Why is anime music full of so much more feeling than all that normie garbage you hear on the radio?
Especially all trigger songs and stuff from ttgl etc
Why is anime music full of so much more feeling than all that normie garbage you hear on the radio?
Especially all trigger songs and stuff from ttgl etc
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Why are you comparing soundtracks to pop music?
I don't know where else to get music and experience it besides ripping it from my anime or youtube vs radio
Pop music doesn't lack "feeling" at all. What do you even mean by that?
It's all about fucking bitches and getting money. Also most of it is pure talking and singing and a lot of anime music is purely theatrical. I don't see ANY of that on the radio
Because you associate characters you care about with the music
>Pop music doesn't lack "feeling" at all.
It does, though I admit comparing it to anime OST's is rather unfair. OST's whether for anime, western animation, movies or vidya, is handpicked to express a certain sentiment or mood. The OST enhances scenes, whether they're lighthearted, heartwrenching or HYPE. Hell, you can even tell the tone of the vidya by simply listening to its most iconic themes (compare the Super Mario theme to the MGS theme and the Final Fantasy theme).
On the other hand, pop music appeals to the lowest common denominator. Hence why it's about such mundane, everyday and downright overmarketed garbage like falling in love, falling out of love, or going to that one hip party and ignoring all the haters.
This too. Pretty sure more people care about Ryuko than Ke$ha. And I mean care in the sense of emotional involvement, not mindless fangirling.
Because your a deluded weeaboo.
>all music is on the radio
>implying anime music is better then most Jap music
Stop being such a fucking weeaboo faggot.
Maybe you should just listen to more pop music. It's a pretty broad genre, and can hardly be summed up with fucking bitches and getting money. I feel like you only dislike it because it's popular.
>OST's whether for anime, western animation, movies or vidya, is handpicked to express a certain sentiment or mood.
This is kinda what my point was. Why don't more music express mood so well as OST do?
>I only listen to mainstream radio so I know what pop music is!
Kill yourself.
Fuck off, weeaboo.
No I've just had to drive to work a lot longer distance lately and after 35 minutes a day of the 4 radio channels I can tolerate I opted to buy a wireless headset and download a bunch of anime op and ed and other anime music to my phone so I can survive driving to work.
>what is subjective taste
Don't ask retarded questions, OP.
The word you're looking for is Top40. And yeah, it's not good.
but most of it is shit
>not normalfag garbage
I think j-pop is less annoying than western pop shit but I still don't like any of them.
>Taking worst song as example
OST vol.2 track 5 is #1 from both soundtracks faggot.
>Why don't more music express mood so well as OST do?
Well, my post kind of already explained that. They don't exist specifically for one situation or one person like an anime OST does. An anime has separate themes for specific characters, battle themes, "Oh boy prepare for hijinx" themes and emotional themes that were tailored to fit very specific scenes. Pop music is not designed to fit anything and supposed to be something as many people as possible can enjoy so it can sell as many records as possible. It is by design bland and one-size-fits-all.
Want another comparison? Try national anthems. They express the very identity of a country, or at the very least the regime that currently rules the country, or at the very very least the way the current regime of the country wants to be seen. Compare the slow, dignified royal anthem of the United Kingdom to the more dynamic, pompous and warlike Marseillaise. These two songs alone perfectly describe the difference between modern England and modern France, because they were specifically tailored to fit these countries and their tradition.
Do Murricans even listen to anything but pop music? Other countires seem to be more into folk or metal.
Just like literally every medium there is
It sounds like you have an embarrassingly limited idea of what constitutes popular music.
Fuck off.
There are tons of non-soundtrack related songs that are sad or dramatic as fuck, it's just not the case with pop music or dance or however those main stream genres are called.
>fucking bitches and getting money. Also most of it is pure talking
I wouldn't lap that disgusting black music that is getting increasingly ever present and stupider every track with the rest of pop music then use it to describe it all.
If you're so smart why don't you post good anime and not anime but good music it's not like this thread was created for that anyway
Sometimes I amaze myself
Either way you get the point
Don't wear headphones while driving, might kill somebody else when you crash.
