Post shorties.
Post shorties
Posting best shorty.
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I always felt Fino was about average height. For the Nips anyway.
I came here to post this
Poplar wins in certain horizontal directions.
That's a big sink.
Your dick
>not knowing flat is justice
You wish.
I'd call than an unfortunate loss.
>measuring dick in height
Nigger what?
>Post shorties
>I'm short
yeah right, I know you're actually 6ft tall just pretending to be short.
This is different than the usual manlet shit, caught me off guard.
Wow, I bet you're also really fucking handsome too and have a good job.
How about you just fuck off.
Shut the fuck up or I'll sick your dick.
>third row
please stop making me want to fap
>I'll sick your dick.
I bet you can do that while standing
>short enough to stand full height while she sucks you off.
for you
Wow, now you're also hyping up your fellatio skills as well. Is there anything you can't do?
Fuck off.
We can unanimously agree that shortstacks are the best, I think.
Is this a new level of shitposting by glorifying being short?
There is literally NOTHING wrong with short women.
>she's almost as tall as me
Just fuck my shit up
Kill yourself bruh
You wouldn't happen to be from LONDON, would you?
No, I'm from France
Legit giving a fuck about your height. I'm 5'6, don't give a fuck.
Perfect height for blowjobs, senpai.
>I'm 2 feet taller than her
I disagree, but respect your shit opinion
You forgot her
Why are shorties so wonderful?
>liking femlets
It's a shame Tensai will always be the forgotten Asumi Kana shortie. She's really good.