Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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I was actually born and raised in Puerto Rico. I was born to a single mom. She was a wonderful woman, and she taught me to believe in myself, to work hard, play by the rules. She wanted me to get a good education, and she just told me that the best thing I could do is just study hard.
Reminder that Tae Kim's guide is shit.
What are the alternatives then?
Which is even shittier.
How so?
Not him, but it depends what you mean by "shit". Imabi is better than Tae Kim in terms of accuracy and comprehensiveness, but it's too long as a beginner guide really, and the linguistic terminology would probably go over most beginners' heads too.
I am formally requesting that we rename DJT to
>Daisuki Japanese Thread
Declined. Again.
Very well. Back to the drawing board.
I shall have a new proposal ready by next thread.
More like
>Dasoku Japanese Thread
Does anyone get the pun at the bottom pannels it's beyond me
I didn't read it because I'm not even going to try understanding Japanese puns right now
But did you watch the anime? The puns were supposed to be lame and/or not really make sense. The real joke is that Yui finds them funny and nobody else does.
It was all stuff like "anshin Angkor Wat" (anshin being 安心)
Japanese puns are always just fucking awful, and not in a funny way
>How fast do you think you learned without it?
Slow as shit. Did I ever say it was fast?
>Did you ever do Anki before you went with raw material?
Yes, core 10k early on. I dropped it out of boredom halfway.
>Can you give an idea of how much you improved?
I can apparently write japanese now, despite never practicing writing in my life. I mostly just imitate things I remember hearing and mumble it in my head until it sounds just like my animes.
>You said about 5 hours a day, how fast did your ability go up?
see first answer
>So you just "had fun" and didn't look stuff up necessarily?
If you word it like that it sounds faggy but yes, if you have a strong foundation you can figure out a lot of things from context.
>it's all new to just go hardcore.
Maybe I'm still not getting through to you. It's not supposed to be hardcore or revolutionary. You're literally just "doing the thing you learned japanese in order to do." Just try it.
>highway to fluency tier
max 1 hour of anki reps, 3+ hours of reading each day
>you will never lose the dictionary crutch tier
reading only, no reps
>you can't learn japanese tier
anki and grammar books only
>Not 10+ hours of reading a day
>proper image
Is importing Persona 5 and playing through it more and more as I get better at kanji a good idea or not?
can you play other games or can you read generally
I'm beginning learning Japanese, started on the grade 1 kanji today during my break at work.
How about this guide?
play some easy VN you can text hook instead.
a console game will either be a dictionary lookup hell ,or you won't understand anything.
Given the order of presentation, I wouldn't call it a guide. It doesn't start talking about particles until half way through. Might be alright as a look-up resource, but in that case why not just use the DoJG (written by native speakers rather than by a gaijin)?
I don't know. All parts of the game will probably be equally difficult with respect to how many kanji you know, so playing through it "more and more as you get better at kanji" doesn't really make sense. If you get my point. Getting through the second sentence will be as difficult as getting through the first, so you might as well keep on reading. I mean, you will naturally learn more kanji the more you play, but stopping playing until you've learned more of them outside of the game is a wierd way to go about it.
That's not to say that learning through playing is bad in itself, though. I just wanted to clarify this a bit.
It doesn't really matter what you use to learn basic grammar because you should learn just enough to be able to pick pieces of a sentence and then look up what you don't understand. Reading about a bunch of grammar that you're just gonna forget anyway is a complete waste of time.
learning anything that you cant immediately use and apply is a waste of time
So I'm hearing differing opinions regarding Anki and I'm fresh into the core 10k deck(about 1500 words so far). Should I keep chugging along while doing reading on the side like I am now, or just drop Anki and do even more reading?
I don't find it particularly boring since I just have spotify running for the 4~ hours I spend on Anki everyday. I've had worse times grinding shitty JRPGs.
>4 hours
Jesus christ, what is your retention? Did you do those 1500 in less than a month?
Unless someone here is about to drop some scientific studies on the efficacy of vocab memorization vs just reading, I think you're just gonna have to try and see what works best for you.
I'm doing 150~ words a day with 85% retention. I did RTK and make two mnemonics for every word (one for meaning, another for reading), so I don't have a hard time remembering it.
That's crazy. Maybe I should've done RTK.
You're going to get so burnt out with reviews a month or so down the line
Probably. But if that happens, I'll just pause new cards for a bit and only do reviews. I'm assuming by the time I reach that point, I'll be able to have a much better time reading stuff.
hows this: djts been around for how long and nearly all posts (not shit posts) are about methods and what is better than what and not about japanese itself
To me, djt is for bitching about studying Japanese with others after a long day of grinding it. We all share the same grind. I'm just here to relate and chill.
How does one stay motivated?
I hope these become a new and often used meme. They're pretty funny.
Motivation is bullshit. It'll get you studying for a few days, and then you'll just stop again. You just need to make it a habit by doing it everyday.
As do I, friendorino.
These memes are pretty spicy~
One stops using shitty memes
Don't be such a fuddy duddy.
