Why was having Nazis in an SJ manga acceptable during the late 80s and even now in the current English publication, but when animated basically everything Nazi is censored or changed?
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What is the current theory about Iwasuke?
Threadly reminder.
Jesus Christ, he still looks retarded in recent chapters but Araki has come a long way from THAT. How did he forget how to draw dogs?
Considering alternate Stroheim was a one-off villain I'd imagine Araki might've decided he's uncomfortable with it himself or something? I honestly have no clue.
Dog mixed with some rock human thing, has a stand which allows him to phase through shit, his bite probably gives people stands - since he can phase through shit it'd explain why he could reach Joshuu in the hospital.
for me he might be involved either with flashback guy or rock mans in general , also i think he is the one that gave the bite marks to gappy and yasuho
Because it's not a dog but a hideous, malformed mutant? I feel like it's not the matter of not knowing how to draw animals since he draws cats well and there's a whole arc with multiple anathomically correct beetles. Iwasuke has to be ugly on purpose, I swear
reminder i also can make some other characters if you guys want :
already made :
>hot pants
I don't get how people look at Iwasuke and get the impression he's meant to look like a normal dog to begin with. Just look at that tail.
main villain
If you want to give the Terushitters fuel, make a Fungami version.
They're a lot stricter when it's something shown on TV.
Doppio please.
Do a general MANIME one please
He just seems to be a normal dog outwardly, no one ever brings up him being a mutant. I just think he hasn't drawn dogs in a while. Plus Araki loves KABUTOMUSHI so of course he's gonna draw them the best he can. Dogs and beetles are also very different things to draw, being good at one doesn't make him good at the other.
alright working on it
what characters should be put for that ?
I hope part 5 gets animated next year so I can see the Narancia vs Squalo+Tiziano fight in action.
The dog from the Rohan chapter with the bunny man looked perfectly normal.
I want to see Grateful Dead animated.
In an era when Nazis were the single most acceptable targets in fiction (and they still are even) Araki went outside of the box and made them some of Joseph's most valuable allies. And not just that but Stroheim was one of the craziest yet most honorable warriors in part 2. I'm still kinda pissed he isn't playable in ASB, I'd main the fuck out of him.
Jotaro, Kenshiro, Guts
That's what Eyes of Heaven is for.
>no one ever brings up him being a mutant
They refer to him as weird at least twice and Norisuke seemed pretty weirded out by Tsurugi wanting to take him as pet
Nazis and soviets will always be the most acceptable targets in fiction next to zombies and it's perfectly justified, also part 2 shows Stroheim as an outlier and most nazis aren't very sympathetic
Who would win in a fight between Joseph's arm, Jotaro, The Ambulance, GER, Emporio, and Lucy Steel?
I understand Stroheim being an important ally but people seem to forget his massacre of the Mexican villagers and also how he treated the women he forced to shave him, allowing his men to sexually exploit locals etc. It's understandable that the protagonists don't have an issue with him though because all this shit happens when they aren't around.
>one of the craziest yet most honorable warriors
>part 2 shows Stroheim as an outlier
What do you mean? Stroheim is a maniac. Remember when we first saw him?
Tsurugi > Norisuke > Joushuu = Daiya > Jobin > Hato
>Lucy Steel
The real hero was Diegosaurus.
He sacrificed himself to try saving the world from the pillar men, came back a cyborg and nearly died trying to kill Cars, then once more in the end saved Joseph's life. Being crazy doesn't mean you can't be a hero, hell that was pretty much Joseph's whole deal.
in a way he seems crazier after being turned into a cyborg although he shows less of his cruelty
betting on Joseph's arm
Norisuke = Tsurugi > Jobin > Joshuu > Hato > Daiya
Jobin = Norisuke > Tsurugi > Joshuu = Daiya > Hato
who's the smartest Jojo character?
Valentine was a great villain.
Shitheim was a joke and hopefully a gag character to not be taken seriously.
This is gonna blow your mind but standards for media change over time. SHOCKING TRUTH!
There are several dogs in part 8 that look fine
Daiya > Jobin > Joshu > Norisuke IV > Tsurugi > Hato
Maybe Giorno
Personally I'd rank Hato above Daiya simply because she doesn't have annoying waifufags, also while dumb she didn't do anything outright creepy yet
Abacchio. The guy was pretty underrated.
Joseph, at least in BT
Jotaro, he's a full-time bookworm.
I try not to take fans into consideration when thinking about characters although I have to admit that all the memeing about Terunosuke is making me hate him more
Canonically I think Kars has the highest IQ
In terms of street smarts it's probably Joseph though
I felt bad for this guy
It doesn't make me hate him more since he's hardly a character to begin with but it did make me appreciate Fungami a lot more than before
Norisuke > Joshuu >Joubin = Tsurugi
These are really the only ones worth remembering.
Le blind waifu pan~~cakes woman
>literally who? I genuinely forgot she existed until Damo.
it's hard to feel bad about someone this obnoxious
Jotaro > Daniel J. D'arby > Joseph
According to the Osiris fight
Alternate Stroheim wasn't even a nazi though. Plus I doubt he would have put him in in the first place if he didn't like him anymore.
>not wanting Hermes' panties
He deserves that
Hato > Norisuke > Tsuguri = Joshuu > Diaya > Jobin
Hato had a total of two scenes before Damo, the introduction one where she bickers with Joshuu. She was as much of a character as Jobin's wife so far.
If we're talking about IQ alone Fugo's meant to be pretty high up there too
I can't wait to see Hato's stand kill Damo next Jojolion.
Also flashback man stealing Josuke's memories.
Hermes is underrated, she was underused but all the arcs she took part in were rather good.
50 years too early for nazis, he did have a very similar uniform though.