Yourself, go right ahead and die, you stupid fuck.
You realize what you posted is literally "pop music", don't you? You're not that retarded, right?
fucking retard
Sup Forums doesn't go outside so they don't have soundtracks to listen to. Why save music when you can save anime and just re watch it
You know you can turn the volume down and leave one earbud out. It's no less safe than listening to the radio unless you're listening to initial D
Because knowing where the music comes from and the scene it played in, makes it less about the actual feeling it gives you, but rather the emotions that you connect to the music
When I think of pop I think of crap sung by blonde bitches from the US so I don't really see how the shit I know is any different from the one you're talking about.
I literally never talked about pop music. I said normie music. This includes ALL non-anime genres such as country, rock, rap and anything else you hear on the radio. I don't care what you mean by pop because anime music has rock and pop and rap in it too. It's specifically ANIME MUSIC >>>>>>> NORMIE MUSIC
This thread hurts.
I know it's bait, but it hurts.
Protip, in Japan the kind of shit you think is "wow awesome anime music" is the kind of shit they play on the radio. For "normies". Now fuck off back to you dumb piece of shit.
Radio music was always shit, why don't you listen to good music instead? We live in the era of russian music download websites and youtube.
You think you can tell me to go but I've been on Sup Forums since it was Anime/Random and I've never visited /r9k/ since it's not anime related
who /weeabooandproud/ here
thinking of owning a katana but not sure if it's legal
Not even op but how do you get introduced to music if it's not from media or radio? I don't listen to much of anything
It's legal if you don't live in a stupid country like the UK
Do you mean you don't see how they are literally different? Or in a sense that they just repeat similar themes?
It feels like any average nignog can go record themselves talking about weed and women, while trying as hard as they can to sound like they never learn basic speech and end up on the radio.
It sounds terrible.
I'm sure I heard a parody somewhere where the guy literally just sang to some generic beat in groans and sounds and honestly it sounded similar.
Not to say generic 'blonde pop' shit is better, just personal taste.
Holy shit and people still think you're not trolling.
Where do the people who use that even come from? I don't visit social websites or boards so no idea who started this shit.
Not even op but how do you get introduced to anime if it's not from media or tv? I don't watch much of anything
>>Holy shit and people still think you're not trolling.
Maybe trolling for music it's not working but I'm posting my real opinions. I've been here long enough to be a total loser user :^)
Enka > usual anime music
>how do you get introduced to music if it's not from media or radio
Google a genre you feel like you're in the mood for and research all of the most well regarded artists from there. Or just check out the million of rec charts for genres on the Sup Forums wiki, don't bother with the actual board.
In the old days we had locally-owned used record stores, they were awesome for finding rare/unique stuff. You could dig through boxes and boxes of genres you liked to pick out things you wanted to try, or, if you had no idea what you wanted, you could chat up the hip guys and gals working there for recommendations. Nowadays we have like.. soundcloud and random bandcamp searches, I guess.
literally here or 2chan. Japs have a word for "people who lead fulfilling lives" that the neets made up so it probably leaked here considering the kind of people who use these sites.
It's the politically correct version of normalfag, /r9k/ and tumblr made up the term to get rid of using the word "fag" because it hurt their feelings.
I didn't even listen to music at all till I was 14 since everything I heard in tv or radio was shit or at least not my taste, save for a few 30 year old songs maybe. Then I got internet and found stuff that's actually good and searched for similar genres or bands.
>the bath scene where Miyako sings enka
you're trying to prove a point to me but anichart tells me what is airing and it's usually no more than 40 shows.
I don't know of anything that recommends music as well especially considering you can make decisions for an anime by it's genre, producers, LOOK, time, etc. For music you can't do that for any of those because stuff can be so varied within music genre and you can't predict it at all. Plus you have to pay for music since they're more than willing to come sue you if you don't pay the 99c download. Anime pirating is much more safe than music pirating. I'm not gonna buy a song I end up hating
I was introduced to music by my parents then older sibling once he himself got into trance/house.
I imagine people like 12-15 nowadays get it from internet?
Probably from youtube.
