Why did they give Berserk to this fucking studio?
Why did they give Berserk to this fucking studio?
I love me some teekyuu but it's ridiculous that this studio is in charge of berserk now, this show is gonna be horrible
Teekyuu isn't even good.
>Teekyu 6
I wish my favorite show can have this many seasons.
Seems like a good fit desu
if it's anything like the trailers it's going to be unwatchable
Isn't Teekyuu done mostly by one person?
I doubt the VAs get paid.
the episodes are like 2 minutes long
Get the fuck out
kek, did you just make this?
Because no one should watch Berserk.
No budget can make it better than the manga. So you shouldn't even care.
The original Berserk anime was made by the same guys who made the pokemon anime, so I'm not scared.
Nigga every anime should be as lucky to be given to a one man army like the Teekyuu studio.
Haven't watched their shows yet. Is the studio any good at animating?
Pretty sure Millepensee will just draw over the CG
What's a tennis racket got to do with Teekyuu?
>7 shows of cute girls
I don't see anything out of place here user.
The reason is simple. Berserk is still ongoing, with no ending in sight. No studio wants to risk making an adaptation before they know the ending. Once they catch up with the manga, they would either have to make filler, or do an anime original ending. But once the manga is finished, some mayor studio will jump on the bandwagon.
You know most studios don't decide what they make, right
Um, who do you think does?
>No studio wants to risk making an adaptation before they know the ending
Explain 90% of anime then.
>No studio wants to risk making an adaptation before they know the ending
What the fuck am I reading?
Have you counted how many adaptations actual have an ending?
The production committee that wants an anime adaptation look for a studio to produce it
Teekyuu is humanity's magnum opus.
Yeah, and the studio still has to agree to make it.
Crossover when?
Teekyu sells like hotcakes. It's a shitty 2 minutes show, but it got 6 fucking seasons, and they could keep going, because this shit never flops.
At lest you can hope that Berserk won't go full QUALITY, this studio is loaded.
Make Symphogear your favorite
You were saying?
Should have gone to A1 for an im@s crossover
>mfw Natsume S5 airs this year
Seriously why the fuck hasn't madhouse not picked this up? It's something that they usually do and would bring them money and they don't gotta rely on cash grabs LN.
That's pretty sad
Teekyuu has 6 fucking seasons?
>Isn't Teekyuu done mostly by one person?
Yeah. It pretty much was Shin Itagaki's pet project
Wasn't studio founded for that specific purpose?
This is real?
fucking how?
Are you on crack?
Miromin and HanaKana are platinum-level seiyuu.
S2 when?
Don't talk shit about the Tennis Man
In total, Teekyuu has the length of 9 episodes if you count the spinoffs
It's really nothing anybody should be shitting themselves about
>mfw Berserk becomes an idol show with butter smooth animation and all Sup Forumsermins and manimefags BTFO
It's a whole bunch of repetitive slapstick humor that's barely memorable. I stopped following the series by 3.
They're good at fast pacing and time efficiency.
Guts will probably get off the boat after only 1 episode.
>Shounan Junai Gumi will never have an anime
>GTO will never have an anime that doesn't end 1/3 into the story
>You will never ride a Kawasaki Zephyr with your mates and get into fights you know you'll win
>I wish my favorite show can have this many seasons.
Be careful for what you wish for user. Later, you'll wish you've never had that wish.
Madhouse spawned Mappa and Mappa spawned Millepensee.
So actually it's not too far off.
Yeah, I've never seen a non-shounen anime that wasn't absolute garbage by the 3rd season.
That just speaks to your lack of experience.
One never gets off a boat, the other never plays tennis.
Good fit, imo.
Picked up.
Ironically, this news actually makes patricians excited for Berserk again.
>Professor singing "my life is so perfect"
Are the dozens of missing SJG chapters already scanlated? Jesus, I fucking hate to wait for finished shit for so long, I can't even remember what happened last when the translated chapters started skipping. Ryuuji saved the dark chick from that one asshole or something?
Neither are you.
New trailer actually looks quite good.
Farnese's armor is a bit more, pink, then I would have expected though.
Post an image.
Next person has to reply with their own made up anime/manga plot based solely on the picture.
i'll start
I'm so happy