How do you feel about filtered photographs in manga?
Perfectly valid artistic tool or the calling card of a hack?
How do you feel about filtered photographs in manga?
Perfectly valid artistic tool or the calling card of a hack?
Well if I don't notice or can't tell, I'm fine.
If it's glaring against the art style that's a no.
If it matches the artstyle, then it's good editing.
If it looks like how 3DCG in anime looks like, then it's shit.
It's fine for series where the backgrounds are just there so the panels won't look empty but otherwise it's unacceptable, especially if it's an important part of getting the reader to feel something.
They do it in anime too, who cares, the artwork is shit most of the time anyway so who cares
I personally think OP's example is fine - it almost makes you think that there is a girl like that, waiting out there.
Are there any manga that do it for characters as well as backgrounds?
why would there be something wrong with it
it looks like ass
Pic related is acceptable.
There are some glaringly stupid examples, like in Gantz
These sort of things can never be judged in isolation. You always need to take a holistic approach. You can't even say you're for it if it's seamless and against it if it's jarring, because even the jarring effects can be a positive if well done and intentional.
it's a little too early for hot takes, famicom
Artists should be able to use whatever means necessary to achieve optimal goal, as long as it's not against the law.
when you finish a marathon, nobody gives a shit about the miles you ran, they just care that you finished.
manga is the same way.
If it feels like the artist is just being lazy then it sucks.
Used well thought it's perfectly fine. Just use it being aware that it does stick out so use it carefully. Either use it often or not at all I think.
I'm pretty sure people would care if you rode a car to the finish line.
They care if you hopped in a taxi halfway through.
I only answered your question
This reminds me of those photos where people shop their anime girlfriends into photos of them
He had one job.
Anime Kagewani does it for characters, kind of.
That's unnaceptable for art. Because artist's skill is a necessary part of the art. But since manga is not an art, but shit, i'm ok with it.
kagewani is horrific in a bad way
That's manga for you
>Perfectly valid artistic tool or the calling card of a hack?
It's valid because it has just as high a skill ceiling. Just like tracing is valid.
Also if you get genuinely upset you need to calm the fuck down. We all know magic is fake too, or wrestling. That doesn't make it any less entertaining.
any screenshots? I thought Gantz only used 3D rendering. Not any tracing.
This makes no sense?
tweet him this
Photography done right.
What if you ran in the opposite direction, and circumnavigated the globe on foot? People would probably care then
Magic and wrestling are fake!?
I don't care, really. At the end of the day it is an image I am looking at and whether or not I like the image is purely subjective. Principles or ideologies go out the window as the eye likes what the eye likes.
It's deliberate to make a disconnection between her and the real world.
>as long as it's not against the law
Why on earth would that be remotely relevant?
Plagiarism and copyrights, duh.
Magic is, wrestling isn't. Wrestling is magic. Real magic.
Again: who the fuck cares?
what would be the miles in a manga
That is clearly not fine. The photo doesn't mesh at all with the girl.
Its lazy and also jarring, because manga in general tends to have a simple style for its characters, and it clashes against the high detail of a real picture
That isn't an answer. Would you enjoy your favourite manga any less if you found out aspects of it were "plagiarised" or violated "copyright"?
yes, not even a question.
>because manga in general tends to have a simple style for its characters
The range of character designs in manga is so incredibly fucking diverse that making such a statement is mind bogglingly fucking stupid.
I'll just point out that kys is associated with a strange youtuber who has a following consisting of little children who spam kys everywhere, this strange youtuber even sounds as if puberty skipped him
It cheapens and devalues the art.
Huh? people put effort into creating illusions for magic.
And for wrestling too since they train their bodies and learn how to act.
You have to look at it from an angle where you're comparing an anime character to a real human. It doesn't matter what the art style is for any particular anime, it is always simplified when compared to a real face.
It's based on how well the artist uses it.
As much as how much people tend to shit on them, I think Asano Inio and Hanazawa Kengo's application in their respective works is stellar.
I know, that why i said "tends"
If i had stated every single one of them you would be right.
>most of the time
Sure, but you'd at least like them to make an attempt. Maybe we'd have more Studio Pablos around if more studios cared about their backgrounds.
>tracing is valid
It's not.
Photos in manga is like photos in paintings gallery. It's derogate the meaning of manga as art.
This, more or less.
If it was used more often by a larger number of mangaka I'd probably be against it as lazy.
That said, really only Inio and Kengo are doing it, and they're doing it very well. It adds to their otherwise well-drawn pages and doesn't detract so much as add to the scene.
For now It's fine
Should I be ashamed to have no idea what kys means
No. Only faggots use it. Report it and move on.
I really enjoyed that.