Such a funny meme the only shit that can counter this is できない and アンきふ and maybe some other stupid shit oh I mean quality ミ意無
> 一定の事象や内容を代理・代行して指し示すはたらきをもつ知覚可能な対象。 狭くは種々の符号・しるし・標識などを指すが,広くは言語や文字,さらには雨を知らせる黒雲や職業を示す制服なども含まれる。 事象との結びつきが雨と黒雲のように事実的・因果的なものを自然的記号,職業と制服のように規約的なものを人為的記号と呼ぶ。 また,事象との結びつきが一義的・直接的なものをサインまたはシグナル,多義的・間接的であるものをシンボルとする分類もある。 交通信号や道路標識は前者の,言語や儀礼は後者の代表である。
Thanks Japanese dictionaries
Also I'm disappointed to see the shitposters haven't left.
I sure don't want to mess with the guy on the left.
>Also I'm disappointed to see the shitposters haven't left.
Give it a few more weeks, they're slowly starting to run out of steam. You can only spend your day spamming the same stuff for so long before it gets old.
Okay seems like I need to take out my 秘密兵器...
*starts the incantation for summoning his transsexual 杏キフ*
「Who is /djt/'s ankifu?」
The fight is over within seconds. The ミ意無 has destroyed every single human life in the radius of 500km.
*pastes dictionary entry* "thx dictionary" *complains about shit posting*
the 皮肉 here boys is 重い 爆笑
instead of shit posting why dont we just call it 古拙 posting
I say we report and ignore. They will go away after a few days lol
Is there a grammar book that strictly uses romanji only? I want to learn the grammar so I can start reading with VNReader transliterating into romanji, but even Genki starts using kanas, ganas and kanjis, and I don't want to bother with those just yet. Once I become fluent reading with romanji I'll start doing RTK or something.
Don't limit yourself like that. It'll only take a few days at most to learn your kana.
Do RTK right now without romanji you can just read through the meaning of kanjis.
And by learn he means trick yourself into thinking you know it. A very popular technique here.
I tried 5 hiragana a day but gave up after a week, kept mixing them up.
Don't learn kana you don't need it because there are romanji system nihon shiki and hepburn
How do people actually trick themselves into knowing kana? I can understand if they do that for kanji, but not kana.
Don't memorize it by rote. There's plenty of mnemonics you can use. You can probably find guides with funny pictures that look like kana to make it easier to memorize.
Yeah, I tired Remembering the Kana but it was boring as hell and burned me out. I'll just start reading in romanji as soon as possible so I can start having some fun.
he means all the posts about doing thousands of flashcards all the while still having less functional japanese than a newborn infant whos umbilical cord hasnt even been cut yet
>How do people actually trick themselves into knowing
Don't use any Japanese scripts (kana, katakana and kanji) in the first year or so of learning. First let your brain familiarize itself with Japanese through romanji I prefer nihon shiki myself but you can use hepburn if you like it.
That's exactly what I want, but I all the textbooks are shit and start flooding you with kanas after a few lessons, it just takes away your willpower to continue.
Don't use textbooks just look out for patterns in romanji sentences or alternatively use kana - romanji sites. There are a lot of good ones just google it.
>and ignore.
I genuinely, whole heartedly believe that you do not have the tenacity to avoid responding to obvious bait.
We just ignore and report that should take care of the problem. Report and ignore!
>responding to bait
Nigger, I literally have no clue what is or isn't bait anymore in these threads.
I don't think I ever knew to begin with.
I'm not a nigger. It's okay if you want to promote your people here, but please don't assume everyone is like you.
If you ever have difficulty remembering long kunyomi readings where you don't get much help from the okurigana, try mnemonics! Here are som examples:
For 司る I imagine a tsukasa doll (tsukasa-doru) directing and managing things.
For 寛ぐ I think of the phrase "put your kutsu on the log (rogu), relax, and make yourself at home" (kutsurogu).
Obviously these mnemonics are just temporary; they serve to get the reading into your head and they fade with time as you start to just read the word normally, but they can be very handy when first picking up a word.
The "lol" should've been a telltale sing.
Wow... This is a good method. I will employ it in my "learning" through anki thanks a lot!
Ugly ぴくちゃー
See, and now I can't tell if you're retarded or not.
Seems like you watch a lot of animated production from Japan and it's hurting your reasoning you might wanna consider not doing that for a while.
I'll fucking rape you to death after school and bury your corpse in the ホームルーム
You must be retarded.
The superior way is remembering it as 使さ取る, which, if we take 使い to be an i-adjective meaning usable, even gives a somewhat related meaning.
Good. Now try to distance yourself from jpanimation even more and you will be able to see the truth.
Is that how ankianime people here learn words? It's so hard to just remember the reading...
Not bad, you get the picture. But I'm gonna one up you and do one that gives you both the kun and onyomi. "Houmuru Simpson's unhealthy lifestyle has finally killed him, so his family lays him down into his grave. Sou sad."
That's a good one! I will add it to my funny pictures and mnemonics list
How did you know I watch anime and use anki?
I can tell that you're unemployed. Probably homeschooled too.
How did you know I was homeschooled?
I don't agree with learning the kun and on readings at the same time, I prefer learning them separately as separate words.
Yeah that's true also I have auism.
So this is the power of mnemomics...