13-14 is the best age?
13-14 is the best age?
This is a 14 year old
Inb4 Reifags. Don't you know It's impolite to start a thread with best girl.
Sure. 13 is the ideal age for a cute anime girl, for maximum cuteness.
If she's drawn properly.
It's 10-12.
[x] yes
uh no, it's 13-15
There are far better girls in the 10 - 12 range though.
Pic related is a prime example.
that girl is very ugly
I prefer 15 more, it's not that I don't like smaller girls, but 15 feels just right.
For junior high? Yes.
I hope you're joking, else I fear there is something terribly wrong with you.
year olds*
10 is the perfect age. My strike zone is 7-12.
I like 15 too.
Age of consent is 16, you fucking pedo
>implying everybody is from your country
all of those girls are very ugly and unsexual
ichigos have some of the worst loli character designs of all time
Liking 13-14 doesn't make you a paedophile.
and your ancestors probably married 14 year olds
speeding is against the law but you do it anyway don't you? what makes that restriction different from age of consent? nigger
So that's it then.
I tried to be diplomatic with you about this user, but now you leave me little recourse but to call you out for the philistine you are.
Miu is one of the most perfect girls out there.
Gotta love this logic.
Does that say Mattaku Joshikosei wa saiko da ze backwards and with the first character of every line?
stupid fat fivehead babies
Mattaku shougakusei ha saikou da ze.
A truer statement there never was.
Shougakusei not Joshikosei
what's it an excerpt from?
You can't just compared the ancient and modern age. People become true adults much later in life these days.
Back in the day you could be finnancially independent at 14, 15, 16 but now that's unheard of. Most people in our society don't really become adults until they're 21 or even after, indicative of a high age for marriage of women which is indicative of a high age of consent accordingly
>that's unheard of
>most people, not all people
so I can fuck a modern 14 year old that behaves like an ancient loli right?
I bet you believe in god too
>not believing in God
This is a Christian image board, user. Even those reaction images say so.
It seems to be a memo from a school considering the body of the text is talking about new pupils, graduation and whatnot.
Not as bad as Mitsudomoe.
It's because people like you that, young girls don't feel safe when going outside anymore.
Oh fuck off.
First we have the Mashimaro hating guy and then there's this marauding homosexual.
Miu and Mitsuba are the two best girls in anime.
what does financial independence have to do with me wanting to fuck a 15-16 year old
you're making no sense
I agree. Mashimaros are shit but Hitoha is god's gift.
And it's because of people like you that Sup Forums has gone to shit fuck off with your facebook memes.
It means that socially, 14-16 year olds had the responsibilities and development of people who are 21 in today's society.
It means kids emotionally developed more quickly as a result of exposure to life things, so having a lower age of conset was okay. That today's kids are stunted in comparison.
Which one: Is this even correct?
and two: Wouldn't exposure to things like sex have the effect of hastening development if that's the argument?
Lurk for two years before posting.
kill urself my man
This picture brings forth fond memories of elementary and middle-school.
Maybe...maybe somebody thought I was amazing back too.
Actually, in reality it's because of people like you that young girls don't feel safe when going outside anymore.
They don't feel safe because of fearmongering and constant reminders that there are boogeymen in the white vans with candy out to get them on every street corner. Everyone in America is terrified and has been since the 90s.
luckily, this doesn't happen in civilized countries
>not living in the middle East
>not getting into a forced marriage with a loli
meanwhile puberty was a 13+yo thing at the time while it's an 8+yo thing now.
Awesome eh? And people wonder why western people are going extinct...
But he isn't a refugee?
I don't like where this thread, can't we just talk about how loli are great?
16 is most marriageable age.
*where this thread is going
loli are great
now thread is over
no, because these threads attract nothing but autistic fucks who feel the need to discuss the same thing over and over.
I'd really like to know what they're gaining or trying to accomplish with all this bullshit
If you're a sick fuck that needs to be in prison, sure
18 is better you pedos.
around 14
14 is the best age because in anime it encompasses literally every body type, breast size, height, build and maturity level.
You can't say you don't like 14 year olds or else you don't like anime girls at all.
18 > 14 and you're a pedo.
Go away monsieur
>new loli h-animation
thank you god
You go away, turbopedo.
Why is Nico so sexy?
because she's trying to be the best idol
T-thanks for reminding me to do my calisthenics, I had forgotten to do them today.
Because she's a curvy adult woman.
héhé. I knew you wasn't pedo, Sup Forums.
nico-chan is not pure, she is a filthy human meat toilet meant to be disposable so that you can go back to better raibus
Is the animation better than this one?
Wait, isn't it the new one?
How can you think like that of a pure, innocente jeune vierge like nico? Nico is the sweetest LL and never seen a penis.
What's with the boobs? Isn't Nico supposed to be flat?
This was released October last year I wouldn't call it new.
Nein, she's a sexy adult woman.
no 6-12 is.
...no pedo, right?
I think everything is better than that one, but it still turned out pretty lame
back to Garden/Suki de I guess
This nigga knows what's up.
Kate is perfectly legal.
Pomf stop posting sexy lolis and go make sure the ss13 server doesn't crash.
which server and can I go make plasma grenades right now
dead game
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. The pedophile. Look at him! Look at him and laugh as he gets so angry at people and their lust for healthy, adult women! Look at him and laugh as he attempts to derail yet another thread with pictures of underdeveloped children! Look at him and laugh as, yet again, he proves that his life is completely worthless!
Now let's laugh the most when, faced with somebody calling him out on his pathetic life, he'll respond one of a number of ways:
>telling me that I'm "from reddit,"
>telling me that I'm "projecting," or
>posting a picture of an unfashionable, awkward looking man wearing a trilby hat, wielding a giant sword, or both!
Time to have a right laugh at this sad cunt, folks. I know I am.
And he knows it's ALL TRUE.
Look m8 if you don't like 14 year olds you really don't have a whole lot of girls in anime to choose from so you should probably just go to a different board.
Haven't seen this pasta before.
I googled ss13 and it's nothing like a 13 year old nazi girl. I'm disappointed. I'm leaving.
>not beliving in God
I bet you are nihilist, you fuck.
>STILL believing in the world's oldest meme
That's basically 60%-70% of all anime girls.
fucking pedos mang, literally the cancer that is killing anime
Wasn't she supposed to be 16?