Hey Sup Forums,should i watch or read one piece?
Hey Sup Forums,should i watch or read one piece?
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watch until Alabasta then switch to the manga
around wich episode is that?
Watch until the end of the Fishman Island arc, and then read the manga.
Don't watch the anime, read the manga.
around 100 episodes
learn to fucking google
A second option would be to read it only until arlong park which is around until episode 50
one more thing: we have a board for threads like this
>spoiling the future nakama for yourself by looking up One Piece images
For fuck's sake. Half the fun of OP is guessing which of the characters will join the crew.
neither it's shit
Switch somewhere before the war and skip the fillers.
This is stupid, water 7 is one of the best moments.
Hey I want to learn german and since I know one piece so well, I wanted to re-watch the anime with German dubs and subs to practice the language.
Is the dub decent enough? Also where can I download it or [/spoiler]stream it?[/spoiler]
Sorry for the blogpost.
No to both
Nakamafags like you are degenerate
Read, no contest.
Years ago Sup Forums would tell you to only read it. The anime is garbage and we'd flame anyone who said otherwise. Hell we used to fucking jump down people's throat just for posting images from the anime while discussing the manga. Sup Forums is full of fags now so you are getting 'watch certain parts of the anime' replies.
The real answer is the only good part of the anime is Bink's Sake. Read the manga and then listen to that scene on youtube.
The anime is unforgivably bad even though it was higher quality in the beginning.
>This is stupid, water 7 is one of the best moments.
Therefore you definitely shouldn't spoil it by watching the series?
Read it. Just look at that pic, it looks awful. Anime has horrible pacing and the animation is only decent until Water 7, then it becomes complete shit.
switch to the manga just before marineford
its a great anime, the soundtrack makes it although you have some toei fuckery here and there with the pacing
>This is stupid, water 7 is one of the best moments.
I agree, it was only shortly after that arc that I switched to the manga myself.
One Piece already has over 800 chapters, so I just think for someone who starts reading it now, time saving is also an aspect to consider.
it's okayish, i feel like the main characters are decent, most side characters aren't as memorable though
bs.to/serie/one-piece for dub streams
on onepiece-tube.com you can find streams of the latest episodes with subs
define "years ago"
there've been people suggesting watching it until a certain part for quite some time
At what point did anime fags start to outnumber manga fags in One Piece threads? This thread is so cringe inducing I almost miss Set Sail for Fail guy.
2008ish? Also, I'm not saying people didn't recommend the anime, just that it was uncommon and they were frequently shat on.
Hell maybe I'm glorifying it in my memory.
Thank you, I hope you eat your favorite food soon enough
Wtach anime until Water 7
Read afterwards
You're probably just cherishing over greater days.
Not the person you replied to btw
Watch until the end of Dressrosa arc, and then read the manga.
The manga is great.
The anime is watchable at first, but degrades badly over time.
If you actually enjoy reading manga; and you should manga > anime; then read the series all the way through. Don't spoil the manga.
If you are illiterate or for some god forsaken reason prefer anime to manga, do whatever the fuck you want.
>Half the fun of OP is guessing which of the characters will join the crew.
No it's not.
Just learn to respond in a hospitable manner. It's not the same person you're choosing to answer you fucking faggot.
>Just learn to respond in a hospitable manner.
This is Sup Forums, being rude is hospitable.
You can't even spoiler text correctly you fucking faggot
I for one enjoy the anime.
People like you are cancer
watch it until Water 7 Arc
Reading is okay
Drop the anime and switch to manga after the timeskip. Toei stopped caring after the timeskip.
No, spoonfeeder like YOU are the cancer
I can't recommend the anime with a good conscience since the pacing is beyond fucked up. However, the music in the show is brilliant.
If you want a good compromise, read the manga while listening to the soundtrack.
We're all friends here buddy, and when I greet my friends it's with a 'Hey, you cock guzzling faggot, what dumb shit are you doing today!'
So suck a dick.
The voice acting is great too
I dunno. Other then Brook, I don't think any of the voices sound like I imagined. Brook is perfect though.
Read the manga then watch the cool scenes on youtube after.
Let me be clear I am talking about the Jap voices. I watched the anime before reading so I have the voices in my head while reading the manga. All the Straw Hats + the other important characters seem to have been chosen well
I liked Luffys, Brooks and Usopps casting. The only voice that sounded nothing at all to what was in my head was Robins
did the earlier manga volumes ever get rescanned ? got a big batch a long time ago. im sure its updated by now?
Voice in your head =/= quality of voice actor
Spoil what the anime actually does at lot of those moments on par or better than the Manga the ideal point to switch is Shabondy after that the animation quality drops very noticeably
Reading is about ten times less time consuming. I suggest you just play the ost of the anime on the background.
No, but it detracts from my enjoyment of the show. I'm sorry if I implied the talent was poor. I just felt some of them were miscast.
The anime is fine up to point you far far too mch in terms of well animated moments to completely skip it. Up to roughly Shabondy the pacing is decent and enjoyable, then it all falls off a cliff.
Fucking never.
I'm convinced that people like this just watched too much TV as a kid and fried their brains.
This guy gets it
Watch the entire anime and skip the manga
It made Oda cry at times (good tears)
>not the person you replied to btw
In how far did this ever matter to anyone on here?
Of course it would. Having your work turned into an anime is a huge compliment. The voice actors are all talented and the music is good.
Read the manga and watch the 8th movie.
I'd recommend reading the color scans. Only jumped to the manga at the beginning of the Impel Down arc, but recently read the color scans from the beginning up until the timeskip and thought they were great.