It'll be hilarious if just like Joshuu she'll have a stand with decent combat potential
1 week left until this mystery gets solved in part 8, what do you think the new chapter will have? I'm guessing it'll be split in half, the first 20 or so pages wrapping up the flashback and bringing back Flashback man, and the other 20 will show Gappy confronting Damo whilst also ending off with Joshuu joining in for a sneak attack, starting off for next month's chapter to be Nut King Call + Soft & Wet vs Vitamin C.
Joshu is in the sewers meeting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
He won't appear.
I'm keeping my expectations low so I don't get disappointed
>a total of two scenes
Not true at all, she has pretty consistently been the life of the family group scenes plus there was also that shaving scene.
>Implying Joshuu isn't going to sneak-attack Damo by unbolting one of the floorboards and surfacing, like Bruno coming out of SF's zippers
What if he does appear, user?
Isn't Joushuu melted? I think it will be Hato and Gappy vs Damo + mistery solved
Joshuu will need some more time but I do think he'll be ok, water is already shown to be the weakness of Vitamin C since it saved the seagull in flashbacks. I'd worry more about Kyo right now
It's pretty interesting how a lot of rockman stands requires direct touch to impact stuff
He melted into the pipes and water seems to undo the effects of Damo's stand, if he didn't lose any of his organs on the way he'll recover fast.
>people still think Flashback is going to show up
I get the desire to see him and for Araki to have not forgotten about him, but I'm 98% sure that Araki has thrown him into the trash wince the last chapter. It just doesn't make any sense for Gappy to wake up twice, since there's no explanation or reason for it.
Also, I can't wait for Hato's stand either.
>water seems to undo the effects of Damo's stand
Not sure how you came to that conclusion.
Right right right, so we'll finally see him team up with the Gappy.
Can Joushuu stand save Norisuke?
Joshuu was sprayed through the head with water, though. He would've unmelkted if it was water, so it probably only lasts within Vitamin C's range.
Everything's coming up Joshuu
Joshuu has the biggest chance of coming back because he's escaped Vitamin C's range, if the seagull a few chapters back is anything to point at Vitamin C's weakness too is that it's ability is nullified when the target is submerged in water, which is what happened to Joshuu. He's going to use NKC to get out of the pipes then come back to the house to form an on-the-fly sneak attack whilst Gappy distracts Damo, then the fight will begin.
I'm sure Kyou will be fine when Vitamin C's effects wear off, Kira and Josefumi's bodies restored when they got out of it's range.
Joshuu got flushed, he wasn't fully submerged in that panel.
I think it makes sense for him to wake up 1 time, it's plausible at least since he could wake up under the rubble of the earthquake, flashback man appears, the scene happens, then he's left unconcious a second time by the tsunami and found by Yasuho.
Almost hit 200 votes, I'll make this the last one.
Gappy lost consciousness after losing his memory against flashback man's stand. He also lost his clothes, somehow.
Flashback man maybe isn't important to the story at all, maybe he's just a random guy that stole gappy's clothes and ran away
Hazamada a cute! CUTE!
so what the hell does "Jojolion" mean?
Lions fighting with stands
Jojo Evangelion
Why is everyone so fuckong set on this flashback guy? We know nothing about him except that Josuke knows him, and he hasn't been mentioned or even fucking hinted at in 50 whole fucking chapters over 5 years. If he's anyone super important or not dropped I think Araki would be more consistent with maybe a few more flashes of him every so often, maybe a little mention or foreshadowing but he's literally not been in anything except 3 panels from 5 years ago. Why is this such a tantalising thing for you guys and why would him nit appearing be some sort of dealbreaker for you guys? As it stands there's no reason to be hyped about a potentially non-existant character when so much other shit is going on for us to actually speculate on that isn't from 5 years ago. What's so exciting about him? What makes him more exciting than any of the other shit going on that you can't discuss Part 8 theories without him being mentioned?
Like it'd be cool if it was true but it's obnoxious as fuck at the moment and there's literally nothing else to talk about regarding him but there's literally no evidence supporting him even still being in the story, as much as I think it'd be cool.
I just don't get it. Why is it so big for you guys?
Not yet, Kurisu-chan
He's obviously the main villain aka Yasuho's father aka rockman master
Clothes and memories. Probably just a henchman of the main villain.
But why though?
It jusy doesn't make sense. Why would Gappy wake up twice? What is the purpose?
Amd does it really seem like something Araki would do? We've already had KQ'S ability ret conned from bubbles, woth Soft and Wet being Hosefumi's whole stand. It just doesn't make sense to me, it feels more like blind hope that Araki will remember a plot point (a plot point that was only brought up once, back in 2011).
Jojo Pygmalion
>implying Yasuho's Father wouldn't look like Illuso 2.0
Araki explained in a volume cover that it's a portmanteau of JoJo and Pygmalion. Pygmalion is a Greek myth about a man named Pygmalion, oddly enough, who was a sculptor that made a statue of a woman. She was so beautiful he fell in love with her and ended up killing himself or something because she was never going to be real. A cautionary tale about waifus maybe.
He also said it had something to do with the word Evangelion relating to the Gospels and it's actual religious usage, not the anime Evangelion which Araki also mentions but says he's never watched.
because you can speculate endlessly about him, the only things we know is that he were there when gappy came to be and his face, because he is just a blank face with no connection to anything so far you can theorise how much you want of his importance in the story and relation to characters
This is my first time having to fully wait for JoJolion new chapter. How do you guys live with your torture of monthly releases? I'm so glad the anime is airing right now or else I'd kill myself from boredom.
Not true at all. Did you even read
It just seems like wishful thinking with no basis in reality and a surefire way to disappoint yourself if you ask me.
Pygmalion's waifu became real thanks to some god. It is Pinocchio's beta, lewd edition.