupid.
I like how Pajeet will rape her next week. This implies that he already has a busy rape schedule this week and he just doesn't have an available timeslot to rape this particular young lady.
show bobs
pajeets know what's up
>cant do something as basic as poo in a toilet
>cant socialize
imagine that
and there are 1 billion+ of these people
Fucking saved.
That back tire really needs some air
The slutwalk tweet is gold tho.
>Why are poos like this ?
They are subhuman dude.
Mothir bich, india be suprpower by 2020
Fuck me mother bich fuk
>all be it
>chastising someone for their grammar
open bobs
Every single comment is a different person, yet they are all indistinguishable from one another.
hello good morning long time no talk?
hello? how are u butiful
i like your breets
why no answer? i hack u if ignore
hello good morning long time no talk yes?
hello butiful i kiss u
why no answer i hack u
ok rape u tomorrow bye u fukin whore
hello sweety how r u? r u busy?
u can't be that busy why no respand?
show me ur bobs
i kiss ur vagene yes?
Well, at less they are straight.
I bet they get off the creeping them out. That'd be a pretty easy fetish.
Dicking is the ultimate convesion tool
fucking kek
>saved as creepypasta
It's actually real. I have it somewhere in my download folder.
I wonder how Indian girls behave on the internet.
>be indian
>Hello beotiful i never seen most girl i like in world Hi..
>name rajeesh i like girl breast sweet suckable
>Ur face like gulabjamun mouthwatering hmmmm
>cn i giv u hmm kiss?
>I single virgin run fathers buiness import export from china many money you like????
>I hak computer have ur ip dont ignore ok????
>don't ignore meeeee
>ok rape u next week
>bitch lasagna
>get shot
jesusu crhist that roasties' "comebacks" are even more fucking cringey
toast the roast NOW
He dodged a bullet. She's pure reddit trash.
thanks :DD
like all girls ?attention whores.
go back to india gypsy
hallo dear hav u try turn off and on again??
mmhh... you touch my tralala
my ding ding dong mmm
nobody likes israel
and some tread
Not even the blacks.
>bitch lasagna
What did he mean by this?
do milk am vary thersty
Is this how you guys really approach women irl?
It probably sounds better in hindi tbqh.
u sexy legs much much kiss you enjoy my penis love hard okay my lovely girl
Post more you fucks
You don't read news from india?
Apparently, it's all start with a gang rape.
u saying wat u son of basterd bich
i have been lowkey racist towards indians and pakis for looking, talking and smelling like trash my entire life
this meme is the greatest
now go get me a fuckin dutch
Indian guide on how to get woman
> Like a girl
> Stalk her for 2 hrs
> Creep her by rubbing against her and talking creepy sexual shit
> Rape her when she resists
and since no woman can't beat the cock she turns into his obedient wife
perhaps the westerners should copy that behaviour, that way even the men who can't confess their love for a woman can get their dick wet and get a wife out of that
Hey probably meant to say "bitch show me your vagina"
A combination of being incredibly stupid & having your only consumption of Western Civilisation be porn.
Sounds pretty alpha to be honest
Would Sup Forums fuck a desi girl's vegana?
I definitely would. I want to eat her hair, lick her eyeball and then kiss her on the forehead.
Problem is that in the west, merely looking at a woman is considered rape.
I Kiss ur benis
Ok stik boypucci next week