This cummie scum is trying to scare me, he's sending me death threats

This cummie scum is trying to scare me, he's sending me death threats

your autocorrect betrays you user

translation you faggit

>stupid argie decides to LARP instead of actualling reporting a death threat to the police.

after you kill him
get the body to a crematorium
rake the bones and crush them to powder
dump them in a river.

this is a shitted thread now.



white :
>I recommend you to shut up on twitter.
>If you dont want to have problems with more than one.
green :
>is this enough or should I bring the 9mm tomorrow?
white :
>I prefer fist fighting

I get threatened by people on the regular. The trick is to be a big guy 4u and own a enough guns and ammunition to hold off the Oktober Revolution all by yourself.

You niggers can bring knives and guns To El Paro office?