Why the hell does Sup Forums worship cowtits so much?
Why the hell does Sup Forums worship cowtits so much?
Cause Sup Forums's mind has shrunk to the point in which they prefer unrealistic tits, retarded protags and cringe harem romance over a good story.
I don't.
>Posting worst girls
Mage a best
Fighter a second best
>Why the hell does Sup Forums worship cowtits so much?
Cowtits are great, why the hell not?
As much as I love us having titty-worship threads, how many are you going to make these in succession?3
Because many of us are not pedophiles as flat is often associated with lolis. And if I wanted to masturbate to flat, I could just drive down to the nearest lumber yard and tug it while watching through a window at the sawmill.
You made this thread yesterday.
Cause you morons have started accepting them in place of an actual storyline. Grow up and stop ruining anime.
They are young boys who long for motherly love
When they become men they will understand that ass legs and hips are what form the female form for reproduction
>Cowtits and Sup Forums's love for them are the reason why anime is about fanservice instead of actual storylines
Alright, what's your reason then? Why keep recycling the same bullshit? Because they know you eat it up like the teenagers you are.
You're blaming a group of people that have little to nothing to do with the production of anime. Blame Japan and the Nips for your "shitty" anime. Also, you can say the inverse of this.
>DFCfags are just pedos who eat the same shit up just like the pedos you are.
DFC fags like you are fucking annoying, so vocal about some dumbass form of false superiority.
I just love tits man, no matter the shape/size.
But thighs,hips and ass are the true patrician taste.
>ova still not subbed
i hate this world.
See this post? What the fuck is with the anti-loli sentiment that has grown on Sup Forums recently? They all feel like outsiders...or one person desperately trying to shame lolicons.
Sup Forums is full of marketers, we knew that already, but seeing us talk about lolis must make these marketers feel uncomfortable, so as part of their "job" they try to make lolicons feel bad.
Sup Forums wasn't like this a few years ago. Fuck off marketers, normies, whoever the fuck you are. Lolis are here to stay.
>not liking cowtits means you're a DFCpedo
I just like my girls with full, healthy normal busts and no breast cancer, that's all.
Nice try pedo
I only prefer big tits because I've gotten to titfuck a girl before, and it is like fucking the clouds of heaven.
>tumblr gif
2 threads was enough, stop trying to turn it into a general you fucking retard.
>Blogging about 3D
Fuck off.
We don't need a daily fucking thread. OP is a faggot, as usual.
Speaking as someone who prefers cowtits himself: please an hero, faggot.
You're neither invited nor welcome, go back to your cancerous textboard for plebs.
Explain why you don't OP.
Nah, I like to stick around and enjoy actually good shows.
blue board dumb nigger
He posted best girls, Mage an overrated uguu shit
>Dark Elf and Paladin ever being good
Shit taste mate
>still being at stage 3 of the road to being an anime pro
lol, noob
>All these people arguing about cowtits and flat chests
None of them realize that little girls with big tits are the most superior.
>not the best
Fucking pleb
Paladin came close to being the best but how can you not like Mage, faggot?
Oppai loli is an abomination.
Tits have always aroused me, and I've always thought it to be the most important part of a woman's body. It's a sign of feminity.
I love her unreasonably large breasts
Big tits usually means overweight girl
Overweight girl usually means low self esteem
Low Self esteem usually means theyre easy to compliment
Low compliment threshold usually means they will be slutty as fuck for any cock that thinks shes hot
Calling and ugly girl hot will usually result in nudes 99% of the time
its the way of life
I just worship almost anything 2D
Lady J literally has the perfect body.
I don't. I only worship DFC.
So where is the OVA for this? Any subbed one out?
They are nice to look at.
Because we want pedoscum like yourself to whine about it
Loli is love.
fuck off
One day, all of you will reach true enlightenment.
Reminder that breasts are filled with men's hopes and dreams.
Dakara boku wa H ga dekinai?
Breasts are great, no matter their size. Flat, medium, big and gigantic are all beautiful.
Somehow, massive amounts of normalfags made their way into Sup Forums and they're desperately trying to change the place to fit their tastes better. Please don't ever give up telling them to fuck off no matter how numerous they become.
lemme guess, untranslated? ;_;
Reminder that anyone who posts disgusting flat chest doesn't actually like it, they just want to shitpost and get attention.
>Implying I do
Dark Elf best girl.
was just wondering if that was the anime
He's right.
Negative. I only worship JUSTICE
Mage > Paladin > Fighter > Dark Elf > Cleric
Rating pending on Kunoichi.
Preferring cowtits over DFC means you're a healthy male. The entire psychology behind the male attraction to breasts is that they indicate fertility, along with wide hips. The larger the breasts, the more fertile the female is.
Within certain limits.
Paladin is good; Dark Elf can eat as many dicks as Paladin does.
Of course. Z cup breasts are obviously not normal, but I think anything up to F cup is perfectly fine.
I'm perfectly fine with them though.
That's not even flat, that's concave.
Is that a dark elf?
It's a primary female sex characteristic.
You're basically asking why peahens like peacocks with bright and colorful feathers.
This is exactly the type of discussion I would expect out of neo/a/, good job tumblr.
It's impossible to dispute that Chifusa is the greatest waifu of all time.
Make Sup Forums flat again
Busty bodacious blueberry bitch.
Why do the japs ship her with Spider-man?
I blame the death of /l/ for all of this.
Those specific lolis are love but most aren't.
>BDs didn't have nipples.
One of the greatest mistakes I've ever seen in my life.
Go big or go homo
Shit I was just about to check if they were out.
Thanks for the disappointing heads up
Large tits give off a very lewd and sexual feel, while flat chests tend to give off either an innocent or refined feel.
>while flat chests tend to give off either an innocent or refined feel.
No they give no feel you fucking pedophile, how the hell can you like flat chest girls at all?
>Large tits give off a very lewd and sexual feel
They just look very soft and motherly
Then where's the average-sized boobs? B cups and C cups?
A vagina is a poor substitute for cleavage!!
Masturbate using breasts!!
>you can fuck boobs
>use them as pillows
>live off breast milk
Is there anything boobs can't do?
Not sag.
>all these flat and cowtit fags
Concave chests are clearly the best
Breast removal surgery doesn't exist.
Make my penis soft