The Eternal Buttbothered XYZ Manlet
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
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Young Yuya and Yuzu playing doctor flashback when?
When will this garbage fucking end?Tired of seeing this shitty fucking general in the catalog,kill yourselves you autistic manchildren.
Isn't Young Yuzu supposed to look like this?
That's little girl Yuzu.
Above is Pre-Teen Yuzu.
Don't mix up the Yuzus.
Stay salty my friend
>Don't mix up the Yuzus
So a shitload of pointless characters like Roger, Yugo and Sergey? Yeah, that arc was shit.
Slice of life Selena/Yugo antics when?
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
So, a shitload of pointless characters like Yaiba, Hokuto, Shuzo, Michie, Eita, Yoko, and the three kids? Yeah, that arc was shit.
Yuri/Selena slice of life antics with Ghost Banana constantly yelling about Rin in the background, when?
Every thread until he returns.
Why is still not a doujin of Cat, Panther and Lio?
>start fucking Blue Cat and White Rabbit
>then use Polymerization to turn them into Cat Dancer, proceed to fuck her along Purple Butterfly
>use Polymerization again with them to bring Panther Dancer, proceed to fuck, then Wolf and Tiger bring Crimson Fox and Black Sheep to fuck
>then Wolf fuse them to bring Lio Dancer but Tiger for some reason put Imperial Iron Wall before, then proceed to fuck all of the 3
>end with the guy with 0 LP and all the Moon Light are sleeping with him
You technically are fucking all the cats even when fused right?
A nice excuse to put all of them getting a creampie
Yuri/Serena tsundere Slice of Life when?
I know right? And you know what's the most hilarious thing? That's pretty much a copypaste of what I writed some months ago, but I still like you
Silent Magician confirmed not to be in the duelist pack.
Silent Swordsman was a mistake.
You are lying. I know you are. She deserves a retrain, so you must be lying
Everything about this movie sounds fucking terrible
She's not on the poster user, it's time to let it go.
Shoot, she is not my cardfu, but she is still a very respectful monster. I know Magicians and Swordsman are very loved but still, this is like ignoring a very important card that maded Yugi develop himself
>drunk Serena
I didn't know I wanted this
Just wait til next week to know for sure. The last duelist pack had 5 new cards, this one only has 3 so far and I doubt slots 2,4,5 and 6 are going to be reprints.
I'll never understand why people care so much about shows they don't like.
That's because I saved it since I liked the idea so much. Ever thought about writing a fic?
I did, but I like the idea of drawing a doujin, it is better when you see the characters instead of reading it
I tried to make a Yuzu color shop
>Invasion of Venom
Who will be the cover card? Requiem or Venom?
Why would Requiem be the cover card?
>Invasion of VENOM
>Who will be the cover card?
Damn, I dunno, user. It's a complete MYSTERY.
Shota Reiji was so cute, what happened to him?
He became a shut-in.
Literally doesn't mean jack shit idiot.
Deep Eyes and Chaos MAX weren't on the Movie Pack poster.
More shotas when?
So I finally sat down and watched (marathon) 100 eps of Arc-V.. I don't regret it one bit. Though I felt like dying by the 4th day because lack of sleep and too much watching.
Is this show popular in Japan?
Seems super popular in here though
He grew up :( And became badass Reiji
How about 3 shota Reijis? In this picture, it's actually Reiji, Declan, and Rei, or Lei, or why the fuck does the Korean dub also have name changes? Shun is Ruma over there.
>Is this show popular in Japan?
Less so than Zexal. I doubt it's anywhere near the most watched shows.
Looks good, although I wouldn't have mind if you left his hair the same. Good job.
Now I want to see the rest of the Yuus with Ruri colours.
Needs a BITE ZA DASUTO edit
So that's how Yuya got the RUM.
Of course.
Who doesn't have their own RUM locker?
Repost in case people missed it
>passionate duelist and God's Anger
GOAT OST confirmed
Not as big as Zexal at its height but it's still doing well and has a notable following.
shitty gimp skills go
Dear lord most of them look terrifying. Good job.
At a quick glance, Yuto doesn't look all that different from his usual colour scheme
Good. Now do the Ruris with their Yuus colour schemes
This will be Yuya and Yuzu's child
on it, gonna use this as base
the artist also made a keychain out of it
Manga next Friday?
Yeah the end of Yuya/Sora's duel.
Edo Pheonix looks cool.
Why is everyone from Academia much cooler than the rest?
I want Denis back.
No one is cooler than Sergey. He was the most beautiful and perfect duel machine.
YGO shows have made late night tiers ratings for years. They only exist as part of the cards releases
alternate version
They are always chilling out with the crew in the cool yard.
Banana Rin a cute.
To bad his new Destiny's are garbage and his support is even worse situcational bullshit which Heroes across the board do not need. The fact that this lame ass is getting his own booster with 2 other dark types isn't very excitable at all either. He's more of a waste than Kaito deck wise at this point. Fuck, man, just gimmie back my shadow mists and stratos
You just said a million words I don't understand.
Yeah same as Pokemon. It seems like no matter how bad the ratings are. The nips will keep making the anime even if no one wacthes
How do you guys feel about the fact that a pokemon looks better than most performapals?
It's a 20 minute long commercial, of course they're going to keep making them.
pretty okay. pokemon have pretty likable designs
speaking of manga
someone made a UNI and CORN doujin
Even the literal Master of Keys?
Especially Captain Keys
At last, but it was released or it is still in development?
sold at a convention
I'm trying to see, if there are any buyable links
Now we wait for the magician girl one. Berry should be left out, literally a todder
there are some yahoo auction links for said doujin for 700 yen, pretty cheap
I would buy them if I wasnt broke at the moment
>that feeling when the cute girl you just saved and was about to show the ropes of how things are done, is even more chummy with the great leader than you are
Losing nee-san points fast here. Better come up with something.
Is that what you was searching?
Will you scan it?
I'm broke, I would buy it, if I had money, but unfortunately, it's not now
I still have some Danganronpa doujin left to scan
Fuck her.
pls gibe sauce
For cardfus only
You have to create more childs with your monster AND a Ruri, no other choice, your cardfu plus a Ruri
And fuck one of her counterparts too.
>Ygopro finally updates
>No Uni or Corn or Lemon Magician Girl
God dammit. waifu deck will hafta wait
because we like somthing they dont also the anime does not have their tastes so he has to whine like a little bitch about it
Good. waifufags need to go.
how the fuck is zexal so popular in nipland?
New update?
The client has no prompt and teh site still has the old one from december
>>No Uni or Corn or Lemon Magician Girl
But they're all on ygopro.
Waifus, Kotori fanservice and memes.