That doesn't work for what the op was whining about in Any genre can be used to provoke a mood so if he's looking for a specific mood (say hype since he posted trigger shit) you can't search a genre for that
Let me guess, you also love dadrock?
>Do you mean you don't see how they are literally different?
No I actually don't even know black pop. I stopped watching tv around 10 years ago and the only shit I heard back then was stuff like Britney Spears or however you write that and tons of other women that sounded just like her. I only listen to other genres so no idea who sings what when I coincidentally hear some pop stuff somewhere. I didn't even know Beyonce up until a week ago. Well not sure about her music since I only saw pics but I guess it's pop as well. I don't much about American music.
>folk or metal.
Music for manchildren or lonely cakes(future cat ladies), for the most part
You can, you just have to research more genres to see which ones are high energy, relaxing, dreamy, aggressive, etc.
It doesn't take much effort especially since some review sites include the mood for albums
No that's just as normie
This, but I was 17. Goddamn I used to have to drive to school with my sister and she always picked the music because I had none. I still get really irritated when I hear pop garbage from 2004-2007.
Then the internet and I found this by pure chance:
don't fall into the trap of becoming a complete weeb. We all watch anime but deep down know anime is only for entertainment and nothing more. Don't follow in my footsteps and abandon your culture completely so that you can be a slave and cuck to the nips
Literally "l-look how m-mature i am, guys??", the post.
It's literally just music I can't stand here. American music is so bad
Why the fuck would you listen to radio music, you dumb retard?
This song isn't even good.
If you're not a weeaboo you can fuck off right to your normie board on Sup Forums stp defending shit """music"""
Probably part of OP is not understanding the lyrics makes it 'better'
I myself like a lot of music for that. Don't really know why
Listen to more than the garbage that plays non-stop on the radio, that's like saying anime is shit because you've only seen what showed on Jetix
Holy shit I never noticed that. That makes sense. I still hate it nonetheless even if it was a classical Sup Forums word. It just sounds shitty.
Post good anime songs that are better than the shit normalfags listen to.
Because japanese music is catchy.
Thats why i prefer it.
Theres this like the aura of being upbeat and energetic.
Most mainstream music has had any soul it had ripped out.
I'm not saying go full autistic hipster but to get anything of value you have to dig pretty deep
>not understanding the lyrics makes it 'better'
Kinda this for me. I don't give a shit about the lyrics because they're usually terrible regardless of the song. To me the voice is another "instrument"
Most modern commercial radio is quite literally programmed, with tiny playlists all chosen algorithmically. They're engineered to suck.
If you want radio that doesn't suck, seek out the weird little independent stations, they are often university or pirate things, sometimes no even broadcast but only streamed on the net. This isn't for some edgy hipster fight the powah crap, but for the simple reason that actual live humans still pick what to play.
can this thread get worse?
PLEASE use correct terminology....! gosh it's GENKI
>To me the voice is another "instrument"
You realize Japanese pop apes American pop, right? And that none of those songs you enjoy are in any way unique or innovative?
I used to be a huge metalhead in my teen years so I'm speaking from experience
Yes unlike pop right? Which is why pop fans are usually old people and not some loud screaming teen girls.
They sound better however.
You're not a very wordly person are you
Seacats was shit but the OP was great:
My roommate listens to the most bland J-pop imaginable and it takes me a second to realize they're either speaking Japanese or poor English and it's not just random American pop
I didn't post the other song
post more lolicore
I became a fan of Shikata as well when I played Ar Tonelico. I never heard her name before but after that I downloaded all of her stuff. It was EXEC chronicle key that did it for me.
What else do you call it?
He's literally saying "there are only two types of music: anime music and radio music"
Why am I so good at accidentally creating really bad threads tho.
Legitimately was trying to get music discussion
What did you think of Catra?
>trying to get music discussion
Posting it on the right board would be a good start.
I've tried before but they all refuse to post if you say "anime"
It helps to have a soundtrack by Sawano, where "EPIC" is the name of his game.
But anime music is mostly generic trash most of the time, just of the Eastern variety
Because anime belongs to Sup Forums.