These are your breasts tonight
These are your breasts tonight
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CCC translation NEVER EVER
Fine, I'll start that diet
>being an EOP
Animated Cas-ko when?
The surgery starts tonight? But I just ate in the last 12 hours.
She will only appear in bonus OVAs, Last Encore is Nero focused
If you say so. I'll just hope for a two-cour light comedy featuring her.
There is no justice
Good. I guess I should replay CCC then.
Slow but eventually
I'll take a pair of these instead
Too cute
Reminds me. Not nearly enough Passionlip art.
Her pants are weird
I'm the bone of my...
CCC? More like TTTits.
I'd fuck her
I'd Tamamo her Mae if you catch my drift.
Time for another Kujira Logic doujin session?
dem nipples
Did we have any before?
Well, I am.
I can't decide if I like Tamamo Caster or Tamamo Neko more.
Joke's on you, I'm ESL.
I want to make Tamamo my wife
Around 3-4
We both know the reason you're not is because you're a filthy ESL
What's wrong with being an ESL?
The correct answer is both
Same ears and tail as the fox form?
Different color.
The Tamamo Nine (タマモナイン, Tamamo Nain?) are nine aspects of Tamamo-no-Mae, each taking the form of one of her nine tails.
I look at my breasts in the mirror so i can jack it to my own boobs
But not being born in an English speaking country is a blessing, given the choices.
>you will never know what it's like to have boobs
Does Tamamo-cat ever take off the "gloves" and "boots"?
Either they're really attached to her (and thus she has no opposable thumbs), or she is near-perpetually wearing cosplay bits on her limbs.
Just get fat.
I play with my nipples when I jerk off, does that count?
I am actually ok with this
I honestly believe that this casual outfit is the best one Fate has maded, disregarding if I like or dislike Caster or how meme she is